• News

    Kip Ward

    In 1984 I went to work for Kip Ward… …as his only waiter in his 99 cent spaghetti restaurant called “Kip’s.” I worked there for a full year, writing, until my house near the beach in Lincoln City burnt down and my second wife and I moved back to Idaho to recover. Thirty-three years. For the last thirteen years or so Kris and I have offered writer workshops based at his wonderful and unique hotel The Anchor. I spent many wonderful evenings for years playing poker with Kip, one of the best natural players I had ever had the pleasure to go against. Kip was part of the center of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Two New Weekender Workshops Just Started

    It’s Midnight on the West Coast of the US… …and two weekender workshops just started up and will go for four days. Still time to jump in today only (Thursday) and I will read your first assignment even if late, no issue. Go to https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com and hit “see all courses” and  look for the February Weekender workshops if interested. But they close tonight (Thursday).  I just got done recording both of them over the last two weeks and honestly I think both of them are good ones. POP-UP WEEKENDER WORKSHOPS Descriptions Controlling Fear of Failure Fear cripples every writer, without exception, at one point or another. And the root of…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    One Day Left

    To Sign Up for the First Two Weekender Workshops… ONE DAY AND COUNTING!!! Exactly at midnight Thursday morning, (basically late Wednesday night) the first day’s videos in the weekended Pop-up workshops will appear. Four days of videos, three different assignments. I will leave the workshops open to sign up until around 1 p.m. on Thursday. Here is all the basic information. POP-UP WEEKENDER WORKSHOPS The Structure of the Weekender Workshops Starting on Thursday morning right at 12:01 a.m. US West Coast Time (Pacific Time), six or seven videos will appear on the first session Teachable.com page for the workshop. An assignment will be with the videos that is due by…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Still Having Sleep Issues

    Normally I Recover Faster… But not this last trip. I got my schedule twisted around exactly 12 hours. Wow, that has been hard to recover from. I am just now, almost a week later, back on my normal schedule with a few exceptions. I have lost the last two hours of my night for the moment. And that has just about killed any writing for the moment. After the anthology workshop I should be able to get back to some writing, but that is two plus weeks away. Yikes. So this shows the value of steady and regular sleep to writing habits. Without them, writing sort of just drifts off…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Something Extra For Writers

    Later Today I Will Be Adding Something to the Kickstarter As some of you know, we are doing a Kickstarter for North by Northwest Books. And one of the main reasons for the Kickstarter is to help indie writers. Now, I know there are web sites out there that believe that bookstores are a thing of the past, but the facts show otherwise in the last few years. In fact, bookstores (except the chains) have learned how to adapt and are doing great. The ones that don’t learn are the ones you hear about going down. One thing bookstores need is an easy system to accept indie author and indie…

  • Challenge

    News On Kip

    The core, the person at the center of where we hold coast workshops, has been in a  rough health fight this last week or so and they just announced it and since so many of you know Kip, I wanted to put it here. No worries, Anthology workshop is going on as planned at the Anchor. Keep our thoughts positive on this. I have known Kip for over 45 years. He never backs down from a fight and he won’t this time. Here is the official press release… ——— Kip Ward often speaks about what an honor it is to serve the citizens of Lincoln City on the City Council.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Now That’s a Stunner

    We Made Our Kickstarter Goal… In less than two days. I was hoping, of course, that we would make it and maybe a little ways farther to really get the remodeling started and done and get the system to get indie writer’s books into the store. Now we are working on the “ways farther” stuff. So far backers have supported library and school systems around the country, bought boxes and bags of books, and signed up to get credits for lectures and online workshops. And there is no limit on any of the rewards. At WMG Publishing and North By Northwest Books, even if we have to contact and send…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Flying In the Face of Common Knowledge

    Normal for Me and Kris… Over the years, Kris and I have seemed to constantly talk about things that are not believed in the common knowledge of publishing. And after forty years in the business, still selling and making more than a living by a long ways, Kris and I still continue to do that. Why? Because we believe in common sense and information, not common knowledge. Interesting that a number of examples came up over this last week. At Superstars, on the Craft Day, I taught three hours of Writing into the Dark. Now understand, I taught that you don’t need an outline, you don’t even need an idea.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    We Have Liftoff… North by Northwest Kickstarter

    Now Live… This has been in the works for a time now. Wonderful to have it going. And lots of cool stuff as rewards, including discounts again on workshops and lectures. Just in time since some of you were running out of credits from the Pulphouse Kickstarter. (grin) The reason we are doing this is to expand the store into four unused rooms. But wow do those rooms need work. We are planning to do it no matter what, but the Kickstarter will speed up the process a whole bunch. And in the expanding, we will be starting up a system where indie writers and publishers can get their books…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Two Brand New Workshops and Special Offer

    ADDED NOTE: THIS HAS ALL BEEN CANCELLED SINCE NOT A PERSON EXPRESSED ANY INTEREST… Ahh, well, a good idea at the time… —————– That’s Right, Two… Bet you thought we weren’t going to do any regular workshops this spring. But nope, Superstars triggered two new ones that Kris and I really like. Plus with one workshop I am adding a special offer for only five writers. (See below.) Both of these new workshops are going to be starting in March. Both are craft workshops. And both are going to be crazy fun for me and Kris. And we hope for all of you who decide to jump in. First let…