• Challenge,  workshops

    Sale on Advanced Classes Ends Today (Monday)

    We Announced the 2025 Advanced Classes… 18 Total Advanced Craft Classes now available… Going to put this here again as a reminder that this is the last day in the sale which includes all the Advanced Craft classes and the Lifetime Everything Subscription.  See details below on the sale… We did six Advanced Craft Classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025.  Wow! The new six craft classes for 2025 are: Advanced Rule of Three Advanced Setting Advanced Cliffhangers Advanced Novel Structure Advanced…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Killing the Two Workshops… The Why…

    We Have A Way of Telling Interest… And figuring out the amount of actual commit-time interest in a topic. Here is what we look for. Realize we need at least 8 or 10 doing assignments the first time through for us to do the response videos. And we feel those are important. So here is what we look for to judge interest and number of people who will take the class first time through… First of all, did anyone actually buy the class? (These two no one. Not one.) Second, did someone use credits. (I didn’t see anyone, but one did I discovered this morning. Only one on one class.…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Two New Workshops Are Toast…

    Killing the Two New Regular Workshops… Not one person signed up for either one, so clearly not much interest and wrong time of the year. No one even mentioned them. We have learned that is a bad sign. (grin) So BRUSHSTROKE CHARACTERS and FAKING IT regular workshops are not going to happen. At least not at the moment. I liked the idea of both of them, so maybe they will come back at a later time. We shall see. But still have the new class ADVANCED GENRE starting up and that is going to be a blast, and difficult, and a learning process all at the same time. (And for…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Having Fun

    I Always Tell Writers to Have Fun… Both with the writing and publishing. But sometimes life just has other ideas and that has been a part of this entire spring and summer this year. Nothing like last fall with the smashed shoulder or the year before with the eye infection. This year just crap. The kind of overloaded, too much to do, lawyers and business crap that can suck the fun out of anything. So now I am on a campaign to bring the joy back into my life (and I hope Kris’s life) going forward. I am going to remind myself every day that I have the best job…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    New Fey Novel Coming…

    Kickstarter Launches September 10th… I love these new Fey novels with the steampunk and fantasy and magic. And, of course, the Fey. Serebro Academy: A New Fey Novel is amazingly good. Check it out. And Kickstarter likes us enough to give us Project We Love weeks before we launch. So cool. And really fun merchandise and two special workshops in this one. Super fun. Jump on the list to get notified when we launch.  

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Reminder of Advanced Classes and Sale

    18 Total Advanced Craft Classes!! Going to put this here again as a reminder that there is about five days left in the sale which includes all the Advanced Craft classes and the Lifetime Everything Subscription.  See details below on the sale… We did six Advanced Craft Classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025.  Wow! The new six craft classes for 2025 are: Advanced Rule of Three Advanced Setting Advanced Cliffhangers Advanced Novel Structure Advanced Tension/Suspense Advanced Making Stuff Up Starting On…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Some Interesting Plotting

    Watching the Old Magnum… For an hour or so each night, to relax, Kris and I watch television, and for some reason we got going on the old Magnum shows. We’ll stop when we find other shows or some network television returns. But tonight we had worked our way through season seven, which was supposed to be the last season. And I wanted to watch that show ender. He’s a ghost through most of the show and at the end walks into the clouds. Really well done with John Denver music. Then they decided to have a season eight because of the ratings and the money and had to get…

  • Challenge

    Sleep… The Final Frontier…

    Seems That Sleep Stuff Is Still Rare… Back at the first of August I altered my sleep schedule to make it to the anthology workshop by 9 am. And then because of a writing project I may do this fall, I decided I needed to keep that schedule. But I slipped and as like I am doing tonight, I stayed up like the old schedule until 5 am. And the brain, that is trying to make the switch, wakes me up at 8 am. Wide awake ready to go. It is like I am switching four time zones every day. Naps are not making up for the problem, so at…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Advanced Craft Classes Sale…

    Plus Sale on Lifetime Everything Subscription… I have up all the ADVANCED CRAFT classes I am going to put up right now on Teachable, plus the bundle for all six of them in 2025.  I am going to wait to put up the Sept/Oct classes and the Nov/Dec classes for 2025 until we get past the 2024 ones. We did six Advanced Craft classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. All are available every year. See the schedule below. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025.  Wow! The new…

  • Challenge,  workshops


    That’s Right… 18 Total Advanced Craft Classes!! We did six in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025.  Wow! The new six craft classes for 2025 are: Advanced Rule of Three Advanced Setting Advanced Cliffhangers Advanced Novel Structure Advanced Tension/Suspense Advanced Making Stuff Up Starting On September 3rd (in one week) are… Advanced Genre Advanced Conflict Starting On November 5th (in two months) are… Advanced Emotions Advanced Unputdownable Then the schedule for 2025 for Advanced Craft Classes is the following. January/February 2025… Advanced Rule…