• Challenge,  News,  On Writing,  publishing

    Shopping and Other Fun

    Headed Out Shopping Today... The one big trip out of the week. Walmart for things we need for the new office, then got gas, then on to the grocery store. You know, standard stuff. I had a pull-0ver mask (regular ones don’t seem to want to stay on my ears) and gloves. Yes, I know I really don’t need gloves, but I have them soaked in anti-bacterial spray before I leave the car each time. And besides, gloves keep me from touching my face and constantly adjusting my face mask. Masks were the normal now in both stores. Very few without them. Social distancing was also well done. Had zero…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    A General Update… Short

    Got To Be Short Tonight… Got to rest my eye from too much screen time. Pushing the edge right now. I did a bunch of work on Kickstarter and have that Best Practices updated, but no new videos there. I wrote the introduction and author introductions to the second cat anthology and got that turned in today. A few days ago I also put together a new Poker Boy collection and did an introduction and got that turned in as well to WMG. Two books in two days. I am working on Pulphouse #10 (I think #9 will ship shortly as we get back on track) and I also did…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    A Scary Topic

    A Realization Tonight… Bookstores might not survive this virus in any form I know. Online bookstores will, sure, but physical bookstores, not so much. Here is what made me jump to that idea. First, some history and a lesson on how major publishing used to work and works now. Back 15 years ago… Traditional publishing was in total control of the industry and had been for forty years. A book would go into one of the offices through an agent, get bought, get rewritten for cash flow reasons, then copyedited and sales meetings and so on and be ready to go in one slot or another in the monthly imprint…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 19

    No Day Is The Same… It would certainly help if I could settle into some sort of routine, where I knew I could get a set amount of exercise and a set amount of writing done. Oh, that would be heaven. And I am working toward that. But at the moment, still a lot happening, so no routine just yet. Soon. So here is how the day went. Managed to get to this computer to do some email around noon, then a little before one I left to go meet a leasing agent and get the keys to WMG Publishing’s new Vegas office. Inspections and other stuff took some time,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Last Day on Summer Learning Sale

    Ends Sunday at 5 PM West Coast Time… It has been an interesting three months or so, to say the least in a massive understated way. When this crazy shut down hit in March, Allyson and Kris pushed that we find a way to get workshops to writers to help them stay shut in for a time.  That was also when we decided to add in such great stretch goals and do the Writing Bundles of books for such a low price through Kickstarter. When done correctly, writing and publishing can be an escape from the fears and craziness of real life. I know that well because I used reading…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Summer Learning Sale Extended to Sunday

    By Request of a Number of Writers… We have extended the Summer Learning Half Price Sale. Every WMG Publishing Workshop, Lecture, Pop-Up, Class, or Subscription on Teachable is HALF PRICE! That’s right, on anything available on Teachable right now, (hit all courses to see everything) just use the code below and get it half price. Yes, that includes the new workshop PUBLISHING 101 and the new Pop-Up #20 How to Work from Home. So, stock up on workshops and lectures to get you through the summer. Or even grab one of the Lifetime Workshop Subscriptions for half price. The code to get anything on WMG’s Teachable at half price until…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Licensing Transition Class Extended One Year

    Now Two Years Plus Long… Thanks to this virus, the Licensing Expo was postponed to first August, now to May 2021. The Licensing Transition class was supposed to work on all aspects of licensing of IP up and through the May Licensing Expo this year, but now that the Expo has been pushed back one year, we’re just going to keep going on the Licensing Transition class until a month after the Expo in 2021. So wow is this going to be a great deal for the money. And it is still open to sign up. A lot of videos over the last year have already been posted, plus one…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    New Pop-Up Available

    How to Work From Home… That is now Pop-Up #20. Kris and I have had this one on the Pop-Up list for a while and it finally dawned on us to get it up now, while so many writers are struggling to work from home. This is not only for this pandemic, but for writers and other professionals looking at working from home in the future. How to get organized, time management, motivation, and problems. Lots of stuff, plus, like all Pop-Ups, a story prompt as well. And yes, you can get it half price in the Summer Learning Sale for two more days. And I loaded it into the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Summer Learning Workshop Sale

    We Are Still Stuck At Home… At least for a little while longer, with the exceptions, of course, of the brave health care workers, police, grocery store clerks, and others struggling to help out. Everyone is talking about reopening, but no timelines yet because the virus won’t let exact dates happen. So, almost all of us are staying at home still, after months, making sure we do not spread this virus, to give the hospitals a chance to beat this thing. And slowly things are getting better. But to stay sane through this last part, we need to keep focused. Back in March (a very long couple of decades ago),…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Letters Out For Historical Workshop and News

    Sent Letters to Everyone… So if you signed up for the Writing Historical Fiction special workshop in the Cave Creek Kickstarter and didn’t get a letter from me, after checking your spam filter, write me. In the letter you have the choice to sign up for either the May session or the June session. Totally up to each of you. But those will be the only two sessions. And all the surveys have gone out for the Writing Bundles Kickstarter which just closed, so get those surveys back quickly if you can. That way we can get out all the awards and books. Still Under Stay-At-Home Orders… Looks like most…