• Challenge,  Misc,  On Writing

    Got Up Very Early…

    Halfway Through My Night, Actually… To go with Kris as she ran, biked, and swam in a Reverse Triathlon. She started off with a 5K run, then did 10K on a bike, and then 300 yards of swimming. I was her support staff, to hold her stuff, get her water and such and help her through the transitions. She completed it and did fantastic! She is flat amazing. Read her post on Facebook about how life conspired against her on the training and she still showed up and finished. I often get questions about what it takes to become a long-term, full-time fiction writer. My answer is never quit, and…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Writing in Public

    A Fun Challenge…

    This Is Only An Idea… Many of you know I got basically an eye infection in my only good eye back in late October that pretty much made me blind for a time and vision challenged for months now. Docs said it would take six months to get better and it has been getting better. Still not back yet, but I am getting back reading. I will be catching up on workshop stories I have let go (thanks for understanding) and even more fun I will be reading Kris’s new Diving novel that has been sitting on my table for three weeks. Damn that is exciting. But even more exciting…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Forgot One Thing… Writing

    That’s Right, But Not Really Forgot… Just left it out of that massive list of things starting the first part of the year. Writing is the most important thing, and for the first time in going on 50 years, I did not have an open lane to write as much or as little as I want starting the first of the year. Back in late October, I injured my one good eye and was basically blind for a couple of days which was damned scary. Turns out is is something that happens, has no cause (unless you are coming down with MS), and has no treatment. Basically the eyesight in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Amazing Power

    Why Streaks and Challenges? I get asked that question a lot. Why do I pay so much attention to streaks and challenges?? I once again proved to myself tonight with this blog why. Let me lightly paint the picture. 3 am. The air outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of our bedroom was a cold-for-Vegas 43 degrees. Lights and computers were off in my office and I had watched all of thirty minutes of television downstairs before nodding off. I was shivering and just about to climb into bed to pull up the two blankets and two quilts to my chin when Kris rolled over and muttered the question she asks…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    Why Do We Do Kickstarters?

    I Got That Question Today… The question sort of caught me by surprise, to be honest. First off, surface reasons. 1… It gets new books to readers ahead of the publication date and at a discount. Fans of a series or a writer enjoy that. I know I do, which is one of the reasons why I back so many campaigns. 2… It gets our work out to readers we might never find and they might then buy more of our work. This is called discoverability. 3… It is amazing promotion and advertising and you don’t have to pay for it. In fact, if you do it right, you get…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Got Closer to Buffet Challenge

    Took My New iPad to a Buffet… Sort of a test run. Didn’t plan on doing any writing, just mostly setting up a bunch of programs on my iPad, including Microsoft Word and Outlook. Got interesting, to say the least, but 90% there. Only killed the only email I have left twice, but managed to save it both times. Yikes… Even set up a word doc that I can use sort of for a template. And wrote the start of a story. The first line of the story is… “The 1950s called and they want their food back.” Yup, the buffet I was in was that bad. And I like…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    September Workshops Now Available

    Including new Applied Depth Workshop Yes, Applied Depth as been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. And yes, just sign up for any of them on Teachable. Depth in Writing workshop is required to take the Applied Depth, plus it is suggested to take the Advanced Depth workshop before as well. Applied Depth Workshop takes the concepts of Basic Depth and then applies those concepts to all the major genres. Openings of stories and novels are different from genre to genre. And yes, basic depth tends to work, but there are techniques for each genre, reader expectations of opening for each genre, that will help you get readers of a…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    A Fun Teaser

    I Did a Podcast About Writing… With John Goodwin for the Writers of the Future Podcast. I always have a lot of fun talking with John and I think that comes across here. This is a very short teaser they put together on YouTube for the podcast I did with them, with a bunch of pictures of me and others at the event. One picture you can see me and my long-time good friends Keven J. Anderson and Rob Sawyer. Fun picture. So take a look. The topic of this teaser is a Hubbard essay on writing that even going on a hundred years after he wrote it is worth…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Too Much In One Day…

    I Managed A Ton of Stuff Today… But unless I get going now, going to miss the night’s story. Worked on Smith’s Monthly layout and recorded a bunch of the lectures from Kris’s class this coming week for the Study Along class online, Exercised some while Kris was using my computer to record videos for the Study Along class online. Cooked dinner, and then worked on the books for the challenge and more on Smith’s Monthly. I finally came up with a name for the entire series of books that will hold all the stories. Challenge Accepted Each book will have 33 stories in it, plus an introduction. If I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  running

    May 1st Restart

    Some Months Make More Sense Than Others to Restart… For me, I am used May 1st to restart a number of things. First, I am restarting my minimum milage per day. I clock steps and for me 2,000 steps on my Fitbit is almost always exactly one mile. So starting May 1st I am going to hit 3 miles (6,000 steps) per day and then every week increase that by 500 steps. I need the exercise and why May 1st is a good time to do that is because as the weather warms up here in Vegas, I will be spending a lot of time daily at the gym, which…