Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

Reading a Lot of Great Stories

Study Along Workshop for Thriller/Humor

I have been amazed at a number of things. First off, how many writers got stories in for this workshop. Writing thriller/humor short stories is a tough challenge and a lot of writers tried it. So that impressed me.

Second thing that impressed me with the first assignment was how good they were overall. Some great mysteries and a bunch of writers actually hit thriller/humor short stories.

Then with the story in 40 hours, a lot of writers made the deadline and again the stories were great. And the third story deadline of 24 hours had about three times as many stories as I expected, and they were great as well. Just amazing and fantastic fun for me, although challenging on my poor eye.

As I said a number of times, I really wish this workshop had an in-person element here, but that will start in the May workshop for Mystery/Caper stories.

Now, on Friday, for those who took the Study Along for Thriller/Humor, the add-on novella workshop will start. Not intense, but the focus on writing a novella that is a thriller/humor novella. Should be great fun.

So a few more stories to read and then tomorrow at noon the last videos for this class and it is all done. Then on to the novella class and beyond.