• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Not Enough Hours

    We All Have Those Kinds of Days… No matter how we try, there is just not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done. In the old days, I would just short myself on sleep, but not these days. I think I burnt out that ability somewhere in my early sixties. So Advanced Character Development is a Tuesday Class, and responses and the new week will be posted on Tuesday. Late Tuesday, so many of you will already be in bed when that happens. Don’t write me. Just shows me you don’t read this. (grin) Today (which is now Tuesday), Kris and I run screaming…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Wow… SF Wins Oscars

    What a Stunner… As a sf writer, I have been watching for years and years and decades for a science fiction movie to get some attention at the Oscars. Nope, never happened. Kris loves to watch the Oscars, so I went downstairs on a break to watch the end and a sf movie had already won best supporting actress with Jamie Lee Curtis, and best supporting actor. And then while I was watching, the sf movie won best script, best director, best actress, and then best picture. And Brandon Fraser won best actor. We really are in an alternate reality. Or a multiverse. I write an entire series of time…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Saturday Night Filler

    Giving Myself a Rest… Yeah, I know. Shocking for a person who basically works from morning to late at night seven days a week all year. But just completed a ton of projects, starting a few others, so figured I would just give myself a day. I sort of got the hint when I took a second nap that I might need some down time. You think? (grin) So last day of the special blog workshop sale. All March workshops have started On Tuesday the two special workshops will start. I should have email to everyone on Monday on those. Still haven’t gotten all the information from Kickstarter on that,…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Quick Update

    Code Extended… Seems until I reminded people on my blog last night, they did not know about the blog workshop 50% sale. So I have extended to code to be good through late Sunday night instead of tonight. Popular request. Monday or Tuesday’s blog at the bottom gives you the information and the code. For all things on Teachable, not just the fantastic March workshops starting up.

  • Challenge

    Copyright Valuation… A Sort of Rant…

    Or Maybe Just Puzzlement… Before I start on the rant, a reminder that the workshop discount I offered in the Monday blog will expire late on Friday night. Don’t miss it. —– This story starts at Superstars. Kevin J. Anderson and his wonderful crew had set up some panels on estate planning for writers and I was sitting in all of them. So was Kevin. Kevin and I and Kris are all working hard on dealing with our estates after two of our friends died without even a will. We all have wills and such, but we want to take everything to the next step. We all want our estates…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Just Finished Romance Time Travel Class

    Super Fun!! Some great reading for me, and now that I have shown to myself I can read stories again with my improving eye, I will be catching up on the stories I am behind on. Give me one more week , folks. And for one last time, here is all the fantastic stuff about the March workshops that are starting right now, plus the fun surprise that was at the bottom of Monday’s post. That ends late tomorrow (Friday) night. These are all on WMG Teachable. Collection Classes… Creatures Collections Class Spies Collection Class Heroes or Heroines Collection Class Fantasy Collection Class These are nine weeks long in which…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Having Fun

    I Love Time Travel Stories… And I really love time travel romance stories. My favorite Lifetime Christmas movie is the old trope of letters through time through an old mailbox. They made it work. Amazing for those kinds of movies. Well, right now I am teaching (with Kris’s help, of course), a Time Travel Romance Study Along. I was going to teach it as an in-person class as well, but only a couple signed up, so I am having fun with the Study Along. And getting to read some amazing stories. Eye is slowly getting better, so that I can. Yay! If you ask why I can teach a romance…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Wow! A Lot of March Classes Starting

    I Said 12 Classes Starting… But forgot a few of the special workshops from the Kickstarters. The two fantasy start Tuesday for their second session and the science fiction ones start in a week (I will contact you this coming week). And I also did not count the Study Along which is keeping me crazy busy reading as best I can. I am still very slow at that. And fun to see how many people read to the bottom of yesterday’s blog. Just a little Easter Egg, I guess some people call it. Anyway, again here are the workshops that are starting that are available to everyone… These are all…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Great New March Workshops Starting Up!!

    Twelve Workshops Starting In March… Yes, that is a bunch. Four of the 9-week collection classes, Advanced Character Development, and seven regular workshops. (Also a Study Along has started, but if you are not already in that one, you are out of luck.) These are all on WMG Teachable. Collection Classes… Creatures Collections Class Spies Collection Class Heroes or Heroines Collection Class Fantasy Collection Class These are nine weeks long in which you write five new short stories to the theme as you see it, put it all together, and publish it on the ninth week, with me helping every step of the way. Advanced Craft Class Advanced Character Development…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    In-Person Workshops Have Room!

    Both May and July Classes Have Openings… Both are taught by Kris and both are a go, meaning we have enough signed up and have confirmed the dates with the hotel and have contracts with them. The workshops are in Las Vegas at Resorts World, and we have a special room rate with the hotel for those attending. May is ROMANTIC SUSPENSE… The reading list was just posted for this on the Study Along class on Teachable (if you can’t come in person, take the Study Along.) There are two spots open here in Vegas. July is FANTASY THRILLER (also taught by Kris). There are three spots open. (And yes,…