New Lectures and A Lecture Bundle
Not Kidding… Teachable Allows Me to Bundle Lectures and Workshops… How much fun is that? A way to get discounts on the lectures at any point. So over the last week I finally finished and got up the last two of the Advanced Business Lectures we announced and took some subscriptions for last summer. Special Lecture Series is called… ADVANCED BUSINESS FOR FICTION WRITERS — 1 Corporations for Writers Lecture $50.00 — 2 Taxes for Writers Lecture $50.00 — 3 Movies and Television Negotiations for Writers Lecture $50.00 — 4 Estates and Estate Planning for Writers Lecture $50.00 — 5 Copyright for Writers Lecture $50.00 — 6 IP Valuation Lecture $50.00 All six are now available on Teachable. These six are topics…
Advanced Business Copyright Lecture
Yes, After All These Months… It is now available. And the sixth one in the series, IP Valuation, will follow tomorrow night. Anyone who signed up for the series of advanced business lectures should have gotten a code from me already. If you did not get a code, write me. The new lecture is on copyright. 14 videos for $50. You can find it at: https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com ————- Also, a couple of the Pop-Up workshops only have two spots left open in them. So if you are thinking of taking one of those, don’t delay too much longer. February 15-18, 2018 — Controlling Fear of Failure — How to Study and…
Another Day of No Answers
No More Answers Today Than We Had Yesterday… This entire thing will take time to settle out. I see three paths: Data Guy and Hugh can make changes, they can go on as they plan, or someone large could shut them down. No telling. But here is what I heard today. Also great stuff in the comments on Passive Guy and on my posts over the last two days. Thanks, everyone, for the comments. Too bad Data Guy didn’t feel up to responding. What I heard through the day (in letters and on private lists) from lots of writers was that they felt betrayed because they had given Data Guy…
One Fun Thought
I Think Agents Are a Bad Thing… For most of you reading this, that is a well-duh. So it dawned on me that one agent or some publisher could buy this package from Data Guy and with very little work figure out EXACTLY what any agency is making from all their clients book sales. (Not advances, book sales.) Of course, it won’t include overseas and movie rights and such as I said in the long post before this, but it should be enough information to make any agent or agency in New York quake in fear at this personal information about all their authors getting out. That just makes me…
I Have Wanted To Write About This For A Long Time… And now, with all the stuff with Data Guy and the new Author Earnings report and him starting up a new business to sell our business sales information to the highest bidders, I figure it was time. As many of you know, Kris and I spend a decent amount of time each week with workshops, helping writers move forward after their dreams, both on the business side and on the craft side of fiction writing. It helps us keep learning and we enjoy listening and engaging with both new writers and writers who are a ways down the road…
New Author Earnings Report
Now Up After a Year… It’s got a ton of stuff in it. And takes a vast amount of time to go through. But worth it. And their new side-business they are only offering to big publishers is flat scary. Horrifying, actually if they are doing it wrong. And I got a hunch that unless they are pulling names, that new business is setting them up for more lawsuits than I want to think about. Because from my understanding, they are releasing personal sales numbers of writers to businesses who can get past their paywall. Private business information of all of us. Oh, oh… Data Guy, Hugh, tell me I…
Well That Was Fun… Not!
Tsunami Watch… Off the shore of Alaska tonight there was a big quake and one buoy showed a thirty-foot rise, so alerts and watches went out all over, from Alaska down to California and Mexico. Now here on the Oregon Coast, we have two of our three retail stores, including our bookstore, about eight feet above sea level. Even a ten foot surge which would have hit at about a plus-four foot high tide. That would have done real damage to our stores. So Kris and I were monitoring everything we could for the last two hours. Billy, our store manager was doing the same. And so was Allyson, the…
Tip of the Week
FUN IDEA FIRING UP… As I talked about a few posts back, this idea came up while I was in Vegas and it sounded like a lot of fun. But it took a bunch of figuring to get past a few of the Teachable limitations. But with help, we got it worked out. So this is how it will work. Every Sunday night (Monday morning) I will put up a new writing or publishing tip on Teachable. To go to the tip of the week, go to: https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com Hit See All Courses and find Tip of the Week. The subscription to it is $10 per month. Right now there are…
Update On Coast Workshops
Weekends Tend to Be Slow Around Here… And it is often on weekend nights I almost forget to post something here to keep my four-and-a-half year blogging streak alive. Tonight was one of those nights. So to make it easy on me and clean up a little more business, here is an update on the status of the coast workshops I sent out to the major coast workshop email group. (You attend a coast workshop here, you get on the big group with over 200 professional writers.) Write me for information if you have questions. Workshop descriptions are here. — April Fantasy Workshop... Full and reading. — Great Bundle Workshop……
Fun Idea From Vegas
Sitting In Las Vegas… In the Golden Nugget Buffet, of course, talking with Lenny, a friend of mine who happens to be the son of my best friend. Lenny is now well into his thirties and is successful in the music industry. He and I were talking about Teachable. (His dad, my best friend, was off running an errand, so we weren’t boring him.) Lenny said he was thinking about setting up a tip of the week on Teachable and that I should think about doing that for writers. I liked the idea, since Teachable allows subscriptions and other things I was planning. So I came home on Monday and…