Tough Life…
A Fun Day and a Lot Of Work… I moved a van load of books and shelves from the UHaul which is parked in a casino parking lot under security. (Cant get the UHaul even close to the condo, which is why we are doing it this way. One more van load tomorrow morning and we are done.) Then I had two fun webinars that everyone seemed very low-key on. Holiday I suppose. Then Kris and I spent the entire afternoon and most of the evening, working with shelving and books and had a great dinner along the way. Yup, I ache in places I didnt know I had yesterday…
Hope The Holiday Weekend Is Going Well…
For those in the States… Sort of the unofficial start of summer here. Kris and I spent the entire day unloading books from a uHaul, putting them in our van, taking our van up to our condo, and unloading the van and hauling everything up to the top floor. I ache in places I had forgotten about. We will finish it all tomorrow after the Webinars. So for everyone in the States, have a great holiday weekend. I’m actually enjoying the moving-in part, and the condo sure echoes less. (Grin) So all good here. (And one note… If you sent me an email and I haven’t responded yet, please do…
Safely Home in Vegas
I Might Be a Little Slow on Assignment Responses… Unpacking a truck and want to spend some time with Kris, since I have been up north and she has been here for a few weeks. But I will get to the assignments fine. And webinar on Sunday, for those in those two workshops. We got about a quarter of the truck load into the condo tonight. Tomorrow we’ll get most of the rest, and then finish it on Sunday. Thankfully the weather will be good. So back to regular blogging tomorrow or Sunday.
Long Day…
And A Short Post, Plus Repeat of Workshop Information. I am headed to Vegas once again, this time with Kris and my books and art in a uHaul Truck. Two great and very strong young guys packed the truck this morning in Lincoln City and I headed toward Idaho to go down through Salt Lake and to Vegas. All freeway that way and easy. Best with a truck of books, shelves, and art. I hope to have another blog on writing tomorrow night because, barring unforeseens, tomorrow is my easy day on this trip. Im going slow because its been seven years since I drove a uHaul. And, yeah, Im…
Got Two New Workshops Live
Well, Not New… New Form… On Teachable, you can find the two new webinar workshops. We moved over two from the Pop-Up workshops into the Insider’s Guide structure. And the reason is that the four webinars for each would be fantastic discussions. They are Insider’s Guide to the Indie Game and The Insider’s Guide to Fighting Fear in Your Writing. Both are June workshops, starting June 3rd when the first week of videos will appear. Webinar for the Indie Game will be Sunday June 10th at 11 a.m. West Coast USA time. Webinar for the Fear workshop will be at 1 p.m. West Coast USA Time. These are the exact…
Got Lost In Time
Blog Time Got Lost Tonight… Between doing assignments, watching the Voice finals, and packing boxes of books, time just got away from me and now I need to go get some sleep. So here I am again doing a filler post because of the blog streak of doing a blog every day. I think I am over 2,000 straight days now without a miss. I would have to figure it out. And that shows the power of a streak. ——————– So Here, Once Again, Is Workshop Information… Easy to cut and paste. (grin) But two offers have ended as of yesterday. Vegas Workshop Special ended and the Webinars closed off.…
Time of Great Forgetting Special Offer
Yes, We Are Smack In The Middle Of The Time Of Great Forgetting… This time of the year, writers sort of forget about their writing with all the distractions of life, summer, vacations, graduations, and so on. All the wonderful writing goals set early in the year are just sort of pushed aside. This Forgetting time period lasts from late April until late July. Then writers sort of wake up, try to get restarted, and wonder what happened to all the goals of the year. Very disheartening and it happens to many year-after-year. And it is very, very hard to restart at that point. Since we have a bunch of…
Some Observations and an Idea
Product Focused Might Be Truly Evil… (grin) Not really kidding that much. The more I think about how being product focused causes so many writing issues, the more I see how it has invaded just about everything in fiction writing the last few years. And I was no exception to that at times in how I phrased my challenges and such. It’s just so darned easy to keep score with numbers of books done, numbers of short stories finished, and so on. But I have trained myself to stay out of the critical voice issues that kind of focus brings up for almost all writers. So coming up as I…
Some Reminders on This Friday
Updates and New Stuff… Just wanted to mention some new workshop stuff and remind people that some things are ending. I know it is smack in the middle of the time of great forgetting, but sometimes workshops or planning for workshops can help keep a little focus on the writing during these months. So first off, we have a nifty new web site for the Vegas workshops. WMGWorkshops.com. Pretty clear and simple address and a really nifty site that just launched describing the Vegas workshops. And speaking of the Vegas workshops, we are about to end the special deal we were offering. A couple more days is all. Write me…
Product Focused vs Process Focused.
A Nasty Problem of Early Writers… I hear this all the time. Writers, especially indie writers the last few years, have focused on the finished product. And I must admit, that is how we keep score in this new world. Numbers of books and stories equals more readers and more money and so on. But in most of our workshops, except a few of the business ones, we focus on the process of writing. To long-term professionals, the process of writing is where the focus is, or at least in a balance on both sides. We would all have not made it for 40 or more years of writing without…