• Challenge,  running,  workshops

    Off and Running

    Also Getting Back Into Shape… The goal is 13 weeks from this weekend to run/walk in the Las Vegas Marathon and complete it around four hours. So not only with the writing goals, I have an exercise and health goal. I considered today Day One, and got off to a good start. Did well over 10,000 steps (5 miles plus) of which a half mile of that was running. I want to do about 40 miles per week of walking. Then over the next 13 weeks really ramp up the totals on the running. Can you tell I am getting settled in here in Vegas? (grin) Reminder!!! August Regular Workshops…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenges Coming Up

    I Am Getting Closer to Setting Some For Myself… Since my challenge of publishing 67 major books in my 67th year failed so fantastically due to the life roll of a sudden move to Las Vegas (I will manage about 20 or so), I’ve been thinking about maybe doing 68 major published books for my 68th year. I have a little time to decide. I am also thinking of the crazy idea that came up in some comments a week back. “Living at Pulp Speed Five.”  Writing ten finished novels in 100 days.  Yeah, that is crazy, but could be great fun. And it would be a great nonfiction book…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Depth Done Right

    An Example of What I Try to Teach… I’ve been reading the new Dean Koontz thriller series that started with The Silent Corner. His character, Jane Hawk is great. Now I study Dean Koontz a great deal because his writing is often invisible, his characters built to be real people, his plots usually twisted. And he is a master at all kinds of techniques, from floating viewpoints to pacing that won’t let you go. So on looking back through the second book of the series, The Whispering Room, I happened to notice how well Koontz sat the scene with depth every chapter in one way or another. Now we have a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Master Business Class Information

    Still Have Openings… The workshop is October 19th through the 23rd in Las Vegas. A firehose of information at the top levels of indie publishing business. Folks, you don’t want to miss this one. Write me at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com to get more information and instructions on how to sign up and pay for the workshop. The workshop is being held at the Golden Nugget in downtown Las Vegas in a beautiful and modern convention center. There is a block of room you want to be in because it will be cheaper and also for ease and other reasons. I will send you a code to get into the workshop room block…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    All August Workshops Started

    But Still Time To Join One or More of Them… August Regular Online Workshops have all started. There are very few signed up for these August workshops. Remember, the workshops only take a few hours a week of your time, so even for a month like August it should be possible. And September there will be a new workshop or two announced. And some new lectures as well. And the reading list will go out for the first Study Along Workshop in September as well. And September starts the new short story and novel challenge. Still spots in both if you are thinking about it. The goal is thirty short stories…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Plot Twists

    Maybe This Should Be A Workshop… Plot twists, when done right, are wonderful for readers, and can get your book talked about and help you sell more copies. When done wrong, plot twists make a reader toss a book against a wall and never read another thing by that author. So what makes a good plot twist? As I said, I think there is more than enough to make this into a full four week workshop with webinars. But for kicks here, since plot twists are on my mind, let me try to hit a few high points of good plot twists that spring to mind. — The twist must…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    August Workshops Starting Up

    It’s That Time… August Regular Online Workshops are starting up. Actually, this caught me by surprise tonight as well. Sort of snuck up on me to be honest with all the travel and move stuff. But now I am settled into my new office and moving forward again just in time for these to get started. To be honest, there are very few signed up for these August workshops. Almost everyone will get a private lesson. Remember, the workshops only take a few hours a week of your time, so even for a month like August it should be possible. And September there will be a new workshop announced. And…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Reading And Story Consumption

    Today, While Resting, I Consumed Story… Since I just pulled into town last night, I decided to mostly rest today. So besides some naps, I read part of a Dean Koontz novel called The Silent Corner. It is the first book with a new continuing character. I think he’s got three or four in the series now and it is typical Koontz smooth writing and rich details. And then Kris and I went to a movie, a fun one about a spy who dropped his girlfriend. Just a wonderful, fun spoof. I seldom talk here about my reading or story consumption. But as any professional writer, I do it all…

  • Challenge

    Long Drive But Safely Home in Las Vegas

    Great Lunch In Boise With Friends… Then drove all the way through to Vegas. Took about 11 hours, with stopping every hour, so I’m tired tonight, but feels wonderful to be home. So I’m looking forward tomorrow to drop into some routines and get the writing back going. But for this Saturday night, this will have to be enough to keep the blog streak alive. Back tomorrow with some new stuff.

  • Challenge

    Getting Excited About Writing

    Life Roll of the Big Move is Almost Past… So I am getting really excited about writing as I get more and more rested. My challenge of the 67 titles in my 67th year got blown out of the water by this life roll, so giving some thought to what I want to do next on that front. Maybe 68? Still thinking about that. And my Cold Poker Gang series is getting some good feedback and was a focus for a time and I have a list of ten titles for that series that need novels to be written. That would be fun as well, since I am now living…