• Challenge,  workshops

    More Workshop Curriculum

    More Workshops and Classes Sorted into Areas of Interest The many, many workshops and classes we have are amazing, and to be honest, I sometimes lose track of them, since I am the only one at WMG who keeps track of these. I often just get so excited about doing a new class I don’t do upkeep on older ones. Just my desire to keep learning. So broke this down into areas that might make sense to help each writer find what they need to help them move forward. Remember, this week there is a half-price sale going on for all of this. The code is: JulyRegularSale Just hit purchase…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Class Curriculum Part Two…

    Since HolidaySale Is Going On… Figured I would continue updating the curriculum of the courses. I still have to update the Pop-Up classes, but will do that tomorrow. The HolidaySale is half price on anything on Teachable. Classes, workshops, pop-ups, challenges, subscriptions. Just hit purchase on anything you want and put in HolidaySale code on the next page and hit “apply” to get the course at half price. So here are some of the classes with different ways to sort them. Also the new series of collection classes are below as well. ATTITUDE  FOCUSED COURSES If you are having trouble with your attitude about writing, getting to the computer, and so…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Sucked Down a Copyright Hole…

    I Do That To Myself At Times… I am such a copyright junkie, when given the excuse, I find myself going deeper and deeper into legal articles and having so much fun. That’s where I lost a few hours tonight. If you have no idea why I would think copyright is fun, take the Magic Bakery classic workshop. Or read my book on the topic. Copyright is magic and is why WMG Publishing exists, five employees have their jobs, and Kris and I live in this fantastic new place. One place I played tonight was the 35 year rule. For example, I signed maybe 60 Work for Hire contracts in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Following Up on Yesterday’s Post…

    With a Personal Story… I wrote a novel for fun back in January of 2014 called KILL GAME: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. It came out in Smith’s Monthly in March and then as a stand-alone novel in May of 2014.  It sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month, maybe. (That’s what I have been told.) Then in November my creative voice said “Write another.” I did, a book called COLD CALL: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. Again it was in Smith’s Monthly and out stand-alone a month or so later. Sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month. I did not care and paid…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Me Talking On Another Podcast…

    Every-So-Often I Lose My Mind and Say Yes… I said yes to these guys because they are nice guys and they asked nicely and they look like they are having fun. So, of course, I talked about Heinlein’s Rules and Writing into the Dark and the Magic Bakery. It’s free and might be worth a listen if you are washing the dishes or cleaning out the cat boxes, or driving to the grocery store. I am my typical dogmatic self. EP317: Dean Wesley Smith — Plug in to your Creative Voice and Play  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshop Order and Breakdown…

    Workshop Curriculum 1/1/2021 I went through these back about four months ago, so with the sale going on now, I thought I would do it again so everything is clear. Today’s post is just the workshops and I’m going to divide all of them down into areas of study. And the numbers are my suggestions on the order to take these workshops because many of them build on others. (Two types of workshops are included. Regular and Classic.) All workshops and courses can be found on Teachable. Just hit “see all courses.” To get them at half price, just use the code Resolution Pop-Ups and others will be listed later.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Course Curriculum

    Updated Because of the Sale… You can find this workshop curriculum at any point on the front page of my web site on the right under the Curriculum tag. There are a bunch of workshops, pop-ups, lectures, and other classes that I tried to put in some sort of order. If I missed something or didn’t add it in for some reason, just write me with questions. Remember, until the 8th, everything is half price on Teachable. Everything, including classes, lifetime subscriptions, everything. Full instructions and reasons for the sale are in the previous blog, but all you have to do is hit purchase and then put in the code:…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Changes In Publishing

    A Glimpse of a Future As many of you know, I have been around and working in publishing and fiction writing professionally since 1987. Sold my first two short stories in 1974. Over the years, I have watched publishing change numbers of times. I knew the distribution collapse of the 1990s, caused by Safeway and invoicing, would alter publishing forever. And it did. And I watched as the Kindle changed everything in publishing and created the indie movement which is now the major part of publishing (even though traditional writers and publishers don’t want to think so.) And I have watched and wondered how this pandemic was going to change…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Workshops Organized

    While the Half-Price Sale Is Happening… I figured I would continue to try to put some order on the massive numbers of workshops, lectures, pop-ups, and classes we have. A curriculum if you will. Very loose one. Very. Yesterday’s blog I did what I considered the top twenty regular and classic workshops to take if your desire is to become a better storyteller. Basically craft workshops. I am going to go back and add in Shared World Class and Year of the Cat class. Both are great on craft focused writing. And I tried to put the workshops yesterday in an order that would make sense to take them over…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Trademark Book

    For Fiction Writers… Remember, I started that book here, did some chapters, promised I would keep going. I even have another chapter or two written. And that is where it will end. So why did I stop? Two pretty basic reasons. First reason is that fiction writers just don’t need it much at all. Fiction writers can’t seem to find the time or energy to learn copyright, what they do need to learn. And copyright is “See Dick Run” simple compared to trademark. So the lack of need and my discouragement that fiction writers don’t even bother with the basics of IP by learning copyright. No point at all putting…