Maybe Changing Hotels for In-Person Workshops
We Are Working On It…. And wow, if we make this work will it be fantastic. Not going to give you the name of the hotel yet, but it is brand new major hotel for pretty close to the same price for rooms as the Golden Nugget. And it actually has a resort that the resort fees go to that you can use. It is never crowded because it is so massive and no smoke smell or smokey areas at all. It will not be downtown, but part of the Strip. It will be very quiet!!! Unlike the noise at the Golden Nugget. It has more restaurants than the entire…
New Workshops and Last Day of the Sale
Half-Price Sale ends late Sunday Evening… And I got a number of new workshops up, three just today before the sale ends. The big new class, starting in September is the regular six-week workshop SEPTEMBER APPLIED DEPTH. (You must have taken the Depth workshop to take this one. Yes, it will be offered every month for a while.) Also today I put up three new classic workshops as promised. Classic Pulp Speed Classic Power Words Classic Making a Living from Novels These originally were six week regular workshops, but are now classic. Only differences are that you take them at your own speed and do the assignments only for yourself.…
Lessons from the Writing of the Fey Videos
Now Up On Teachable… Kris has been writing on Fey novels solidly since she got everything cleaned up and going after the first Fey Kickstarter campaign ended. But it took her a while to record the ten videos of the Lessons from the Writing of the Fey, because, to be honest, she wanted a few books under her fingers before she looked back again. The book got out a number of months back and now tonight, on Teachable, I have posted the videos. I have written personally to everyone who backed the Kris videos on that first Fey Kickstarter and gave them the way to get to them on Teachable,…
Three Days Left in Workshop Sale
Get All Workshops On Teachable At Half Price!! That’s right, everything. And a bunch of new stuff since the last sale. Go to WMG Teachable. To get the 50% off price, just hit purchase on what you would like to take, then on the next page put in the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and it will be 50% off. This sale lasts until Sunday, just three more days. It does not include the in-person workshops, only everything on Teachable. For example, get the regular workshops in September on sale. SEPTEMBER REGULAR WORKSHOPS… Class #21… Sept 6th … Covers 101 Class #22… Sept 6th … Heinlein’s Rules Class #23… Sept…
Redoing the Post From Saturday
Figured A Lot of You Don’t Check In Here Over the Weekend… So here is Saturday’s post again about all the new stuff available and the half-price sale going on right now. Everything on WMG Teachable 50% Off! That’s right, everything. And a bunch of new stuff since the last sale. I’ll go over some of it. Go to WMG Teachable. To get the 50% off price, just hit purchase on what you would like to take, then on the next page put in the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and it will be 50% off. This sale lasts exactly one week. It does not include the in-person workshops, only…
Explaining Depth
And All the Workshops Attached to Depth… Since we are doing a sale with everything half off, and I got the question to explain exactly what Depth is and how all the workshops tie together, I figured this would be a good time to do it. To get any workshop at half price, just hit purchase on anything on Teachable, then use the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and you will get it for half price. 1… WRITING WITH DEPTH is the basis of all of the craft workshops we do. We offer it every month and I have not changed it much at all in the five or six…
August Regular Workshop Sale Starting!
Everything on WMG Teachable 50% Off! That’s right, everything. And a bunch of new stuff since the last sale. I’ll go over some of it. Go to WMG Teachable. To get the 50% off price, just hit purchase on what you would like to take, then on the next page put in the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and it will be 50% off. This sale lasts exactly one week. It does not include the in-person workshops, only everything on Teachable. New Stuff Included in the Sale! 9 Different Study-Along classes. (Also the Lifetime Subscription to Study Along Classes which is a fantastic deal even at full price. It includes…
What a Workshop Week
Insane, Actually… This last week we fired up and announced all six of the 2023 in person workshops. There are only two spots left in the January 2023 Fantasy Caper workshop. Write me if interested. Information is at www.wmgworkshops.com Click under the In-Person Vegas Workshops for the full list. Fantasy Thriller in July is filling fast along with Time Travel Romance in March. And one more note: The in-person workshops are $750 fee until September 1st. Then the price goes up to $1,000. We also started this week the Study Along workshops on Teachable for the six in-person classes that were added. If you can’t make Vegas, but love the…
September Workshops Now Available
Including new Applied Depth Workshop Yes, Applied Depth as been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. And yes, just sign up for any of them on Teachable. Depth in Writing workshop is required to take the Applied Depth, plus it is suggested to take the Advanced Depth workshop before as well. Applied Depth Workshop takes the concepts of Basic Depth and then applies those concepts to all the major genres. Openings of stories and novels are different from genre to genre. And yes, basic depth tends to work, but there are techniques for each genre, reader expectations of opening for each genre, that will help you get readers of a…
Study Along Classes Added to Teachable
All Six In-Person Workshops Now Have a Study Along Part… And all are available now. And I have added all six to the Lifetime Study Along as well. SCHEDULE FOR 2023 In Person and Study Along Classes… Here are the lists and dates for 2023 and January 2024. Everyone wanted these announced early, so planning trips for next year was possible. Some of these will fill now that we are getting away from the pandemic issues because we are only taking 15 writers per class. So don’t hesitate too long. Plus, remember, the price right now is $750 for the in-person classes. That price goes up to $1,000 on September…