• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Star Trek Stuff

    Still Typing with One Hand… So a Blast from 2012! I wrote this originally in 2012, over a hundred novels ago… I have republished it at least once, but it is good Trek history. ————— Last week in the mail (2012) I got this huge packet of royalty statements from Pocket Books. Now understand, when I say huge, I mean huge. Maybe 200 pages. I’ve written shorter novels to be honest. These statements are only for the books I did with Pocket Books that are still in print in one form or another. And a bunch of them are Star Trek books of one sort or another. Looking through those statements,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Weird Feeling

    No Printer… Finished a short story tonight and couldn’t print it up. So it still feels unfinished. Amazing the power of a habit of over 30 years. For all that time, when I finished a story or novel or anything, such as an introduction to a book or issue, I would print it up almost immediately. Within minutes. Manuscript format. And I would give it to Kris to read. That made the story finished for me, solid and on paper, and I seldom (like never) looked at it again except to correct typos Kris found. But Kris’s printer went crazy a week or so ago, and I was busy with…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part 11

    Expectations… I say this little introduction to each new parts… New fiction writers coming in now are really torn between all the myths and hype of traditional publishing and all the myths and hype of indie publishing. But as I said back in the first post of this series, the paperback era of big publishing is pretty much done, and the distribution of fiction is changing over to the electronic era of indie publishing, with indie writers in charge. These kinds of major shifts in fiction distribution to the readers has happened four major times through the history of this country, with each new era lasting about 50 years and…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops One More Time

    One More Reminder… Before I move on to other topics, I just have to remind everyone that the May workshops have all just started and time to get into them. Here is the post I put up a few days ago. —— There are some really great classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops Starting Up!!

    Not a Clue What Happened to April But the May workshops are starting today (Tuesday) and Wednesday. There are some really great classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is to go over the Classic Pacing class first.) COLLECTION CLASSES… (Nine Weeks Long… You write five stories and publish a collection at the end. Any…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops!

    These All Start In Just Over a Week!! Yes I know, what in the world happened to April? And to make that worse, the May workshops are starting up on the 2nd. A week from Tuesday. Yikes!! But good news is that there are some really nifty classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Five Months Ago…

    We Did “The Last Sale” in October, 2022… That’s right, that was five months ago… Since then we have played with a small sale only for lifetime supporters, another sale to see who would open their mail from Teachable, and one more short fun sale to see who read to the bottom of one of the posts on my site. But the monthly big sales were over last October. And they still are. But a bunch of factors have come together to suggest we should do a surprise half-price sale right now. So we are using the code: Surprise Just hit purchase on anything on WMG Teachable and then on…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Great New Workshops Available!!

    In-Person Workshops, Study Along Workshops, Novella Add-Ons, and the Special Fey Workshop… That’s right, all available now and up on Teachable…  FEY SPECIAL WORKSHOP… Those of you who got this in the Fey Kickstarters, the code to get into it will be sent out early next week.  It is on the first page of Teachable and it takes the 11 videos Kris did in Lessons from the Fey and adds a lot more videos by me to it. I will dig down into the why of what happened, the writing ways Kris managed to keep going, and so much more about publishing and surviving as a long-term professional. This might…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Forgot One Thing… Writing

    That’s Right, But Not Really Forgot… Just left it out of that massive list of things starting the first part of the year. Writing is the most important thing, and for the first time in going on 50 years, I did not have an open lane to write as much or as little as I want starting the first of the year. Back in late October, I injured my one good eye and was basically blind for a couple of days which was damned scary. Turns out is is something that happens, has no cause (unless you are coming down with MS), and has no treatment. Basically the eyesight in…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    In-Person Workshops

    Firing Up!!! Sent out all the reading list and hotel information for the Fantasy Caper In-Person Workshop starting on January 9th and ending on January 12th. Everything is on the Study Along class on Teachable. So if you are thinking of doing the Study Along, the reading list is there. If you are attending in person, the hotel information is there as well. First assignment will be sent out two weeks ahead of the start date of the workshop. And there are two spots open in the Fantasy Caper In-Person class. Write me directly if interested or have questions. If you are attending and did not get my letter today,…