• Challenge,  On Writing

    Creating a Habit of Writing

    How to Do It?… Make a schedule and stick to it. Pretty soon the schedule becomes a habit. That’s how. It really is that simple, but that difficult. First of all, I needed to want to write again. Got that going with the challenge. Forced my own hand there, maybe a little sooner than I should, but ah well, it’s going. Second, I had to get used to this new place and Kris’s world here since I have spent most of the last six months in Oregon cleaning out the house we lived in for 23 years. Spent the last six weeks plus learning to live and love this wonderful…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Writing Habits

    Habit of Writing Makes Everything Easier… I have, regularly, over the years, written out of habit, meaning I write at the same time every day. And when doing that, and managing a decent amount every day, the writing just gets easier. And I get a vast amount done. In fact, when I am in that habit state, I wonder why I ever have days I don’t write. So now, in my new place in Las Vegas, away from a house I lived in for 23 years and all the normal habits it gave me, I am finding it fascinatingly difficult to figure out a new writing habit. I have a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Running Out of Time

    On Two Different Things… First, amazingly enough, the October regular workshops are starting next Tuesday and Wednesday. I haven’t really even mentioned the October workshops here with all the other stuff going on. So almost no one is signed up. So time to jump on board any of them and get some real focused learning. This month might be one of the best months of workshop choices we have ever offered. Sign up at Teachable.com  And there are lifetime subscriptions available on Teachable as well if you decide to get serious and really try to talk as many as possible. Class #37… Oct 2nd … How to Study Writing Class…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Reaction to Failure

    Maybe One of the Best Quotes from The Voice Ever… On Tuesday, while talking to and encouraging a young woman who didn’t get a chair to turn, Adam Levine said to her out of nowhere, and I quote, “It’s your reaction to your failures that make your success.” As many things on The Voice, this applies directly to writing as well. Directly. Now this young girl just failed in front of millions of people, but she had the courage to try out and to walk up there on that stage and give it a shot. Total success. She got to sing in front of millions and that is a bunch…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Planning Ahead in Writing Time

    Knowing the Reality… I got this great question from a writer asking me how I managed to remain so calm while getting behind on this challenge and having so much get in the way. I would say the answer is one simple word… Awareness. I was aware starting into this challenge that I had this last trip, and the workshop next month, and a ton of stuff to do that fell early on that had to be done and would take time away from the writing. I also knew I had to build brand new writing habits here in my new home, and that would take some time. But I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Great Fun Today

    Taking a Very Short Trip... In fact, only a few days. Back in Vegas this weekend. I am flying first class and so got to go into the lounge area for the airline. Wow, nice, with all kinds of free food and comfortable tables and places to work. So since I had gotten to the airport early, I managed 1,300 words on the challenge novel in the lounge. Then on the two hour flight, my writing was only interrupted by them serving me dinner. (Yeah, tough life flying first class, but I can do that because flights in and out of Vegas are stunningly cheap if you know how to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Three Negotiations Lectures Once Again

    Making Sure They Didn’t Get Missed… Most of this is a post I did earlier about the three new Negotiations lectures. With all the craziness of the Kickstarter, I think it got lost a little. And Kris and I are very excited about them. And no worries, those of you who got the lifetime subscription to the lectures through the Kickstarter, in about a week I will contact everyone with any type of lifetime subscriptions through the Kickstarter and get you onto Teachable. So you will have more than enough time to start these new ones. Just have to wait until next week with Kickstarter. So here is all the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Challenge Update

    Slow Start… Actually, I think that is an understatement. I should, if I was on schedule, be finishing the first novel tomorrow, September 18th. Nope, not even close. I knew going in that this last week was going to be a ton of work on the business and other stuff, but turned out to be even more than I had planned. I supposed I should have planned for that as well. (grin) But I have a saving out. My plan was to finish this first novel in ten days tomorrow, then take four days away from the challenge because of a trip back up to the coast. Going to have…

  • Fiction River,  On Writing,  publishing

    Four Hours Left!

    Don’t Miss This One… Just four hours left and so far everyone supporting the will not only get their subscription and award, like workshops and such, but will get nine (9) extra books. And I will stop posting about this here when this is done. (grin) But if you want discounts in workshops and lectures, this is the last few hours to get them.  

  • Challenge,  Fiction River,  On Writing

    Twelve Hours Left on the Subscription Drive

    We Hit the Sixth Stretch Goal… Lots of extra books to every supporter. This subscription drive has until 4 p.m. West Coast Time Monday (TODAY!). And then it will be all done and I will go back to reporting on my challenge and stirring up trouble. (grin) Give it a look if you haven’t so far. It has some pretty nifty awards and other things. Click Here. For example, we have an award where you get two writing books, a lecture, a subscription, and a chance to submit a story if you want to a volume of Fiction River in February. Here are the details for one last time. Pledge…