Running Fun?
Still Totally Exhausted… But Kris and I were signed up for this Halloween 5k run this morning, so even though I had no energy at all, I managed to crawl out of bed at 6 a.m. and be going through a starting gate at 8 a.m. On the other side of the valley. Great costumes. I was so slow, at one point I was passed by a very overweight man wearing an alligator suit with a long tail. He said in a very friendly manner as he went past, “Let’s go!” I would have kicked him in the tail, but I was too tired and he was too fast. But…
No Time
Watching World Series… 17 Innings and still going, so used all my blog time for that and still didn’t get to see the end, since I have to be up early for a run tomorrow. And I don’t even much like baseball on television or either team for that matter. But 17 innings. Wow, that was fun to watch for a time. Maybe a better blog finally tomorrow.
No Real Brain Yet
Hold On… If I owe you an email from the last week I should be able to get to you tomorrow (Friday). Sorry for the delay. I had far too much fun in this workshop and learned far too much stuff and my brain just wants to veg. And I would not have done this much without this silly blog streak.
While I Recover My Brain
Here is a Fun Video… Or a better way of putting it… Writer’s at Play… On the last night of the Master Business Class workshop, four instructors and three attending writers decided to go on the Fremont Street Zip Line in Las Vegas. Back at the party in the Golden Nugget Hotel the others kept up with our progress through texts I was sending back. And many came down to watch us fly over when the time came. I decided to get a helmet camera to film it all. Christina F. York, the science fiction and mystery writer was one of our instructors. She is in the middle with two…
Business Master Class Is Over
Or It Will Be by 11:30 am… Wow, great fun, great information, great discussions, and seven of us even went zip-line flying tonight. Four of the instructors and three of the writers attending. The move to Las Vegas really seemed to work. And the massive amounts of information for five days was amazing. Wow, just wow. It will take everyone some time to sort it all out and figure out what to do first. Including me and Kris. But right now, as this comes to an end, Kris and I would like to thank not only all the wonderful writers who showed up, but most importantly the instructors who gave…
Great Discussions
As Is Normal… These major workshops always have great discussions. Impossible not to when you put fifty or so professional writers in the same room and late at night in a big suite and talk writing all day and night. This Master Business Class is about over, sadly. I have enjoyed the talks and focus on the business of writing. Maybe more this year than over the last few years, actually. And that is going some. I will talk about it more here over the next few days as I get caught up. Some fun stuff. Stay tuned. And anyone interested in signing up for next year’s Master Business Class…
Slow On Responses
Not Much Time for Email… So I will be slow on responses for a day or so. Please be understanding with this old guy. I have a lot of old and new friends in town for the next day or so to talk to. So I am not getting home until late. But I at least wrote this much to keep my streak of nightly blogging alive. No idea why I keep this streak going, but here it is. Sorry for the delay if I have not gotten back to you yet on an email. I will, I promise.
Nifty Writing Bundle Once Again
NanoWriMo Writing Bundle… Right now here at the Master Business Class five of these authors are here who have books in this fantastic bundle of writing books through Storybundle.com. Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Andrea Pearson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and me. I have read or looked at most of the books in this group, and I know a lot of the authors, and folks, this bundle is a real deal. Craig Martelle from the 20to50 conferences has a book in this bundle. Joanna Pen, Kevin McLaughline, Blaze Ward, Jamie j. Ferguson, and Simon Haynes to name just a few. You folks like to keep learning, this is the bundle for…
November Workshops Available
All Twelve Are There… And if you have a credit from the recent Kickstarter, just write me to get into the November workshops. Or you can use the credits at any time into the future. Sign up at Teachable.com And there are lifetime subscriptions available on Teachable as well if you decide to get serious and really try to take as many as possible. Class #49 Nov 6th Depth #3: Research Class #50 Nov 6th Author Voice Class #51 Nov 6th Dialog Class #52 Nov 6th Writing into the Dark Class #53 Nov 6th Writing Fiction Sales Copy Class #54 Nov 6th Writing and Selling Short Stories Class #55 …
Comments Have Been Interesting
My Best Advice I Can Give?… The comments over the past few days have been fun. Thanks, everyone who left a comment. I help a lot of writers learn in a lot of detail about specific areas of writing through the workshops. But if I had to boil it all down in some general way, here are my suggestions… 1… Read for pleasure. 2… Enjoy writing and telling a story. 3… Write only stories that you feel passionate about and that will entertain you. 4… Be passionate about wanting to keep learning. All the rest is a shrug. If you want my advice on the business of professional writing, that…