Writers of the Future was once again amazing. Jody Lynn Nye was announced as the new corordinating judge of the contest and I was announced as the new editor of Writers of the Future. Yes, you heard that right, I am the new editor and considering I was the first person to ever walk across the stage 38 years ago, I am stunned and honored. I will still be a judge as well. Jody and the rest of the judges (including me) will find the great stories out of all those sent in. Then it will be my job to put the volume together and work with the writers. So…
At Writers of the Future
Tomorrow I Put On a Tux… That will be a stunner. And I will have some news when I get home on Saturday. If you follow the live stream of the awards show, you will hear the news. But it will be fun. The group of writers this year is amazing and hungry and actually staying up late to listen and talk and learn. Had a great dinner tonight with Larry Elmore, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and others. Way too much great food. Year #38 tomorrow ends. I was the very first winner across the stage 38 years ago. Just amazing how time flies. So tomorrow a Tux once again. Pictures…
Dictating Gold Almost Gone
REPEAT REMINDER Kevin J Anderson can show you how it is done TO DICTATE NOVELS. I am repeating this because if you have thought of dictating, you want this and it is never offered anywhere. On Kevin’s Dan Shamble Kickstarter campaign, he has the raw audio files of the entire new book he dictated, untouched. If you ever thought of wanting to dictate fiction, listen to how Kevin does it. The entire raw file at the $100 reward level. No professional author who dictates ever lets anyone see their raw file. This is the chance to get one for his new book and learn from the entire raw file, first…
Thinking of Dictating?
Kevin J Anderson can show you how it is done. On Kevin’s Dan Shamble Kickstarter campaign, he has the raw audio files of the entire new book he dictated, untouched. If you ever thought of wanting to dictate fiction, listen to how Kevin does it. The entire raw file at the $100 reward level. No professional author who dictates ever lets anyone see their raw file. This is the chance to get one for his new book and learn from the entire raw file, first word to last. Plus you get a copy of the ebook to compare it to. ONE MAJOR PROBLEM… Kickstarter campaign only has 44 hours left…
Secrets Going Classic
Secrets of Craft Workshop…. Going to classic. That’s right, we only offerer it once, but the class turned out to not be what Kris and I were hoping, so in this next week I will move it to Classic status, as well as a couple others I have been meaning to do. So before the sale is over, there will be new Classic Workshops. Stay Tuned! Remember, if you want to get anything on Teachable at half price, including the new Lifetime Subscription to All Pop-Ups, just find the class and hit Purchase and then put in the code SpringSale and hit apply and you will get the class for…
Motivational Monday Second Quarter
Just Posted Monday Videos… In the 2nd Quarter… That’s right, the first quarter of Motivational Mondays is done and to keep going you need to either have the full year or sign up for the second quarter. And guess what, there is a half-price sale going on right now. For half price, you can get the full year and go back over the first quarter if you missed it, or just grab the second quarter. Half Price sale is for everything on Teachable. Just hit purchase what you want, then remember to put in the code SpringSale (all one word) to get the class or whatever at half price. Lots…
Spring Workshop Sale
Spring Workshop Sale Starts Sunday the 3rd of April… Wanted to let everyone know about the sale starting now. Go to https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Then hit “See All Courses” and find the course you want. It will be half price by hitting Purchase and then on the top of the next page put in the coupon code: SpringSale That will get you the class, the workshops, the lecture, Pop-Up, subscription, challenges, everything at half price. And you can buy as many as you want, but you have to do it one at a time since Teachable does not have a shopping cart. The spring sale will last until Thursday, April 14th at…
Watched Bridgerton
Yes, I Watched a Regency… For the second year in a row. Four episodes in the last two days. Kris had to explain a bunch of stuff to me, but some pretty good acting and the characters were likable, so I’ll watch the third season if there is one. Interesting difference in plotting from this show to others. These episodes were mostly an hour in length and if the characters had only talked, nothing would have happened, but as it was not a lot happens. Where, say, The Rookie fifty things happen, ten viewpoints, and a ton of stuff, and it is only 15 minutes into the episode. When Magnum…
Aliens Among Us Storybundle
Yes, Still Going On… Six days left and some great science fiction books by great writers. I got to curate this and I even mentioned it here when I was looking for books. Fun putting it together. Following, I am going to reprint my blog about it. I put this blog here two weeks ago just before we started the Kickstarter. I hope you grab a bundle for some great reading. WWW.Storybundle.com/aliens Here is my original blog… One thing science fiction fans think about when you say “Aliens Among Us” is aliens like body snatchers, or Grays flitting around Area 51. None of that in this group of great novels…
Why All The Stretch Rewards?
Why Give So Much Away? Got that question a lot this time, more than any other campaign we have done, although I must admit, that question is pretty normal for our campaigns. If a person does a $5 pledge to get an early copy of RESCUE TWO in electronic form, as I write this they get ten more books and nine workshops worth $1,350.00. But that is about to jump one more goal to eleven books and ten workshops. Why do this? Why give so much away? Two major reasons, actually. First, this is a campaign for my new Seeders novel RESCUE TWO. It stands alone, but gives a good…