All Collection Classes Now Available
And Both Bundles of Each Year’s Classes Collection Classes are nine weeks long and you end up publishing a collection based on the theme in the 9th week. We do six different classes per year. The six from last year that are all available again in 2022 are: Portals, Heroes and Heroines, Private Eyes, Holiday, Fantasy, and Relationships. The new six for 2022 will also extend into 2023 if you miss one… I will be putting up other sessions later in the week. Right now just the first sessions are up. The new collection classes are: Pets, Spies, Space Opera, Thieves, Dynasty, and Time Travel. In these classes you learn…
Three New Collection Classes Are Up…
Pets, Spies, and Space Opera Those are the three topics for the nine week collection classes that have started in 2022. Pets starts in January, Spies starts in March, and Space Opera starts in May. Also all six of the 2021 Collection Classes have sessions in 2022 as well. Their themes are Portals, Heroes and Heroines, Private Eyes, Holiday, Fantasy, and Relationships. I will have the last three new ones posted in the next few days, along with a bundle that you can get all six new ones for the price of five. There is already a bundle there for the first six. In these classes you learn in general…
What Did I Do On My Holiday?
Got That Question a Number of Times… Answer is basically the same thing I do every normal day of the year. I worked on getting the workshop sale up and going. You can read all about that in the last two blogs. 50% off until January 4th on everything on Teachable. (Just put in the code YearEnd after you hit purchase.) I worked with Kris at lunches on more classes. I will record those soon. And I did a bunch of recording as well including the Motivational Monday I just put up a bit ago. I wore a red shirt to record those because I recorded them on Christmas. (Does…
New Workshops
Already Up and Others Coming in the Next Three Days… All six of last year’s collection classes are now up and the Pets Collection class is up starting in January as well. I hope to have the entire 2022 schedule by the end of the week if you are interested in taking collection classes. And the Pulp Speed regular workshop is up in February now. The Decade Ahead year of classes is all set and ready to go for 2022. Starting over, although we left in two of the Pop-Ups that we had included on the first attempt back in 2020. Videos on that first month of that year-long class…
Year-End Workshop Sale
Starts Today (Christmas Morning)… And runs to January 4th, which is ten days. The code is YearEnd to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up or anything on Teachable. This is on Teachable. All of the January and February regular workshops are up and available, including the new Pulp Speed workshop in February. And we have up at least 54 Pop-Up classes. The challenges of doing a short story per week, a novel every two months, or publishing a major project every month are available in this as well. Also the best deals are the lifetime subscriptions. Six new Study Along workshops are listed for just…
Workshop Sale Starting Christmas Day
Yup, A Year-End Workshop Sale… It will start on December 25th and run through January 4th, so basically our ten day sale. Everything that is on WMG Teachable and available will be 50% off. That includes… … All Workshops. … All Classes … All Lectures … All Challenges … All Collection Classes … All Study-Along Classes … All Pop-Up Classes … All Subscriptions (including Lifetime to Workshops and to Study Along) Everything on Teachable. That means it does not include the In-Person classes here in Vegas (they are not on Teachable) and this time it will not include the overall Master Business Class. But everything active On Teachable will be…
January and February Workshops
Includes New Pulp Speed Workshop… And yes, the Pulp Speed Workshop has been included in the Lifetime Workshop Subscription and no, if you have a lifetime subscription, you do not have to tell me you are going to take it. I’ll know when you turn in the first assignment. The Pulp Speed workshop starts February 2nd. The idea is to help you increase your productivity with your fiction so that you work towards Pulp Speed One (a million words a year). Even if you don’t want to get that far, this class will help in increasing productivity. And yes, Allyson and Kris convinced me. We will have a year-end sale starting…
Getting Set Up for 2022
Cleaning Up a Desk Cluttered with Yellow Notes and Legal Pads… Amazing how many notes I have on this desk around my internet computer. And I am working to clear those off. For example, I found a note about Motivational Monday idea and then a legal pad where Kris and I worked out the details and the first few videos. Tossed away the note, took the details and transferred them to a notebook where I will actually be keeping track of what videos I have done every Monday and when. I will do it that way for a time, then will transfer that to a spreadsheet at some point. Remember,…
In Person and Study Along and Novella Classes
In Person Craft Classes in Vegas Return in 2022!!! That’s right, the limited craft in-person classes are back in 2022. We announced this last summer, but now, since the reading list is about to go out on the first class in March, Kris and I figured it was time to really go over these again. There will be six classes, all limited to 15 people each here at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas. For this new series, we have taken the overall topics of Caper, Spies, and Humor and smashed them into six different genres. March 21st-24th… Thriller Humor (taught by Dean) May 16th-19th… Mystery Caper (taught by Kris)…
Status of Classes On Hold
Still Cleaning Up Some from the Pandemic… So thought I would give everyone here a status report on the classes that we pushed back during the pandemic and what we are doing with them in the coming year. Thanks for being understanding, folks. — Decade Ahead bundle starting over completely. Everything has changed so much, we are just starting fresh in January. (Old videos will still be there, just pulled off to one side if they are not important.) But completely starting over and it is open for new sign-ups at this point. We feel the world is solid enough, at least in publishing, to give the decade ahead a…