I Feel Bad for New Writers… Part 7… More terminology
Outdated Terminology Continued… As I said before, ew fiction writers coming in now are really torn between all the myths and hype of traditional publishing and all the myths and hype of indie publishing. But as I said back in the first post of this series, the paperback era of big publishing is pretty much done, and the distribution of fiction is changing over to the electronic era of indie publishing, with indie writers in charge. These kinds of major shifts in fiction distribution to the readers has happened four major times through the history of this country, with each new era lasting about 50 years and the transitions lasting…
Writing Tonight…
Writing Fiction Instead of Nonfiction… Got a late start today, so going to spend the next numbers of hours writing fiction tonight. The series I have been writing has a number more parts to it. So if you have questions, feel free to ask. Kickstarter Updates will be happening in the coming days as well, so if you have kickstarter questions about one we have done, hold off on those. So now over to writing fiction. So much more fun than writing nonfiction, that’s for sure. Hope you are having a great weekend.
I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part Six… Things Change
The Changing Terminology… New fiction writers coming in now are really torn between all the myths and hype of traditional publishing and all the myths and hype of indie publishing. But as I said back in the first post of this series, the paperback era of big publishing is pretty much done, and the distribution of fiction is changing over to the electronic era of indie publishing. These kinds of major shifts in fiction distribution to the readers has happened four major times through the history of this country, with each new era lasting about 50 years and the transitions lasting about 25 years. Again, see my first post. New…
I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part Five… The Upside
The Choice Between Two Paths… This entire series has been talking about the choice new writers coming into professional fiction writing have between the old methods of traditional publishing and the new world of indie publishing. If you have not read the first five parts of this series, please do so now. This will make more sense if you do so. So in this chapter, I want to quickly go over what is possible for success on both paths. Traditional Publishing… For many, many, many writers, simply having a book published by a traditional publisher is the success. Period. And many writers don’t ever want to leave their professional job…
I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part 4
The Failures on Both Paths… In fiction writing, the only time you fail is if you stop writing fiction. Period. There is no other marker. You stop writing, you fail. It really is that simple. So in this series, I have been talking about the choices of paths new writers can take to get their books to readers. Traditional path and indie path. So what forces in those two distribution paths make a writer think they should quit writing and thus fail? TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING… On this path, the dreams can be crushed in a number of points along the way, causing maybe a great writer to stop writing. Understand clearly……
Last Day of Cattitude Bundle!!!
Ten Amazing Books Featuring Cats!! You do not want to miss this one, Fantastic books. Go to Storybundle.com/cats to see the amazing selection. And here is the blog once again that Kristine Kathryn Rusch did for the bundle. She describes it all really well. THE 2023 CATATUDE BUNDLE Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch My cats have gotten out of control. During the lockdown, I promoted a series of projects using my co-workers as a hook. The only co-workers I had at the time were the the cats who boss me around: The Mighty Cheeps, and his buddy Gavin, a.k.a The Boys. I’d post a picture of them on Facebook, write…
A Second Way to Go…
Part Three of This Series… First two parts were in my blogs the last three days. I started this off by saying I feel bad for the young writers coming into fiction publishing today. They are torn between the myths of the old traditional publishing world and the myths of the new indie world. Publishing is smack in the middle of a transition to electronic and indie publishing. Over the last two hundred years, these transitions have taken 25 years or so before publishing stabilizes for 40-50 years. We are around year 14 right now in this transition. So in last part of this series I talked about how a…
Tomorrow… Third Part
TONIGHT… Getting Workshops Live… The day got swallowed by workshop stuff and a couple major naps and some writing so that I didn’t leave enough time to do the post on indie publishing, so I will finish that tomorrow. For now, those of you who got the special workshops from Case Card Kickstarter should have gotten a letter from me with all the links and codes. And all May workshops, including the collection classes, have started up. So with that, I have done my blog for the night and am going for a much longer nap. Might be called a night’s sleep. But got to finish a chapter first.
One Way To Go…
Of Two Major Directions… As I wrote last night, new fiction writers (because we are in the middle of a distribution and form transition) are torn between two paths. A lot of old timers (not me or Kris) spread the gospel of how they broke into publishing in the 1980s or 1990s or early 2000,s. And new writers should do the same. But now the writers who have gone indie publishing outnumber the traditional fiction writers and are making a lot more money (recent survey) and so the new writers wanting to enter the field of fiction writing are torn. Both sides seem valid. And the myths on both sides…
I Feel Bad For New Writers…
Coming Into Fiction Publishing Right Now Is Confusing… And I do mean really, really confusing. As I said a number of weeks back, we are solidly in the middle of the transition between traditional paperback publishing and indie electronic publishing. So writers coming into fiction publishing now have no idea what to think and are faced with a million myths from both sides. When I came into fiction publishing back in the 1970s and 1980s, there was only one way in. We were flat in the middle of the 50 year run of the paper traditional publishers. Everyone around me knew the way in. It was hard work, sure, but…