• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    March Online Workshops Starting

    March Online Workshops Starting… Still room to jump in. Also, in the next day or so I will announce something Kris and I are doing once again, against our better judgement, but because we got a great deal of requests to do it again after two years. Strengths. Only this time we will be doing it more extensively in a series of workshops to figure out where you are at and what you are strong at and areas you need to work on. The four areas will be Craft, Business, Sales, and Genre. Both basic and advanced in all four. (I’ll explain it all.) They will be very similar to a…

  • News,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Is Coming Back!

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine That’s right, after twenty years, Pulphouse returns. Kris and I are bringing it back. I figured I had better talk a little about it here since I am the editor and I bought some really stunning and wonderful Pulphouse stories for the magazine this last week. But just to be clear, Kris is with me on this. Pulphouse was always the two of us and even though WMG Publishing Inc. is now the company behind Pulphouse, the magazine is still our vision. First Some History Kris and I started Pulphouse Publishing in 1987 and dissolved the corporation in 1996. We started off with Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    March Online Workshop Letters Sent

    A Lot of Workshop Stuff… Not only did the wonderful coast Anthology Workshop end today, but tonight I got all letters out to the March online workshop folks. So if you think you are signed up for a March online workshop and didn’t get a letter from me, write me. Still room and time to jump into any of the ten of the workshops in March. See below. ————— March Workshops Start Tuesday and Wednesday!! All March workshops have spots open. In fact, only the business workshop is close to filling. So for information on how to sign up, go to… www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com Any questions at all, feel free to write me.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Interesting Conversations

    Even More Really Interesting Conversations… Not only did I have a fun conversation at lunch today with three other professional writers, but tonight four of us found an area off to one side of the Anchor and talked for almost two hours. All about business. The workshop has a policy of no blogging about the workshop until after it’s over, so thus the vagueness of these posts. But one more day of fun, then back to normal here. And to some fun posts and announcements that might just surprise a few of you. I know it’s been fun here. ————— March Workshops Start Tuesday and Wednesday!! Below is the list…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Another Short Post

    Even More Really Fun Stuff… I have been having some wonderful lunch discussions with professional writers all week long. And tonight dinner discussions and after hours discussions. Got even more topics from the discussions I’ll be giving opinions on here as soon as the dust clears a little next week. Great fun for me. Stay tuned. ————— March Workshops Start Tuesday and Wednesday!! Below is the list of online workshops for March and all have spots open. In fact, only the business workshop is close to filling. So for information on how to sign up, go to… www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Lunch Discussions and Other Stuff

    Really Fun Stuff… I have been having some wonderful lunch discussions with professional writers all week long. Got a number of topics from the discussions I’ll be giving opinions on here as soon as the dust clears a little next week. Great fun for me. Stay tuned. ————— March Workshops Start Tuesday and Wednesday!! Below is the list of online workshops for March and all have spots open. In fact, only the business workshop is close to filling. So for information on how to sign up, go to… www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    The Voice Started Tonight

    Here we go again… One of the best learning experiences for writers is starting up again. Over the coming weeks I’ll talk about things the coaches say about the art and craft. It all applies to writing in so many ways and on so many levels. But one thing that started to shine through tonight is the work ethic of those trying to get on the show. I only got to watch the first half of the first night. But already great stuff. Also, how the artists have to put themselves into the work. In an hour that was said over and over. Free learning about art and craft and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    March Online Workshops

    Great Workshops This Coming Month… Stunning March is almost here. Wow, just wow. Below is the list of online workshops for March and all have spots open. In fact, only the business workshop is close to filling. So for information on how to sign up, go to… www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com Any questions at all, feel free to write me. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page. Class #21… Mar 7th … Author Voice Class #22… Mar 7th … Business Class #23… Mar 7th … Endings Class #24… Mar 7th … Ideas Class #25… Mar 7th … Writing and Selling Short Stories Class #26……

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Saturday Night Reading

    Still finishing up some reading… Just about done. Which, actually, is kind of sad. I haven’t enjoyed reading this many great stories in a long time. I will be back reporting page counts, stories done, novels done, and all that shortly, including the exercise routine. (grin) Plus I have a few more rants/blogs/questions for this coming week that might be fun to talk about. We shall see. Don’t forget… just over a week until the March online workshops fire up. Openings in all of them at the moment.  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Looking at the Writing Advice

    Very Seldom Do You Get a Stage Four Writer Being Honest… Most either play into the myths for fear of hurting their own writing sales or they say nothing. Some figure their way of doing things is just their way and would never work for anyone else. But Joe Lansdale, in a very simple article, sort of carefully told the truth about his writing. If you haven’t read it yet either from an original source or my earlier post, do so now. The Rules of Being a Professional Writer He started off by giving only two simple rules that I completely agree with. One, you must read. Second, you must write.…