• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Bunch of Stuff

    But Nothing Finished… Worked on finding some art for a few projects, worked on some experiments on learning InDesign, worked on the next chapter of the Trademark For Fiction Writers book. (Have about three chapters done now, so will start posting soon.) Recorded another week of the Writing Westerns workshop. Will start recording the new Attitude Workshop soon. And I worked on this nifty thing on fiction writing myths that got triggered by a number of events. A couple of questions while in Colorado, a few letters the last few nights, and then me bringing back up Pulp Speed. All those and a few other things (I can’t remember right…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed and the Indie Writer

    Great Question This Afternoon… How does an indie writer balance the writing at pulp speed with all the publishing stuff? Got a hunch I’m going to be returning to this question a number of times in future posts, but for a short, first answer, here I go… PULP SPEED ONE About 1,000,000 (1 million) original words per year. This averages to about 2,750 words a day for 365 days. (numbers rounded) Or about 83,300 words per month.  So if you do 3,000 words a day and over 84,000 words per month ON AVERAGE for a year, you are writing at PULP SPEED ONE. So first lets use me as an…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Sorcery and Steam Storybundle…

    Now Live!!!… And folks, I have a brand new, never seen before, Poker Boy collection in it. And Kris has a brand new, never seen novella in it. And on top of that, Annie Reed has a brand new collection in the bundle and Fiction River Presents: Sorcery and Steam is also new. Plus Laura Anne Gillman’s nifty novella “From Whence You Came had very little distribution before this bundle. So this bundle is chalk full of original-to-the-bundle books. And I put it all together. And had a blast doing so. This is only available for a very short time. So grab it quickly. Here is my blog from the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Back Once Again

    Third or Fourth Time… (I wrote this post in 2014, then brought it forward again in 2015, and I think one other time, but wanted to bring it forward once again, update it a little, because people ask me about it.) PULP SPEED… Not at all sure why this idea sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even attempt this. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of my…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Amazing Learning Chance

    This Program Is Stunning for Writing and Publishing… I have to admit, when I took off for the university in Gunnison, CO to help Kevin Anderson with his new publishing program there, I was skeptical. I had been around numbers of university writing programs over the years and always left wondering why anyone wastes their time and money. So I went in with shields up and determined to keep my mouth shut about any normal university stupidity and politics because Kevin wanted this to work. Well, boy was I wrong. This program at Gunnison, both the Genre Writing MFA program and Kevin’s MBA Publishing program was amazing. Taught by real…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Wow, What A Bad Ending

    COUNTDOWN… Robert Altman Movie… Book by Hank Searls called “The Pilgrim Project.” Stumbled across it, about an alternate universe when the Soviet Union got ahead of the US in the space race, and sent three men to the moon. So the US rushed one man to the moon. Really bad graphics, but a lot of stars. So along comes the ending. Astronaut sort of panics, lands on the moon, wonders around with only three hours of air left looking for a shelter he was supposed to have landed beside. But we the viewers think he’s going to make it. That is our expectation. He finds the Soviet’s dead cosmonaughts and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Licensing Transition and August Workshops

    Some New Stuff Up… Including a Pop-Up on how to make publishing and submitting short fiction fun. All the Pop-Ups are still available, without the short story, in the Pop-Up bundles. But first I wanted to say that in the Licensing Transition, which will be going on all year, there are two new videos tonight, making it five so far, and that is just gaining speed. A bunch more by the end of the first month. Also, on the Las Vegas front, the Business Master Class still has some openings. It will be in October here in Las Vegas and you can write me for information. Going to be a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Trademark Book

    About Three Chapters Done… I wanted to make sure I was going in the right direction before I posted them here. Less confusing to all of you if I don’t have to back up. (grin) So I will do one more chapter, then start posting the chapters will moving forward. Stay tuned. Trademark law is such a strange beast. But while you are waiting, keep learning copyright. Off to start the Business Master Class group list. If you are signed up, expect an invite tonight or tomorrow. And check your spam filter on Sunday before you email me saying you didn’t get the invite. (grin)  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Day and A Bunch of Reading

    Fireworks Were Fun As Well… Kris and I started off the day by working some, then we headed out for a really nice lunch at the Wynn. You know you are eating quality when you can cut calamari easily with a fork and it almost melts in your mouth. Oh, my… Unlike where we lived for the last 23 years, Vegas is not a 4th of July Holiday destination. So streets were pretty calm. We got back from lunch and I headed to the gym for my run/walk. Then I went to work after a great dinner recording the first three videos for the Licensing Transition and getting them up.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Making This Quick

    Internet Is Going and Coming… As is this web site for some reason. What, is the entire planet deciding to do upgrades and maintenance on a holiday night? But got to write something to keep my streak of blogs going. Saw the movie Yesterday with Kris. Wonderful all the way. I love Richard Curtis movies. Still dropping weight slowly, increasing walking distances, and writing. Going to be a writing and reading day tomorrow. Now going to send this before the entire online planet shuts down.