Running Pictures
Motivational Monday… Since in the Motivational Monday videos tomorrow, I talk about my running and how just not stopping is the key in running and writing, I figured for Sunday I would post some running pictures I promised last Monday. So here they are. All copyright Rock and Role Marathon except the last one. First one about a mile after the start. I’m still running fine. Damn this was crazy fun. Second picture is somewhere in the middle of the miles…Pretty much everyone around me was walking. Third picture is nearing the finish of the 13 miles… I’m back running again, if you call it that… Picture just after the…
Searching for Art
Hours Spent… I finished my short story fairly early tonight, so was going to go get some sleep but then decided to check our account on Deposit Photos and discovered that I was going to lose my monthly number of art downloads if I didn’t use them in the next ten hours. Yikes. So for two hours tonight I downloaded art that I might use for February stories that I haven’t done covers for. Didn’t end up using all of the credits, but used a bunch of them. Eyes just ran out of gas (or something like that.) And don’t forget that the fantastic Cattitude Storybundle only has five days…
Brandon Helps Us All Once Again
Brandon Sanderson’s Second Kickstarter… Brandon’s campaign is about to break the record for the largest campaign in Kickstarter history. It is over twenty million as I start to write this and still climbing. And he is doing this in the FICTION category with four books. Three years ago Loren Coleman and I got it in our heads that Kickstarter could be another sales-of-books source, like a bookstore for preorders. We started a free Kickstarter for Fiction Writers place on Teachable, and Loren wrote an entire book on Crowdfunding for Fiction Writers, which is basically the bible. Our intent was to make Kickstarter pay attention more to the Fiction category like…
A Novel Happens
Not Intended, but Creative Voice Won… As it should. Tonight got to the writing computer around 12:30 am. Typed in a title that had caught my eye. A STAR-FILLED NIGHT Started typing about a guy who met a woman outside the Titanic Exhibit at the Luxor here in Vegas. Story could have gone anywhere, but suddenly I found it solidly in the Thunder Mountain world. And at 1,300 words or so I wrote Chapter Two and said, “Shit!” Thankfully I didn’t wake Kris up clear off into the bedroom. My creative voice said, “This is the best idea for a Thunder Mountain Story, set on the Titanic, about the three…
Aliens Among Us
A New StoryBundle… Hold on, you can’t buy it yet. I have not put it all together yet, to be honest. I am looking for some great science fiction novels or novellas with aliens in them. Turns out they are harder to find than you might think. But, of course, I am being selective because I love doing these bundles and work hard to make them the best they can be. The one going right now is CATTITUDE and if you love cat stories and haven’t grabbed it yet, don’t wait too long. It will be gone soon. So I am being selective looking for novels or novellas that focus…
Workshops Starting…
March Workshops are Starting Up!!! Also the second group of the special workshops from the Crimes Collide Kickstarter are starting. Plus starting today the new SECRETS regular workshop. This is a craft workshop completely. Plus four different nine-week collection classes. Here are the names and themes of the collection classes where in nine week you write five stories and put an entire collection together and publish it. They really are fun. — SPIES — HEROES AND HEROINES — RELATIONSHIPS (of all kinds) — FANTASY So great workshops and the April workshops are up to sign up for as well. Lots of great stuff. Give it a look at https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ CATTITUDE…
Finished the Half Marathon
Not Fast, but Finished… I purposely made myself keep a slower pace because I am still overweight from my running weight and have been so stupidly busy over the last three weeks I haven’t trained at all. My goal with the scar on the bottom of my foot was to just finish. (Scar ended up not bothering me at all.) So started off with so much traffic around the closed Strip, I just gave up getting too close and parked about 1.2 miles away from the finish exist and it was another two miles to get from my car to the starting line. So total for the day just right…
Short Run Down
Long One to Go… Great fun. Seemed like a billion people but guessing around twenty thousand. I ran some, walked a lot, mostly because so many people and I have a long run tomorrow, a half marathon. So mostly out testing my feet. No blood when I took off my shoes, so a win there. With all the walking to the race, around in the race to get started, then after the race down to a restaurant in the Circa, then back home, I did about seven miles. Tomorrow, with the walking to get to the race, the 13 mile race, and the walking to get back to the car,…
Always Fun
When site hosts do updates… And they always do that sort of thing on Friday night starting at midnight. Makes sense for them and most customers, but has scared hell out of me more times over this long streak than I can count. And next week we will be moving this site, updating some stuff, and just enjoying life (grin). So if my site is down at times over the next four or five days, no worries, coming back quickly. Thanks Allyson, Josh, and Gwyneth for doing what they could this Saturday morning. I just figured this place would be gone for the weekend and around 4 am I went…
Site Having Issues
This Might be my only post to keep the streak…Fingers crossed it goes through.