Your Favorite?
Michael La Ronn Does His Favorites… Michael La Ronn, who is a great writer and also has an amazing YouTube channel, decided to do his top ten favorite WMG Workshops and Classes. It is amazing video, fun and well done. Watch it. I have it posted below. Thanks, Michael. He describes some of the classes far, far better than I can because he is coming from the student side of things. But WMG Publishing has over 300 different active workshops, classes, lectures, and extra fun stuff about writing and publishing on Teachable. And more starting up every month. Yes, it is a lot. Any aspect of writing and publishing you…
The Promised Running Post
I Finished… It was not pretty, but I finished and that is all that counts. A number of days back I did a post about finishing the 5K on Saturday in cold and wind and stunning amounts of rain. What I didn’t mention that was when I got home after a fun dinner with Lisa and Ron Collins and Brenda and Dave Hendrickson, four hours had gone by and when I took my shoes off, there was a puddle on the floor and my socks were soaking wet. And worse yet, my feet looked like prunes and all my carefully built-up protection from blisters was gone. Now, I am stunningly…
Last Hours!!!
Last Hours of Special and of Kickstarter… Both the Teachable special and THE NEW DIVING NOVEL Kickstarter end on the same day at the same time. 7PM Thursday West Coast Time That is about 19 hours from when I type this. The Kickstarter campaign for Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s new Diving Universe Novel THE COURT MARTIAL OF THE RENEGAT RENEGADES has hit five stretch goals that include a special stretch reward and is gaining on another. We are very very close. So as normal with our campaigns, lots of great stuff extra for all backers. And two special writing workshops you can only get through the Kickstarter. Don’t miss those. Both…
Teachable Special and Kickstarter Both End Thursday 7 pm…
Yes, the Teachable Special is Extended… Now both that special and THE NEW DIVING NOVEL Kickstarter end on the same day at the same time. 7PM Thursday West Coast Time The Kickstarter campaign for Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s new Diving Universe Novel THE COURT MARTIAL OF THE RENEGAT RENEGADES has hit five stretch goals that include a special stretch reward and is gaining on another. So as normal with our campaigns, lots of great stuff extra for all backers. And two special writing workshops you can only get through the Kickstarter. Don’t miss those. So since I am still beat up (but still alive) from the two runs this week (I…
Two Days Counting Down…
On Two Things… First, the special offer to those on Teachable (Yes, continuing two more days) and second, THE NEW DIVING NOVEL Kickstarter campaign. The Kickstarter campaign for Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s new Diving Universe Novel THE COURT MARTIAL OF THE RENEGAT RENEGADES has hit five stretch goals that include a special stretch reward. So as normal with our campaigns, lots of great stuff extra for all backers. So since I am beat up (but still alive) from the two runs this week (I will do a full report in a day or so with pictures), I am going to leave this blog with a picture of all the Diving Universe…
Only Three Days Left!!
On Two Things… The Special Letter Offer I sent through Teachable and also THE NEW DIVING NOVEL Kickstarter Campaign. (And Yes, I finished the half, but not without some issues… Tomorrow or Tuesday I will have pictures.) This weekend the Kickstarter campaign hit backer #350 which opened up a special Stretch Reward for everyone backing the campaign. And we are very close to the next regular Kickstarter. So please help us pass the word. Also, this Kickstarter has two really great special classes on writing science fiction that are both very different from anything we have done before. Very different and both would really improve you sf writing a lot.…
An Accomplishment…
Finished a 5K in Nasty Cold Wind and Rain and Sleet! And yes, still planning the half marathon tomorrow. Went by our condo twice on this. Would have been easy to just say, “Enough.” I actually got 13th out of 23 runners in the 70-74 age group. Considering that I walked most of the way, very pleased that I even finished. 5,000 plus people signed up, only 23 men around my age group even participated. Does that tell you something about the lack of exercise and conditioning of people, let alone writers in general. No wonder so many writers die so young. So here are a bunch of pictures from…
Special Stretch Goal and Running Pictures
SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL.350 BACKERS!!! If the New Diving Novel Kickstarter campaign reaches 350 backers by Sunday, February 28th at midnight West Coast Time, every backer of any reward will get a free ebook copy of the brand-new THE DIVING UNIVERSE NOTEBOOK 3. That book is a Kickstarter exclusive! Excised chapters with notes as to where they would fit in the newest novel in Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s award-winning Diving Series—The Court-Martial of the Renegat Renegades—make up this third Diving Universe Notebook. Also, for writers, the really fun writing class titled “Rocket-Fuel Rachel and the Lost Smallwood Civilization.” How to write fun science fiction lost civilization stories. This is part of the…
5th Year…
Of My Doing The Rock-N-Roll Half Marathon… Here in Vegas. There is a 5k run on Saturday and then the half marathon on Sunday. I have finished the half four previous years, very slowly, but I finished. And every year I have done it by myself in pretty nice conditions. I had personal issues each year, but I made it and it was grand fun. This year a couple of friends are going to do the half with me and another is doing the 10K which starts with the half. So not alone this year. Yay!! (I mean when I say, “doing the half with me” is that they will…
March Workshops All Available
LIST OF ALL MARCH WORKSHOPS… Except for one special addition, here are the March workshops that will be starting up. There are some good ones. And the resurrected Classic Workshop this month is Writing with Pulp Speed. It is a regular workshop for just this one month only. And note that four new Collection Classes are starting up and also the new Advanced Craft class. And another note: You really should open your email from me in the Teachable system. Just saying… (grin) And if you don’t get the Teachable emails because you have it turned off, turn it on and then write me. REGULAR WORKSHOPS Class #24… March 7th…