A Bunch of Pictures
From Today’s Two Charity Runs… Up stupidly early for a cancer charity run that Donny Osmond backs and was there. Kris just kicked my ass, but I still finished four minutes faster than my time at the Vegas Strong run two weeks ago. It felt slower, but I was faster and got 4th in my age category. But Kris got 3rd in her age group. Not at all sure what got into her, but I stayed with her and ahead of her for the first two miles, then she just left me in the dust. Then a great breakfast at a favorite restaurant, The Squeeze Inn, and home for a…
An Attempt At Working With Angel
Not Easy… Angel is our Tonkinese cat who we rescued from a shelter about a year ago. Kris talks about her and our other two boys all the time on Facebook. The three of them are “Promotion Central.” But tonight, as I tried to record Motivation Monday 3rd week of the 4th Quarter, Angel wanted attention between running around and yelling. Up until a month ago, she would never just jump up on my lap here at the computer, but now she just surprises me as she lands squarely on my lap between me and the keyboard. That caused a couple videos to be started over tonight. Below is a…
Holiday Spectacular 2022 Coming!!
Yup, That Time of the Year… On Tuesday at noon West Coast Time, the Holiday Spectacular 2022 Kickstarter will fire up. Lots of great rewards and other cool stuff, and every backer will get the Holiday Spectacular 2022. For those who didn’t get in on the last three years, the Holiday Spectacular is a brainchild of Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s. For every day from American Thanksgiving (November 24th this year) through January 1st (39 days), those who get the Holiday Spectacular 2022 will get an original holiday story from over thirty top fiction writers delivered to them to read in any device the reader might want. That’s right, 39 original holiday…
Driving All Over Town…
And In A Town Like Vegas… That means hours of driving, which is what I did today. From 1 pm until 6 pm. Lots of reasons for it, but wow, five hours of driving in city traffic (with a break for grocery shopping) is nuts. In that same amount of time I could have been in downtown LA from here. Tomorrow, not as bad, but I have to pick up the packets (including t-shirts) for two 5k runs we are doing on Saturday. In different places. Thankfully they are on the same general side of town. One run is early in the morning on Saturday, for a great charity, and…
Kris and I Talk All the Time About Branding… Most writers only limit that word “branding” to how their covers look similar in series. How their name in a certain font looks from book to book, and so on. That is all important, but honestly just a tiny touch at branding. When you are taking something out for license, like to a gaming company, or toy company, or anything like that, you detail out your branding on your project. Fonts, type of art, colors and a ton of details are all important to how a product overall looks when transferred from text to media of some sort. Clothing and styles…
AI Art and Audio…
Topic of a Lot of Discussions Among Writers… Lots and lots of early adaptors in the indie writing world are trying AI. For audio, the technology is jumping ahead at full speed and the prices are slowly coming down. For nonfiction, I like the idea and think the quality and technology is almost there now. For fiction, I personally am still on hold until the AI can use my voice and other issues are fixed. But I do know a lot of writers who are trying books with audio. Still too expensive in my opinion, but it does save time. Also limits markets at the moment. The AI art for…
Great Ideas For Advanced Classes
Thank you, Everyone!! For the ideas here in the comments and to me directly through email. Fun Stuff. So let me break down some of the suggestions and combine them into advanced classes. Structure for this Advanced Series would be nine weeks long, with assignments along the way. Price would be $500 (same as the 9-week long collection classes). If we decide to do this, we would offer 6 of them in a year. You can buy all six at some point. They are not part of the regular workshops and would not be available for at least a year on any sales, just as the Business Master Class was…
Advanced Classes
Need Some Opinions and Feedback… Kris and I have been talking over different structures and foundations for some advanced classes. And we want to do the classes so that not only early stage writers can get a lot out of them, but more advanced writers. And we want to do the type of class you can come back to over the years to get even more out of it. The classes would be two or three months long, very detailed and complete. Not part of the regular workshops in any way. We have ideas of what to do, but I thought tonight I would just toss it open to anyone…
Some Running Pics
Just For Fun… I have such bad allergies yesterday and today, I can barely focus. So doing this is about all that I can manage. First is a great picture of Kris out on the course. Second is a picture of Kris crossing the finish line. Third picture of me out on the course working to stay with the guy in the hat in front of me. He’s a year older than I am at 72 so we are in the same age group for awards, which neither one of us won this time around. Me crossing the finish line with him. That was a win for me.
In-Person Workshops
Leaving Price at $750… We had planned for a while to make the In-Person workshops $1,000 so we could find better location. But now that we have found the Resorts World, the cost is not that much more for WMG if everyone stays at the hotel. So for the moment, we are going to leave it at $750. (Again, through the workshop the room rate is $75 plus real resort fees.) You can see the full list and dates of the next seven in-person workshops here https://wmgworkshops.com/in-person/ Only two spots left in January FANTASY CAPER. The spots are getting tight for the May ROMANTIC SUSPENSE and the July FANTASY THRILLER.…