Pulphouse Subscription Drive 2022 is LIVE!!
Just launched! This is to support Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscriptions. You can get a year (6 issues electronic or paper) and a bunch of other stuff, including all 12 of the Pulphouse anthologies we have done, plus the two special ones as well. And workshops! The two special workshops are nifty and ONLY OFFERED THROUGH THE KICKSTARTER. So don’t miss those. And other regular workshops, including lifetimes. So take a look! It’s live. Pulphouse Fiction River Subscription Drive 2022
Fun Collection Class
Thieves Collection Class I think this might be the most fun collection 9-week class we have done. The topic of Thieves can be in any genre and cover just about anything. Got two other collection classes starting as well today, but the Thieves to me sounds like the most fun. At the end of 9 weeks you have written five new stories and published a collection. I’m thinking a romance thieves collection would be great. Or maybe a thieves in Space Opera. Thieves topic and focus just fits anywhere. Fun. Just started today. Also the first classes in the July Regular Workshops started today as well. And the second sessions…
Good Time for a Challenge
Beginning of July… Six months until the end of the year. Always a great time to start a challenge. I’m going to fire at 12 novels in six months. And yes, already got started on the first one tonight. Got four challenges on Teachable. Write six novels in one year (one every two months), write a novella per month, write a short story per week, or publish a major book every month. All four of those challenges will really make the second half of this year be a focused and good one. (I just looked at those and went “Doing all four at the same time would be great fun.”…
Email Issues
GMail is My Account… If anyone is expecting me to respond to an email sent to the dean@deanwesleysmith.com address, send it to my gmail email address, which I have been using now for years. The .com email, with the move to this site’s new home, seems to have finally given up the ghost. And it was bad and spotty before. I will try to return it next week to a functioning status, but please don’t use it. Thanks!!
Challenge Mixed Bag
Didn’t Hit It, but Still All Right… My challenge starting in 2022 was to write a short story per day. 365 days. I knew clear back in November when I finished the 70 Books in my 70th Year and started thinking about this challenge again that I would have trouble with it. And not for most writer’s reasons. I knew I would have trouble keeping track and doing something with all the stories. I thought I had that solved. Nope. I wrote 31 stories in January and a story every day in February and a story per day for the first half of March… Going fine, having no issues other…
Wow, I Am Surprised…
Time of Great Forgetting and an American Holiday… Got all that. But I guess I am wrong. Two classes I thought we would get a lot of people signing up for, and being excited to take, and no one. Crickets… At least so far. First off, having Kris talk for almost four hours about writing and the business of writing and surviving in the business for thirty years in the Interview Classes. She talks about ten of her major series over four hours of me asking her questions about the series and publishing and writing. The people who got it free on the Kickstarter are signing up, but not one…
Interview Videos With Kris
The Interview Videos with Kristine Kathryn Rusch Are Up! The 10 series interviews were a part of the Stretch Goal bonuses in the Kristine Kathryn Rusch Starter Kit Kickstarter Campaign. I was to interview Kris about the ten series that were in the starter kit. Each interview was going to be separate on Teachable, but Kris and I soon realized that would not be the best, so we still did the ten interviews, but they are now ten different sections of the same class. Over 40 different videos. We were going to charge $50 each interview per series, but then decided that by combining them we could charge just $300…
Not Much Done… But All Good Sometimes we all just have days when a ton of things go really well, but because stuff is going so well on so many fronts, you end up with nothing done you really wanted to do. Yup, had one of those days. Some business news this morning that won’t pay off quickly, but will be a fantastic windfall later in the winter. Took time, phone calls, and worry to be near the phone all day, but worth it. Great publishing news from Allyson about some other business. That news is going to save us a ton over time and make things so much easier,…
Diving Into the Wreck is Free!!
Doing a Bookbub On Diving into the Wreck. The first book in Kristine Kathryn Rusch DIVING SERIES, Diving into the Wreck is free for a few weeks. Normally it is $5.99, but there is a Bookbub on it and you can get it free for the next week or so. If you have not yet met Boss and been introduced to this massive series, now is the time. Lots of books in the series. Great reading. The link to find it free on your favorite store is: https://books2read.com/u/47kdKj PULPHOUSE FICTION MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE 2022 The campaign is going live in a week or so. Going to have some really fun…
Might Be A Few Minutes of This Site Being Down…
Tuesday Morning and some through the day… Yes, the site is moving to a new host after that last stupidity. Everything is already moved as I type this, but tomorrow morning all the direction stuff will be switching over. Site this place might experience a little downtime, but should be short. And for a short time it will read “Not secure” as things switch over, but it is and will read secure in short order. After that I will spend a number of days cleaning up stuff that has desperately needed to be cleaned up for a few years now. Other than the slight breaks, and the “not secure” for…