December Workshops
Starting In One Week… First off, those of you got the special How to Write a Holiday Story workshop will be getting a letter from me later this week with the ability to pick which of the two sessions (December or January) you want to take and a code for both. So hold on for that. December session will start on Tuesday. The regular December workshops also start on Tuesday and here is the list. Class #51… Dec 3rd … Endings Class #52… Dec 3rd … Attitude Class #54… Dec 3rd … Speed Class #55… Dec 3rd … Teams in Fiction Class #56… Dec 4th … Depth in Writing Class #59… Dec 4th… Information Flow…
Stay Safe Out There
Two Major Storms… Are going to be rolling across the country this week, making a mess of travel. And so many people are going to think it will be life or death if they don’t get to where they are headed. And it really will, in many sad instances, become death or injury on bad roads. Or waiting for days in airports, under stress that will do your body no good at all. Or being stuck without a way home for days and days. Ughh. Holidays like this one here in the States this week are supposed to be fun things. But with major storms threatening to make a mess…
Well, That Was Fun…
Actually the Run Was Fun… Then I got home and couldn’t load the first assignment to the Anthology workshop group list. So after giving it some time and a dozen different tries, I created an entire new workshop on Teachable that no one could see but the people I sent direct links to it. And I put the first assignment in the anthology workshop there. Did a cover for it and everything. And just about as I was about to start emailing everyone in the workshop with the code, I tried one more time and ended up loading the assignment. So if anyone in the anthology workshop has not gotten…
Anthology Workshop Starting Up
Yup, the Workshop That Will Happen In February… … Is starting Sunday evening, when I send out the first assignment to the writers. A short story per week for three weeks, then some weeks off for the holidays, then three more weeks of a short story per week. So if you are signed up for the anthology workshop, get ready to write. (grin) I love this workshop more than almost anything we do. And I hope to be completely caught up on the Great Challenge stories in this next week before the anthology stories come in. And I have seven workshops to move over to Classic Status this week. The…
Stupidly Slow Reading
Because the Writers Are So Good… And they keep pulling me into the stories, forcing me to enjoy them and read all the way to the end. (grin) In case you are wondering what that is all about, on some of the writers in the Great Challenge, I am stupidly behind in my reading. Way, way behind, but the writers who have been working on the challenge for a time, are getting darned good, pulling me into stories. So it is taking time and I am enjoying it and I have to move from the computer every thirty minutes for my eye, so taking even longer. But I will get…
New Videos In Shared World Class
Plus the First Assignment… There will be numbers of assignments and stories to write over the months of this Shared World class. Going to be great fun, so any of you in the class, make sure you find time in the next few days to take a look. The assignment isn’t due until the 15th, but it will take some time to do correctly. And for those of you thinking about taking the class, I will shut it down on the 8th of December. Held it open longer than I had planned because a few people asked. So if interested, don’t delay and miss it. I will have new videos…
Reviews and the Art of Avoiding Them
My Advice: Never Read A Review… I should stop right there. But I had a person yesterday ask me a couple of questions on how to get restarted once the critical voice took over. Good questions and I was willing to help. So I asked a couple questions in return about what had stopped the writing and the fun in the first place. Seems the writer had a new book out, the writer was writing the next book in the series, and turns out reviews were consumed by this writer. Consumed is the word that describes what the writer said. I asked what kind of reviews. Great reviews. Oh, no….…
Some Misc Stuff
I Got a Couple of Questions About Why… … I was cut off the marathon course at mile 11 instead of later on. Simple math is the answer. I had reached the 11 mile turn at 2 hours and 10 minutes. Now I had on my planned-out schedule that was about the latest I could hit that point and I was wrong by a few minutes. It was too late. Actually, I wanted to hit it under two hours. Here is the thinking… I did 11 miles, while fresh, in 2 hours and 10 minutes. That means if I was lucky, I was going to do the next 11 miles…
Wow, Am I Behind
With Just About Everything… But I am now back and focused. However, I did spend the day doing a lot of recovery from the run yesterday. Two naps, some groaning while standing up, no real walking any distance. I walked/ran 17.4 miles yesterday by my Fitbit calculations. Upped my weekly average some. (grin) So those of you who have stories in that I have not read, expect them to come pouring your way this week. And through the weekend. I can only read so much at one sitting on a computer because of my eye. And I will be also getting the December workshops up and available. And the code…
13 Plus Miles
A Half Marathon… That’s what I mostly ran tonight on the Strip in Las Vegas with about 35,000 other runners from all over the world. I had left it up in the air if I would try for the full marathon, even though I had signed up for the full. The full marathon leaves the half marathon course at 11 miles. The full marathon has a very tight time on it because they have to open back up the Strip and if a runner is falling behind, they divert them ahead and still give them credit for running a marathon. I was not in good enough shape to really run…