Still In A Bundle Going Now!
But This Won’t Be Around Long… Sector Justice: A Seeders Universe novel is in this one. It stands completely alone. Basically a Star Trek like sf novel with a focus on cool space adventure, romance and some sex. Go figure. (grin) And it is a little longer than my normal novel these days. Kristine Kathryn Rusch put this bundle together and it’s a great bundle with some great books, stories, and writers. You can get it on Storybundle. LICENSING LEARN ALONG… If interested in jumping into that, better hurry. I’m about to shut it off on the 1st or 2nd. Those who are in will get some more videos as…
Rethinking the Writing Business
Kris’s Blog Is A Must Read… At least for indie writers. (Traditionally book published writers don’t bother to read it because it won’t help you. You have already screwed yourself.) Indie writers, this first post in a series by Kris is amazing and very clear. She talks about our adventure at the Licensing Expo, some of which I have also talked about in the Learn Along Licensing thing I did on Teachable. And she talks about the main conclusion we came to, and that is simply “We are doing this wrong.” So head there and read it and comment if you want. Or come back here and comment if you…
Lifetime Workshop Subscription
Just Added Writing Westerns Into It… And I happened to notice that the total value of all the workshops in there was well over $16,000. Wow, shows what happens when you just sort of keep going year after year after year. This year we have put in four Futures Workshops, an Emotion workshop, Writing Time Travel workshop and Writing Westerns starting in July. It does not include the Pop-Ups, the lectures, Study Alongs, or odd things like the Licensing. But still, $16,000 plus of workshops for $3,000. And who knows how many more workshops we will keep adding over the years. Many more, from the looks of it. Seven in…
Getting Ready…
To Start Right Here a New Nonfiction Book… This one is coming from the learning and experience at the Licensing Expo. For the longest time I told writers to learn copyright (I still do… critical). But I also said at times to not worry early on about trademark. Well, with the focus changing to licensing (which includes publishing), trademark for brands is becoming more and more important. And it is a tough area. I have had some training in it, and been refreshing that training. So here I am going to do a series of blog posts called Trademark for Fiction Writers. I am not a lawyer, so it will…
Got Sidetracked Tonight
Reading… Time just went flashing past. So this won’t be much of a post beyond what I need to do to meet my challenge streak of this daily blog since I am an hour beyond when I normally head to bed. Both novel and short story Great Challenges are still open. And the Licensing Learn Along will be open for one more week before I shut down sign-ups on it. All on Teachable. July Workshops will be starting in one week. The Writing Westerns will be there and I will be adding it to the Lifetime Subscriptions in a day or so. (It is the 7th new workshop added to…
Quick Saturday Post
Romance Study Along… The Romance Craft Workshop here in Las Vegas is September 20th through 24th and is taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, aka Kristine Grayson. It has been full for some time and everyone is reading the reading list Kris gave out. But the Romance Study Along on Teachable still has openings. And those signed up in that also have the same reading list. There is still time to jump into the Study Along and have time to read all the books on the reading list and take part in the Study Along. But not much more time. So check it out on Teachable.
Challengers Doing Great!
Those in the Great Challenge Keep Going Strong… Right into the face of the time of great forgetting. A number who started the first week are working on their tenth story in a row. Fantastic! So far only two have had life take them out, which considering the time of the year, that is amazingly wonderful that only two have dropped away. I do expect more to drop away, which is no shame. Even with six or seven or more short stories done, the writers still get two workshops for the fee of signing up. So two workshops and a bunch of short stories finished. Win! So well done, everyone.…
Licensing Learn Along
Three New Videos Tonight… That brings the total now to 48 videos in the Licensing sections and another 40 plus videos in the Magic Bakery Classic Workshop that is included. So almost 90 videos and pictures on Licensing. Takes some time to go through, that’s for sure. All for $200. And I will be closing it for new sign-ups in a week, around the first of the month. All of you signed up, no worries, all the videos will remain. And I will be adding some more new videos this next week or so. So still a week to sign up at Teachable. In October, Kris and I and Loren…
Allyson Is Back
And She Did Me A Great Cover… I am working on a second Cold Poker Gang mystery novel. I finished one that I haven’t even put in Kris’s typo finds on yet. That is called Heads Up. And I went right to the next Cold Poker Gang mystery called Ring Game. Well, before Allyson got sick, she had done me a cover for Heads Up. And since she is back and getting healthier by the moment, I found some art I thought would really fit Ring Game and she sent me a cover this morning. I love writing on a novel when I already have a great cover done. When…
New Space Travelers Bundle Now Live
And I Have A Book In It… Sector Justice: A Seeders Universe novel is in this one. It stands completely alone. Basically a Star Trek like sf novel with a focus on cool space adventure, romance and some sex. Go figure. (grin) And it is a little longer than my normal novel these days. Kristine Kathryn Rusch put this bundle together and it’s a great bundle with some great books, stories, and writers. You can get it on Storybundle. What follows is a blog Kris did about the bundle. Worth the read. ————- The Space Travelers Bundle – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch When most people think of science fiction,…