Kickstarter Made It!!
Yes, We Hit Our Ask… And it was no small ask, either. Yet we still hit it in just over four days. Wow, and thank you all who have supported it so far. Very much appreciated!! The reason we had to ask for $5,000 is because of the costs of publishing 100 stories, mostly by other writers. $5,000 doesn’t cover it, but it was enough to get us going and even if we don’t go much above that, we can cover the rest of the costs to produce all twelve books, plus the large one at the end. But we hope to go above that ask amount and get readers…
February Workshops Starting
That’s Right, Starting Tuesday and Wednesday… So here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of workshops this month. All workshops are on Teachable. February Regular Workshops Class #11 Feb 4th Endings in FictionClass #12 Feb 4th Attitude in FictionClass #13 Feb 4th Writing RomanceClass #14 Feb 4th Writing with SpeedClass #15 Feb 4th Teams in FictionClass #16 Feb 5th Depth in WritingClass #19 Feb 5th Information Flow Descriptions of Workshops #11 WRITING FICTION ENDINGS Understanding how to end novels and short stories in every genre. An old…
Fun Kickstarter Workshops
Details of the Kickstarter Workshop Deals… I thought I would outline the fun details of the workshops being offered in this nifty Year of the Cat Kickstarter project. — Year of the Cat Detailed Study of All 100 Stories. The books will come out one anthology per month for 12 months. Each anthology will have either eight or nine stories in it. Kris and I will talk about what makes each story work and I will do a video focused to fiction writers at learning craft on why the story worked, what makes it work, and so on. ALL POSITIVE. You will get all twelve books and read the stories…
Challenge Question
Seems I Confused An Issue… No surprise, huh? (grin) On the three Challenges that we run on Teachable, the Great Publishing Challenge, the Great Challenge (for short stories), and the Great Novel Challenge, you can start at any time. That’s why I suggested that starting the first of February would be a good way of going in the challenges. That way you go from February to February to get the Lifetime Subscription, or if nothing else, get your year off to a great start. You can sign up at any time on the challenges. Then when you are ready to start, just tell me you are starting. Second question I…
Fun New Kickstarter!!
The Year of the Cat… That’s right, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and I are editing a huge new project called The Year of the Cat, with 100 cat stories spread over 12 monthly anthologies. Lots of writers will have stories in these volumes, the first one of which is coming out in May. Here is the video to show you what we are doing. Here is the link to the Kickstarter… And below are the first few covers of the monthly anthologies. This Kickstarter has some really fun stuff. And for writers, a bunch cool things as well, including a special How to Write a Cat Story workshop like we did…
New Videos Up
On A Bunch of Stuff… I have posted new videos on the Shared World Class and the first quarter of the Decade Ahead Class. In the next few days I will do more videos for the Licensing Transition Class as well. I also put up another weekly video on the Great Publishing Challenge and on the Great Novel Challenge. On the publishing challenge, I am doing a weekly video about my publishing progress. There are very few signed up for that challenge, but even if you sign up later on, my videos will be there. I will be doing the videos all year since the challenge to myself is to…
Playing with Branding
My Cold Poker Gang Branding… Combined with Smith’s Monthly. Kind of fun how the branding goes across with the art, yet is very different. Just thought I would show how we are doing this. Allyson Longueira, the publisher at WMG Publishing, does the covers for my Cold Poker Gang series. It has a very distinctive look and she won’t let me mess with it. (grin) Besides, they sell and I really like them. But I do all the covers for my Smith’s Monthly issues, and Allyson and I need to find art that fits both brands when I am publishing a Cold Poker Gang novel in Smith’s Monthly. So here…
February Workshops Take Two
Early in the Morning… I have been at this computer now mostly for going on 17 hours, with a few breaks and a nap along the way, so I am going to just repost the February regular workshops being offered and starting on the 4th. You will see in a couple days why I spent so much time here today. Fun stuff, I can promise, he said, vaguely about a nifty Kickstarter project featuring cats. (grin) So the post about the workshops again… Now Available Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of…
February Regular Workshops
Now Available… Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of workshops this month. And the Floating Viewpoint workshop has been postponed. Starting two workshops in three months is enough to start the year. Starting in March is “Making a Living” workshop. All workshops are on Teachable. February Regular Workshops Class #11 Feb 4th Endings in Fiction Class #12 Feb 4th Attitude in Fiction Class #13 Feb 4th Writing Romance Class #14 Feb 4th Writing with Speed Class #15 Feb 4th Teams in Fiction Class #16 Feb 5th …
Smith’s Monthly Covers
Working On Four Issues at a Time… And making great progress. First new issue will be out in March, #45 in the series, and after that one per month. Each one will be between 60,000 and 70,000 words of fiction. In the next week or so I will have 4 issues done and in copyediting process. Tonight, besides putting issues together, I worked on the covers and such. So thought I would show you some of them. They are trim size 7 x 10 and the black bar with the spine wraps to both the front and the back side. First #45, both wrap and epub cover. Then #46, #47,…