• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    1/1/17 Daily… Some Learning…

    A New Year Fires Up… My goal of starting streaks with both the writing, learning, and exercise got started in two of the three areas. I got the four miles of the exercise done, but it was difficult at best. I left it too long into the evening instead of doing it earlier in the day and that got me tired out. Live and learn. Any new system has adjustments in it. So I’m not worried that I missed the 4,000 words and got 2,200 instead. So that streak will start tomorrow. The Day Had a great writer’s meeting today. Lots of fun and good conversation about the future, how…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Got Your Goals?

    New Year Firing Up… The key is to set some goals. Not talking about some sort of silly New Year’s Resolution. I’m talking about real production goals with your writing. You can and should also set business goals, but for this post let me just stay focused on production, the most important aspect of any writing business. Remember: Goals are something that are in your control and that push you toward a desired objective. How to Set a Goal? Start with the objective. Then backtrack to set the daily and monthly goals. Example: Say your objective is to write four novels in 2017.  Each novel around 60,000 words. So back that…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Once More… For the New Year… Pulp Speed

    Pulp Speed… Once More (I wrote this post about three years ago, then brought it forward over a year ago. But with these other posts, this one might help for 2017 more than most. Or at least let you know what some people talk about when they say “Pulp Speed.” I have updated it for this coming year.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even attempt this. So this post might just make you angry because it hits…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    12/30/16 Daily

    Not a Word of Fiction Today… Also, a link to a great Kris podcast… Spent all afternoon, after getting up early, working to finish off the areas in the big building, from priming and painting a bunch of walls, plus cleaning floors and so on. And thankfully, Josh did the windows. But it’s done. Then tonight worked on workshop stuff all night, until 5:30 in the morning. Letters are all out to those writers signed up for the January online workshops. If you thought you were signed up and didn’t get a letter from me, write me. And still more than enough time to get into any of the workshops.…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    My Beliefs to Help New Year Perspective

    (I wrote this post first off as part of a daily post just over a year ago. But I think bringing it back now might help a little here in the middle of these posts geared to help you all make decisions for the new year and set goals. Might want to figure out your own beliefs about publishing and writing before firing up in 2017.) I thought I should quickly just put my beliefs on the table about writing and publishing. I hope these are clear here on this blog most of the time. 1… I believe anyone with the desire and drive can learn how to write and…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    What’s the Point? A Deadly Saying

    What Exactly Is the Point?… (I did this blog just over a year ago. I figured as part of getting ready for 2017, this might help some of you out there clear out some roadblocks.) A couple people got angry at me in letters because I told them that following sales numbers (the number of books you are selling or what Amazon list you are on) is an addiction. A deadly one to your writing and your career for the long term. So what are the first signs you are into the deadly part of this addiction? Easy. When you are sitting at your computer, your creative voice really, really…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Failure Must Be An Option

    FAILURE MUST BE AN OPTION (I first did a version of this post in 2012, then brought it forward and updated it for 2014, and now updated again, here it is as part of this year-end flurry of posts to help get ready for 2017.) I’ll bet a few of you got very uneasy by me starting off a blog post with: “Failure Must Be An Option.” This post is about how to move forward with your writing. And to do that, you must fail, over and over to become an artist in this business and to just survive. And that’s normal and perfectly fine. (I really should repeat that last sentence.)…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Blast From The Past To Help With the Future

    (I wrote this blog in response to a letter I got after doing a novel in seven days. This might help clear out some stuff going into the new year about writing at your own pace. No matter what that pace might be.) The Blog That Destroyed an Art Form I got a great comment from a guy this morning. I didn’t put it through because the guy called me some pretty good names. *ss*ole was only one of them. One word I had never been called before. Creative. But he said he had liked my writing. (I think the operative word there is “had.”) So why was he so…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Writers

    Pulp Writers’ Abilities… (I first wrote this blog back in May of 2016 and figured it might be a good one to put here at the end of the year.) I got a great question today about some of the basics the really prolific pulp writers did to be so productive. And how to go about finding out about a lot of their styles. How I have learned about so many of the older pulp writers is by reading book about them in their own words, reading books about the era, and just finding anything I could to read about the pulp writers of the 1920s to 1950s. A great…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Step One of Getting Ready for a New Year

    Looking Back (for only a moment)… Step one of planning ahead is to spend just a little time looking back at the past year, see how you did, how the actual production matched up to your goals last January. I did that as much as I needed to. I know, without even looking hard, that my year sucked by my standards. For the first time in three or more years, my total word count approaching the end of the year is just under a million words at around 970,000 words. So the final total will depend on what I do this last week. Not sure if I can hit thirty thousand words…