A Matter of Perspective
How I Feel Every Time… To the best of my knowledge, I did 106 books for traditional publishers, ending in 2008. At that point, as I have said numbers of times, I was tired of publishing, tired of the worsening contracts and the horrid attitudes of editors. I was disgusted by the system and the corruptness. And I got really tired of watching the system chew up not only friends, but new writers. In other words, I was finished. Indie publishing saved me. I could control my own copyediting, my own covers, and retain ownership of my copyrights. Plus I didn’t have to feel like a beggar with a tin…
Time of Great Forgetting
Almost Over… We are almost at that moment when new writer’s wake up and sort of wonder what happened to all those great goals they had early in the year. What happened was family, gardens, summer vacations, travel, sports, and so on and so on. I had some fine writers who powered through the Time of Great Forgetting because of a challenge with me. I’m finishing up reading everything this coming week and it has been great fun to watch the writers return their focus back to writing after vacations, after life took them away. It was a honor to watch them all get through the challenges and everyone was…
Bundles in BundleRabbit.com
Many of you know my fondness for bundles… I find multi-author bundles a fantastic new addition to the publishing world, great for both authors and for readers. But mostly for readers. I hear all the time about how hard it is to find new books. Well, bundles are a great way. I bet many of you didn’t know about this fantastic place called Bundlerabbit. Now unlike bundles I normally push here, Bundlerabbit bundles can be bought at a very low price on Amazon, Kobo, B&N, and on BundleRabbit. And the combinations of novels and authors are unlimited. For example, in this very cool bundle called Guns of the West, I…
Short Story Finished
Doing Some Short Fiction Again… Reason is pretty simple. I only have enough short stories left of the stories I want to put in Smith’s Monthly to last a few more issues. I have about a hundred or so stories (some sold) in my files, but most of them are from what I call my “Horror Period” when I was getting nominated for Stoker Awards. I have nothing at all against horror, just not who I am as a writer anymore. I have put in Smith’s Monthly a few from that period, but most are just too brutal for even my tastes. Back in the Splatterpunk days was another world.…
September Workshops Starting Tuesday
Yes, it is September Already… The September workshops are a good selection and very few are signed up, so lots of room. Information at: www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page. I will be updating that this next month or so. Class #25… Sept 5th … Depth #3: Research Class #26… Sept 5th … Writing into the Dark Class #27… Sept 5th … Business Class #28… Sept 5th … Endings Class #29… Sept 5th … Writing Fiction Sales Copy Class #30… Sept 5th … Writing and Selling Short Stories Class #31… Sept 6th…
The Universe Between Bundle Last Day!! The fantastic fantasy bundle Universe Between ends later tonight. The bundle helps AbleGamers.com as well. While you are just waiting around for me to do a pricing post, (grin) grab the bundle and discover some top writers I know you have never read before. Talk about pricing? Wow, this is a good deal for some great novels and a volume of Fiction River on top of it all. And don’t forget that the September Online workshop are starting on Tuesday. Not even the new one is full yet. ————– Here are a few details… I had the pleasure of curating another bundle for Storybundle.com…
A Reminder!
The Universe Between Bundle Last Day!! There is only one day left on the fantastic fantasy bundle Universe Between. The bundle helps AbleGamers.com as well. While you are just waiting around for me to do a pricing post, (grin) grab the bundle and discover some top writers I know you have never read before. Talk about pricing? Wow, this is a good deal for some great novels and a volume of Fiction River on top of it all. And don’t forget that the September Online workshop are starting on Tuesday. Not even the new one is full yet. ————– Here are a few details… I had the pleasure of curating…
Some Issues
Dealing with some personal stuff and will only be able to post light here. Also workshop assignments will be delayed a few days for the very first time. Nothing critical so no worries.
Posts on Paper Books
Last two nights I have done long posts about the value of selling paper books… If you missed those, take the time to catch up now. Later this week I will do more posts on pricing and basic distribution. In the meantime, there is only three days left on the fantastic fantasy bundle Universe Between. The bundle helps AbleGamers.com as well. While you are just waiting around for me to do a pricing post, (grin) grab the bundle and discover some top writers I know you have never read before. Talk about pricing? Wow, this is a good deal for some great novels and a volume of Fiction River on…
Paperback vs eBook… Don’t Care
Thanks for all the kind comments… On the post of the value of a paperback last night, I never intended to start some sort of paperback vs ebook silliness. Both are part of our delivery systems for the near future, at least. I’m fine with that. In fact, without the advent of electronic books, the indie revolution in publishing would have a much slower and much different start. My point last night was to help writers understand the value of a single paperback. Indie writers get lost in all the hype of selling ebooks and that sort of thing. I am no exception to that at times. And a couple…