• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Back to the Future…

    The Next Kris and Dean Show… That’s right, Kris and I are going to take apart on video the 40-year-old-movie BACK TO THE FUTURE. We watched half of it tonight and will watch the other half tomorrow and then record the three hours of videos on Monday and Tuesday and it will come out the next day. Wow does this movie still stand up perfectly. We are going to be talking about plotting, information flow (a lot), pacing, characters, and so much more. And I hope in an entertaining way. The Kris and Dean Show Does Die Hard is also still up. So until this launches on Wednesday, you can…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Flash Sale Ends Tomorrow…

    Great Way To Stock Up… We decided to do this flash sale to help writers get through May and June and some of July until things clear and the Time of Great Forgetting is past. One way to do that is stock up on different forms of classes. A short ways down on the first page on WMG Teachable are four ways to buy multiple numbers of different forms of learning. You can get THREE REGULAR WORKSHOPS OF YOUR CHOICE for $750 which is discounted from the $900 normal price for three regular workshops. But in this flash sale, you can get that for half off the $750 or $375,…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Two Days Left On the Workshop Sale

    Clock Ticking Down!! Everything on WMG Teachable is half price at this moment and will be for two more days. To see all of the over 200 classes, pop-ups, challenges, workshops, study-alongs, collection classes, lectures, and lifetime subscriptions we have available at half price, go to: WMG Teachable and hit see all. Then anything you want, hit purchase and put in the code on the next page SPRINGSALE And hit apply and you will get it for half price. To see suggested CURRICULUM go to Workshop Curriculum on the right of this page and hit the link. Here is a sample of what Kris and I consider the order for…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  workshops

    Why The Vastness of Space Workshop…

    Because It Is Fun To Learn and Use In Fiction… Really is that simple. Problem is, so many writers (and I have read three just lately) who do not know space terms and measurements, or do not know how to fake it, or go around it. And using a term wrong is deadly to a story. The problem is that for almost all humans, understanding real distances in space is just almost impossible. Unless you work on it and are interested in it, your mind will not even pretend to grasp the real distances of space. But this does not mean you can’t write space opera and science fiction. Quite…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    How To Write a Holiday Crime Story Workshop…

    All Letters to Those Signed Up Are Out… Thanks to all of you for the support of the WMG 2020 Holiday Spectacular. Really appreciated. In the letter are the instructions on how you can sign into either the December 1st workshop or the January 5th workshop. Your choice. If you can’t find the letter I sent you, look in the address you used for Kickstarter first. Then look in your spam filter. Then once you have exhausted all possible locations where my letter might be, then write me and I will make sure you are on the list from Josh first, and second, if you are I will send you…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  workshops

    WMG Holiday Spectacular 2020 Hit First Stretch Goal

    In Just Three Days… Thank you, everyone. So cool. And this project is so much fun. Getting an original holiday story, like an advent calendar, every day from November 26th through January 1st, and edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Or you can get a Valentines calendar edited by Annie Reed or a Halloween calendar edited by Mark Leslie. Or all of it in books, plus a ton of other stuff. Remember, if you want more than one thing, just pick a reward and then add the cost of the second award you want to your original choice and we work it out in the survey when it is all over.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    WMG Holiday Spectacular 2020 Funded!!

    In Just Four Hours… It hit its $2,500 ask and is now quickly on the way to the first stretch reward. Four hours is a new record for us for any campaign if I remember right. And the stretch rewards have some fun books, including a Christmas ghost novel of mine where ghost agents and Poker Boy save Santa and the world in the process, plus a bunch of great Kris holiday books. And for writers, we are again doing three brand new Pop-Up classes for the stretch rewards that sort of go along with the Writing a Holiday Crime Story special workshop. Remember, the only place you will ever…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Final Few Days…

    To Jump Into a Brand New Workshop… There is an amazing Kickstarter campaign called Feed the Obsession by Mark Leslie that has just a few days left and is doing great. It hit it’s first stretch goal where everyone gets yet another major collection of stories. Kris and I both have stories in the book, as well as a lot of other professional writers. It is going to be an amazing book. So Kris and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to do a special workshop to help the campaign out. A workshop we have been looking for a reason to do. It is a three-week…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Fun Interview

    Robert Jeschonek Interviewed Me… A fun and short discussion with Robert about different things science fiction and 1970s, because he’s doing that SPACE: 1975 Kickstarter Campaign. When we recorded it, it was about 60% funded, but now the campaign has made the funding and first stretch goal and is doing great. I am excited because I get to write a story for it. The interview happened when I was in the worst of the allergies from the smoke and I wore big headphones, so I looked a little more beat-up than normal. (grin) But it was fun. And since I sold my first couple of short stories in 1974, I…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    New Workshop Starting In September…

    Yes, Another One… Lifetime Subscribers to the online workshops have been in heaven lately, with a new workshop just about every month this spring and summer. And now another new one in September. (And I will be putting up on Teachable the September workshops shortly. And the October workshops as well.) We have done a Licensing 101 workshop that is offered every month. And then we added in a Publishing 101 workshop, also now offered every month. So continuing that series, we will start in September a COVERS 101 workshop. That’s right, for everyone too afraid to do their own covers, here is the workshop that will teach you how…