New Pop-Up…You’re Stuck!
Now What? That’s what Pop-Up #15 is about, helping you get unstuck and learn to not only get to the writing, but how to finish things when you are writing. All of us get stuck at one point or another. This is the help with that. And it has a nifty story prompt with it as well. It is up and available now, and in both the 11-20 bundle and the 11-15 bundle. BUT WE ARE OFFERING SOMETHING SPECIAL… Thank you, everyone, for making the Pulphouse Subscription Drive a wild success. It will be two weeks now before Kickstarter releases everything and we can get started. And to our surprise,…
Dumbest New Myth In Writing
I Heard This Two Days Ago… And flat couldn’t believe that such silliness was out there, so I went and looked, and yup, it’s a real thing. And sadly, writers of all levels are believing it. And this myth is stopping them cold. Or worse yet, sending them toward traditional publishing. I know if I believed it, I would be stopped. So what is this new myth??? “It takes four to five thousand dollars to publish an indie book.” Total and complete hogwash, and folks if you see this myth somewhere, do a tap-dance on the head of the idiot who is spreading it. This is a very, very dangerous…
How To Write a Pulphouse Story Workshop
ONLY PLACE TO SIGN UP IS ON KICKSTARTER… About 24 hours left as I write this. The How to Write a Pulphouse Story is a three week special workshop, offered only twice, once starting the first of October and then starting November 5th. (Your choice.) Three weeks, like a regular workshop (only half as long and half the price), with three assignments. (So yes, you can take it with other workshops and sorry, no, this is not included in the lifetime subscription. Only place it is available is on the Kickstarter to help Pulphouse Fiction Magazine.) The third assignment is to write a Pulphouse story and I will read it.…
Monday: A Fresh Start
It’s All Attitude… Some people look at Monday as a horrid day. I suppose if you hate your job and have to go back to it every Monday, then it might be. But since I love what I do and don’t pay much attention to what day of the week it is, Monday only comes up as an artificial time to reset. And I try to help writers with this kind of thinking as well. Had a bad week writing? Forget it, reset on Monday and have a good week. Didn’t get something done you wanted? Move it to the list to get done on the new week. In other…
Hit 4th Stretch Goal!!
On Our Way to #5 Stretch Goal… Thank you, everyone! Fantastic. It means a great deal to the future of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Gives it a solid base. You can see the entire subscription drive at r. And now everyone who has supported this subscription drive gets the following extra fun stuff. — An extra issue on your subscription. — Three special Pulphouse Fiction Magazine electronic books full of wild and fun stories. — A lecture of your choice from over 30 lectures offered by WMG Publishing. ($50 Value) This can be gifted to a writer friend. — A classic workshop of your choice from over 25 classic workshops offered by WMG Publishing.…
New Fantastic Stretch Goal
We Do A Zip Line ($25,000) In celebration of reaching this level, Dean will strap a camera on his head and go down the zip line on Fremont Street in Las Vegas and post the film on the web site. But even better, we will add two very special books and a very special writer’s award. Hugo Award Winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch will put together a very special Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and we will give every supporter of this kickstarter an electronic copy. And editor Dean Wesley Smith will, at the same time, put together a very special Best of the Original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine…
Kickstarter Workshops
Some Great Deals On Kickstarter… Yes, we have put some great offers as Kickstarter rewards for workshops and lectures and things to do with writers learning craft and business. But I wanted to be clear here for a moment because of three questions over the last two days. The workshops on Kickstarter are basically credits toward anything on Teachable (including lifetime subscriptions) or toward the fees for Las Vegas Workshops. Let me run down the workshop and lecture rewards and show you exactly what I mean. — $40 pledge toward a lecture is basically a $50 credit. — $100 Writer’s Special not only includes the books and the chance to…
More Cover Information
Someone Asked… How long does it take me to do these covers? On the short story paperbacks, I use the same art I used when I first did the story, but the template is brand new and the art is sometimes interesting trying to make it fit. All the novels that represent the novel in Smith’s Monthly have been redone over the years, so I am using that new art for them. But I am going ahead at decent speed, so I decided to time how long it took me to do these new covers. It took exactly 15 minutes to put in the new art on Smith’s Monthly #2,…
September Regular Workshops Starting
Yes, They Are Starting… It Really Is September… August seems to have vanished, we are past the time of great forgetting and time to fire back up on your writing. And workshops can help you get the focus back. But something special about these September regular workshops. After September, four of these workshops will no longer be regular workshops, but instead will be classic. That’s right, for almost half of these workshops it will be the last time you can take it with homework turned in. Research, Author Voice, Point of View, and Novel Structure are all going to Classic after this month. So if you want to take these workshop…
You Get Books…
Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter… The Subscription Drive hit its third stretch goal, so everyone backing the kickstarter at this point gets the following: 1… An extra issue of the magazine. 2… Two special anthologies. 3… Choice of a WMG Lecture And we are on the way to the next stretch goal, which will get a third book for everyone and choice of a Classic Workshop, and considering six workshops are being added to the classic list this next month, that’s perfect timing. So I hope you back the subscription drive. Some great reading. And for you writers, there are numbers of options there for workshops as well, one spot in…