Workshop Half Price Sale Ending
Today, Friday, at 5 pm West Coast Time… We did this sale to help writers get workshops and lectures and subscriptions to focus on while the planet is shut down. The world will come back, and while we are waiting, we can all be having fun writing and learning. So this sale is almost over. We hope it has allowed a few of you to get the class you feel you need for your writing and publishing business. So to make sure you have all the information, here is the original post from a few days back explaining everything. (And on a personal note, tomorrow I will be back with…
Spring Training Half Price Workshop Special
We Are All Stuck At Home… With the exceptions, of course, of the brave health care workers, police, grocery store clerks, and others struggling to help out, or to keep their restaurant alive with take out. No one is traveling. And all of us are staying at home making sure we do not spread this virus and give the hospitals a chance to beat this thing. So to stay sane, we need to keep focused. Back in March (a very long month ago that now seems like a year), Allyson and Kris both suggested we give writers some real deals on workshops to help out through the coming weeks. And…
Main April Workshops Up!
Just In Time For Final Hours of the March Sadness Special I have the April regular workshops up and listed. At least the ones I am sure will be done in April. I might add a couple more later and maybe a new workshop Kris and I have been talking about. But for now, the April workshops available are: #31… Endings #34… Speed #35… Teams in Writing #36… Depth in Writing (Start with this course if new here) #39… Information Flow Those are available for a few hours in the Special. REMEMBER!! Special ends exactly at 5 pm today West Coast Time. And I have shut off Collaboration Class. It…
March Sadness Special Last Day!!
Ends at 5 pm West Coast Time Today (Thursday) I am working to get the April workshops up as quickly as I can, so they should be there three or four hours ahead of the end. I hope everyone is staying safe. Thursday I start, finally, the Cave Creek novel and will be writing about my writing day here every day, reporting problems, sessions, word counts, and so on. But for now, here is the information about the March Sadness Special one more time. No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and…
New Pop-Up Available
Pop-Up #19… How Can Your Business Survive the Downturn? Kris in upcoming blogs talks about the Black Swan event we are all going through right now. And we put together this Pop-Up to help as well. Step-by-step things you need to think about and maybe act on or maybe not. But at least with this you will not be flying into the dark so much because Kris and I have made it through three major black swan events with businesses before this one. So might be worth your time, folks. BRINGING ALL POP-UPS BACK LIVE… Until yesterday the only Pop-Ups you could get were the last couple or buy the…
Licensing Expo Postponed
No Surprise… Now scheduled for August 11-13. Same place, and if you had rooms, you can just kick them back. Licensing Transition Class (that is still open for sign-ups) will be extended into September now, so all of you in that class get a bunch of extra, besides free access to the Licensing 101 class going on now. Got a hunch that licensee’s are going to be hungry by August. I was about to book a couple of appointments with two movie studios, but will now do so for August. Fun stuff. Sign up on Teachable. OTHER THINGS… Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers is up on Teachable for free.…
New Pop-Up Coming
How Your Business Can Survive a Downturn… It will be Pop-Up #19. Available in a few days. It will be put inside of the Decade Ahead First Quarter class. We had always planned on putting it in there, with Pop-Up #18 in February and this new one in March. But we did not expect what is happening now when we planned this. Scary times. This Pop-up will help. So the Pop-Up #19 will be available in the Decade Ahead First Quarter or as a stand-alone or in the bundles for Pop-Ups. I will announce it here when it is posted. Honestly, the best deal is the Decade Ahead Bundle, get…
Going Running
Very Early In the Morning… After Daylight Savings Time switches… Yikes… So nothing to talk about tonight, other than I was told earlier that fulfillment for the Year of the Cat Kickstarter will be going out this coming week. And I hope everyone who got the nifty How To Write a Cat Story special workshop got my letter and codes. If not, write me. And the Cave Creek Kickstarter campaign is going toward the first stretch goal at a good pace. And it is in the second stretch goal that we started to put writer rewards. So pass the word. And the special workshop that you can only get in…
New Videos Are Up
In Numbers of Classes and Challenges… New weekly videos are up in both the Publishing Challenge and the Novel Challenge. In the publishing I talk about what I did this last week in publishing and in the novel challenge I talk about my own writing, which will really pick up speed tomorrow. (Both are open for sign-ups.) New videos in the first quarter of the Decade Ahead, the first of many that will be in March this month, since March is a very important month. So four new videos there. (You can still sign up for it or for the full year.) Of course the Licensing Transition Class has the…
First Of The Month!
Good Time To Start A Challenge… Publishing Challenge, Short Story Challenge, or Novel Challenge. All are open and a great way to keep your goals on track for the year. And a number of writers are in sight of lifetime subscriptions on the short story challenge, one on the novel challenge, and one has already gotten a lifetime subscription on the novel challenge. Keep going, folks. Only four people are signed up for the Publishing Challenge. That one seems to scare hell out of writers. (grin) This weekend I will be doing a bunch of posts about the first of March in the Decade Ahead class. And also a bunch…