• Challenge,  workshops

    Last Day of Sale!!

    Ends Sunday Night Late!! The Diving Universe Shopify Store has been having a GRAND OPENING SALE . One amazingly cool store, with lots of deals and discounts on products and everything. And along with the Grand Opening Sale of the Diving Shopify Store, we have been doing a workshop sale. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. FOR ONE MORE DAY ONLY!! And below are some really cool new workshops, plus the list of the October Regular Workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or workshop you want to take, then on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will get…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    3 Days Left on Workshop Sale!!!

    Ends Sunday Night Late West Coast Time… Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And below are some really cool new workshops, plus the list of the October Regular Workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or workshop you want to take, then on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will get the class or workshop or whatever for 50% off. Code is: Diving50 Any problems or questions, feel free to write me. New Classes!! Flash Techniques… That’s right, in the exact same structure of four videos every Monday morning of the Bite-Sized Copyright and Decade Ahead classes, every Monday…

  • Cave Creek,  motivation,  On Writing

    Write Only For Yourself…

    Something I Teach All The Time… The great artist Bob Eggleton put up a post on Facebook tonight. A quote from Andre Malraux the French novelist (among other things he did.). Malraux said, “An artist discovers his genius the day he dares not to please.” I am constantly talking with young writers who are doing a number of things that I try to convince them are not critical. And often deadly. 1… Writing to market. (What is supposedly hot in sales, what you have already done, what others tell you to write.) 2… Write for beta readers or first readers or workshops. Just pretty silly when you stop and think…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Questions About the Workshop Sale…

    Got Some Great Questions the Last Two Days… All about the 50% workshop sale that we are running in conjunction with the Diving Universe Shopify Store Grand Opening. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And w have some cool new workshops as well. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or workshop you want to take, then on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will get the class or workshop or whatever for 50% off. Code is: Diving50 Any problems or questions, feel free to write me. So let me answer the questions I got as best I can… 1……

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing,  workshops

    Wow!! What a Store!!

    WMG Publishing Started a New Diving Universe Store And right now it is having a grand opening sale.  Go to www.divingintothewreck.com and browse around. Imagine the store without all the Grand Opening sales stuff. And imagine something like it as your own author web site. Yes, Shopify can do all kinds of looks and blogs and anything a regular web site can do and so much more.  I loved the Pulphouse Shopify Store and our main WMG Books store we call “the mothership.” But when I saw how Stephanie Writt had built this store, the first thing I thought of was an author web site. It would be one of…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    New Diving Store and Workshop Sale!!!

    New Workshops Available for Sale!!! The Diving Universe Shopify Store is having a GRAND OPENING SALE starting around noon later today (Friday). Check it out when it opens. One amazingly cool store, with lots of deals and discounts on products and everything. I will talk more about the store tomorrow evening after everyone can see it. But right now, along with the Grand Opening Sale of the Diving Shopify Store, we are doing a workshop sale. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And below are some really cool new workshops, plus the list of the October Regular Workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    September Workshops All Starting Up

    All September Workshops Now Starting… Last month we brought back THE MAGIC BAKERY six week workshop. Critical to understanding how this new world and copyright is working for indie writers. And we brought back to regular status PLOTTING WITH DEPTH. It will also might have new videos as we think they are needed. And last month we started a brand new workshop in the depth series called DEPTH IN ACTION. Basically how do you use depth when writing action scenes, how much, how little, and when, to make sure readers know what is happening and stay with your story. Everything is on WMG Teachable. WARNING: You must have taken both…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    September Regular Workshops Now Available!!

    There Are Now 9 Regular Workshops… Last month we brought back THE MAGIC BAKERY six week workshop. Critical to understanding how this new world and copyright is working for indie writers. And we brought back to regular status PLOTTING WITH DEPTH. It will also might have new videos as we think they are needed. And last month we started a brand new workshop in the depth series called DEPTH IN ACTION. Basically how do you use depth when writing action scenes, how much, how little, and when, to make sure readers know what is happening and stay with your story. Everything is on WMG Teachable. WARNING: You must have taken…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Why Do Streaks?

    Day #4,031 of This Blog… Never missed, as I said yesterday. So why do this, or any other writing streak for that matter? The answer is simple… FOR YOURSELF You do it for yourself. Last year I wrote over 100 short stories in 100 days. Why? Because I wanted to. Thought it would be fun, and it was. Over the last few years WMG has had challenges we offer to writers on Teachable. A no-lose challenge. If they miss, they get what they paid in credit in workshops, if they hit the challenge, they get a lifetime subscription of their choice. Story a week, novel every two months, novella a…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Last Full Day of the Sale…

    LAST DAY ON THE SALE!! 50% off All WMG Writing classes and Workshops… Everything. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on WMG Teachable 50% off is: GrandOpen Just hit purchase on anything you want and on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Everything is available, including the lifetime subscriptions and the bundles to the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS classes. BRAND NEW CLASS SERIES… The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a…