• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    August Regular Workshop Sale Starting!

    Everything on WMG Teachable 50% Off! That’s right, everything. And a bunch of new stuff since the last sale. I’ll go over some of it. Go to WMG Teachable. To get the 50% off price, just hit purchase on what you would like to take, then on the next page put in the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and it will be 50% off. This sale lasts exactly one week. It does not include the in-person workshops, only everything on Teachable. New Stuff Included in the Sale! 9 Different Study-Along classes. (Also the Lifetime Subscription to Study Along Classes which is a fantastic deal even at full price. It includes…

  • Challenge,  running

    Exercise and Weight Update

    First 5K Run Is In One Month… Yikes, not having the weight-loss success I had hoped. In fact, I suck. I even gained a pound this last week. I have been eating much healthier. And fewer calories. The problem is the exercise. I get started, then get focused on something else and just flat forget. Start a streak, miss, forget. Two months now of that. Some good things are that my muscles and skin are tightening up, and it is getting easier to run, even though I am still heavier than I want to be. But wow, the intense discipline I thought I could bring to this has not arrived…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  On Writing

    Heinlein’s Rules

    Just Finished Recording the Last Week… Heinlein’s Rules workshop was an eye-opener again for me. By teaching the rules this way, talking about aspects of each rule for six weeks, I could start to see the beauty in the simplicity of the rules and why they boil this incredibly complex business down to such a simple foundation. And why Heinlein called them “Business Rules.” They really are business rules. And motivational rules. And thinning-the-herd rules. I was so lucky to stumble on them in the fall of 1981 and decide to just do them without missing starting January 1st 1982. Over 40 years ago… (yikes) I would have been thinned…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    A Streak Without Desire

    How to Get Through a Streak Lull. As I said back a week ago, I have been doing this blog for ten straight years, without missing a night. But truth of the matter, I sometimes had no desire to write anything and nothing I felt was worth writing about. And if you are doing a writing streak, that will happen as well. Just the brain says, “Nope.” Not a block or anything silly like that, just a lack of motivation at that moment in time. So how do you get through that? Write a line, then another line, then another until you hit your streak goal. They do not have…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshop Sale Ends Tomorrow (Sunday)

    Half Price for Anything On WMG Teachable Let, just for the kick of it, see if I can list all the major categories of classes and workshops to learn fiction writing and the publishing business on WMG Publishing Teachable. Lifetime Subscriptions (4 available… All workshops, All Pop-Ups, All Lectures, and All Study-Along) Regular workshops (12 offered in August) Classic Workshops (38 different ones on all sorts of topics) Pop-Up Classes (79 Available now, five new being added this next week or so) Lectures (A lot of them) Study Along Classes (3 offered, more to be announced shortly for 2023) Master Business Class (Includes a lot of other classes, plus two…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Hidden Gems In the Workshop Sale

    So Many To Pick From… So with Kris’s help, I figured I would put a few up here that you can get for half price that are great, great deals. And hidden for the most part. SERIES INTERVIEWS… I interviewed Kris about ten of her series first stories or books. Trust me, more about writing, publishing, and writing series in these 40 videos than you can imagine. This is a stunning deal at full price, but at half price, it is amazing. BUY THREE… You can get 3 regular workshop credits, 3 pop-up credits, 3 classic workshop credits, or three lecture credits to use at any time into the future.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  Recommended Reading

    Finished Kris’s New Fey Novel

    Stunningly Good! I’m not going to say anything about it in detail, because I don’t want to ruin it for all the fans, but I will just say this: It is amazing and I can hardly wait for her to finish the next one (third one). And now the first novella makes a ton of sense. How she does it is beyond me. Bunch of stuff coming out this coming week. A new Smith’s Monthly and a new issue of Pulphouse Magazine, among two of them. And working on a new Pulphouse Magazine Kickstarter subscription campaign that will be out in a few weeks. That will be a fun one.…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Special Workshop Links Sent Out

    Special Workshops from the Kickstarter… Everyone signed up for those two special workshops should have a letter from me with the links and codes to get into them. First sessions start Tuesday and second sessions of both start July 5th. If you thought you signed up for a workshop through Kickstarter, and didn’t get a letter from me tonight, then check your spam filter. The letter has links that will often send it to spam. Then if not there, make sure you are checking the email you used on Kickstarter. If still can’t find it, write me and I’ll send it again. Everyone, remember there is a half-price sale going…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  publishing

    Licensing Expo First Notes

    Better Than I Had Expected… The size of the Expo was down from 2019, which was no surprise. Takes the larger companies months to plan an exhibit, and months before this, such as last fall and January, we were still in uncertainty as to events coming off the pandemic. But yet a lot of them still made it, in one form or another, a lot of mid-range and smaller companies as well. So 250 booths this year, where in 2019 there were around 400. But still amazing. WMG Publishing had me, Kris, and Allyson at the show. We did not have a booth and now never will. We figured out…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Flash Sale Ends Today!!

    Wednesday at 7 PM West Coast Time… So I hope anyone who wanted to keep studying writing and publishing through this Time of Great Forgetting got something they wanted. Our hope in doing this was to help fight all the distractions of this time period. Maybe we should call this period the death of streaks period. The death of yearly goals period. Easier just to call it the time period when writers just flat forget about their writing and publishing. Things That Help… Be a full-time professional fiction writer who needs to earn a living. (Yup, by that point, you are done with this problem.) Have deadlines that are important…