• Challenge,  publishing

    Cover Fun For #49

    Five Short Stories in The May Issue… So figured I would do the covers tonight. Started around 11 pm and finished about 1 am. Two hours. And it would have been faster than that but got held up on a couple pieces of art. Anyone who does covers knows that finding the art is the most time consuming part of all this, especially when I have a template like I do, and all the stories this issue fit in the template. I also spent some time last night searching through the big pile of stories I wrote, let Kris read, and then tossed on the pile. A little over fifty…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Secrets and Lies

    A Storybundle… If you love mystery stories and novels by top writers, Kris has put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it:  https://storybundle.com/mystery Once again I am going to put here Kris’s blog introduction to the bundle… —– SECRETS AND LIES STORYBUNDLE by Kristine Kathryn Rusch Want me to pick up a book? Put the word “secret” on the cover. Secret histories, secret lives, or heck, just the word “secrets” by itself. I love secrets. Secrets imply…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Smiths Monthly

    Smith’s Monthly #48…

    Now Published… This one has the short novel in it, CARD SHARP SILVER: A Cave Creek Novel. Here is the blurb… ———– More than fifty-five thousand words of original fiction from USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith. Introducing Card Sharp Silver, a novel in the new Cave Creek series, a shared world “Where the Unexpected Meets the Real World.” Also included are five new short stories in some of Smith’s most popular series: “Whistle for Help: A Marble Grant Story”, “Half a Clue: A Cold Poker Gang Short Story”, “Remembering the Last Laughter: A Bryant Street Story”, “Cat in a Hole: A Pakhet Jones Story”, and “Pleasing Pearl: A Sky…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    70 Publishing Challenge

    Half Way There… I turned 70 back in the middle of November of 2020 and set up a challenge for myself. Actually a number of challenges. One was to complete a marathon and I did that in late November. I plan on one or two more marathons this coming fall. But I also sat up a publishing challenge for myself. I wanted to publish 70 major books (not counting individual short stories) with my name on the front cover. I did an update back in January when I said I was way behind. Well, I am now caught up. Granted, I only have twenty books published in five months, but…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    Secrets and Lies Storybundle

    FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LOVE MYSTERY… Kris put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it:  https://storybundle.com/mystery There are some amazing novels and stories in this bundle and if you love mystery, you don’t want to miss it. I even have one of my Cold Poker Gang novels in this called Dead Hand. It would be a good one to jump into the series with. https://storybundle.com/mystery On another topic, all the surveys went out today on The…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    April Workshops Starting Up

    Tuesday and Wednesday… Yes, it is that time. The April workshops are starting up. You can find them on WMG Publishing Teachable at https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Hit “See all Courses” and look for the April classes. Also, for those of you taking the special workshops from the Colliding Worlds Kickstarter, the Writing SF Stories and the Vastness of Space three-week special classes, they are starting as well. I sent you a letter on how to find those and get into them back in February. They were only available through the Kickstarter campaign. The six-week classes open to everyone in April are: Class #31… Apr 6th … Covers 101 Class #32… Apr 6th…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading


    A Best Practices Guide By Loren Coleman And trust me, folks, you ever thinking of adding Kickstarters into your fiction plans, you want this book in your library. And Loren wrote it to have it read, so he is practically giving it away in a Kickstarter Launch campaign. Folks, I have read this book. It will be the bible of how to do fiction campaigns going forward. Loren was the co-founder with me of the Best Practices class that is free on WMG Publishing Teachable. And he ran a 2 million plus campaign. And he has run small campaigns under different company names. This one is under his Pulse Publishing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Some Bits…

    Saturday Night Clean-Up… I will finally get to have more hours for writing starting this coming week. Finally. So figured tonight when no one was around, I would clean up a few things. — The survey should go out on Tuesday or Wednesday for The Return of the Fey Kickstarter campaign. After that I will keep you informed on the campaign when other details go out. But next week will only be the surveys because we want to give everyone time to get them back to us. That way we don’t miss anyone. So when you get the survey, please fill it out as soon as you can. And thanks…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Master Business Class Officially Online

    To No One’s Surprise… The 2021 Master Business Class was to be held here in Las Vegas in October, but now has been moved online. And we will never have another Master Business class in person. The 2020 one was scheduled to be the last one, then because of Covid we moved the last one to October 2021. But folks, even with the miracle of the vaccines, October is still too early. And, of course, we have idiots out there who will not get vaccinated and Kris and I and WMG Publishing can’t force everyone attending to be vaccinated and prove it. And those of you jumping on planes can’t…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Dip Into the Past…

    Looking Through the Twenty Issues of the Original Pulphouse Magazine… In the last Pulphouse Kickstater, we offered a stretch reward that we said would be coming out about now that was a sample of the stories I published back in the original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine. So I was putting that together tonight. I quickly came to realize a few things. The small volume I was putting together could not be a best-of volume because there are just far, far too many great stories in those twenty volumes. I needed to pick eight for this short sample of stories from back 30 years. So this would not be a best-of…