Keeping Track
A Fun System… I heard of this idea from someone, but sadly I can’t remember who, but thank you. A fun idea that harks back to the old childhood days. And I have never tried it before, and considering how many systems and goofy things I have tried, that’s surprising. I have a hanging calendar on my wall now, as of tonight, right behind my business computer and right under a fortune cookie saying that is taped there. And thanks to Office Depot this afternoon, I have about 800 gold stars and about 200 larger colored smiling faces. So the system is simple. For every 1,000 new words, I put…
Got a Couple Letters
About the New Pop-Up… Called “Nothing’s Good Enough.” Basically, this is about how critical voice creeps in when you least expect it. And ways to identify what is happening and stop it, get back to having fun. We put it as the first Pop-Up in the Decades Ahead Class as well as a regular Pop-Up you can buy directly. Why in the Decades Ahead Class in February? Because right about now is when this evil little part of critical voice starts showing its head and mucking around with your New Year’s resolution. One of the questions from someone who hasn’t taken the Pop-Up was if it would help the critical…
Visions of the Future
New StoryBundle Just Launched… I put this one together and to be honest, I am damned proud of the books I got for this one. Some really, really amazing science fiction by some top writers. I will be back tomorrow with more, but might want to check it out at: Storybundle.com/scifi
Nothing’s Good Enough
A New Pop-Up… And also part of the first quarter of The Decade Ahead class. That’s right, there is a new Pop-Up with a story prompt and everything. If you are in The Decade Ahead class, either the entire year or the first quarter, this Pop-Up is now part of that class and the link to it is under the first video in February. Or you can just sign up for the Pop-Up directly. It is Pop-Up #18: Nothing’s Good Enough. And it is also in the Bundle Pop-Up #11-20 and is also in the Bundle Pop-Up 11–20. (The Pop-Ups are $150 and the bundles make it cheaper to get…
Kind of Fun Cat Video
About Our Making Our Kickstarter Goal… Gwyneth at WMG Publishing did this for fun and I thought I would show it here. Nifty that we are past our goal, but we could use a bunch more help on getting the cat books, all 12 monthly anthologies, break even. And if anyone has any ideas for some rewards we hadn’t thought of, write me. Glad to consider just about anything. And by the way, if you are thinking about the mentor program with me, when this Kickstarter is over, that’s the end of them. I won’t offer them again. I’ll just keep working with the great writers I am working with…
Kickstarter Made It!!
Yes, We Hit Our Ask… And it was no small ask, either. Yet we still hit it in just over four days. Wow, and thank you all who have supported it so far. Very much appreciated!! The reason we had to ask for $5,000 is because of the costs of publishing 100 stories, mostly by other writers. $5,000 doesn’t cover it, but it was enough to get us going and even if we don’t go much above that, we can cover the rest of the costs to produce all twelve books, plus the large one at the end. But we hope to go above that ask amount and get readers…
February Workshops Starting
That’s Right, Starting Tuesday and Wednesday… So here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of workshops this month. All workshops are on Teachable. February Regular Workshops Class #11 Feb 4th Endings in FictionClass #12 Feb 4th Attitude in FictionClass #13 Feb 4th Writing RomanceClass #14 Feb 4th Writing with SpeedClass #15 Feb 4th Teams in FictionClass #16 Feb 5th Depth in WritingClass #19 Feb 5th Information Flow Descriptions of Workshops #11 WRITING FICTION ENDINGS Understanding how to end novels and short stories in every genre. An old…
Changed An Image
I Tend To Do That At Times… Today was one of those times. I’m back running and losing weight and the temperature got up into the 70s today here, and I realized that I needed to get my hair taken care of since shortly it would be too warm to wear hats. So those of you watching new videos on the challenges or on the Shared Worlds or Licensing Transition, you will see a very different look. A before picture and an after picture. At almost 70, I’m just glad to have hair, to be honest. Let alone force a poor guy to spend an hour cutting it all off.…
Fun Kickstarter Workshops
Details of the Kickstarter Workshop Deals… I thought I would outline the fun details of the workshops being offered in this nifty Year of the Cat Kickstarter project. — Year of the Cat Detailed Study of All 100 Stories. The books will come out one anthology per month for 12 months. Each anthology will have either eight or nine stories in it. Kris and I will talk about what makes each story work and I will do a video focused to fiction writers at learning craft on why the story worked, what makes it work, and so on. ALL POSITIVE. You will get all twelve books and read the stories…
Challenge Question
Seems I Confused An Issue… No surprise, huh? (grin) On the three Challenges that we run on Teachable, the Great Publishing Challenge, the Great Challenge (for short stories), and the Great Novel Challenge, you can start at any time. That’s why I suggested that starting the first of February would be a good way of going in the challenges. That way you go from February to February to get the Lifetime Subscription, or if nothing else, get your year off to a great start. You can sign up at any time on the challenges. Then when you are ready to start, just tell me you are starting. Second question I…