• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Still Number One

    After Sixteen Hours… Wow, what fun this Bookbub promotion has been on Kill Game: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. We put Kill Game free for this promotion. (You can still get it on Amazon US and Kobo around the world and other sites. You can get information on it and the other books in the series here.) Now I understand that all the downloads are not sales. But there are six more books in the series plus a bundle. All of them cost money and all of them are selling well. Called a halo affect. We are so far beyond making money on the halo just from Amazon, it is…

  • publishing

    Cold Poker Gang: Kill Game

    Doing A BookBub Promotion… Not often you click on a page of one of your books on Amazon and the rankings are #1 all the way down the lists. This is an example of how to use “free” correctly. We made Kill Game: A Cold Poker Gang Novel free for a Bookbub promotion. It is the first book in the series. At the moment (Noon Saturday) it is featured as the top book in the Free Books on Bookbub. On Amazon it is #1 in all the free books on the entire site. Now, we are not making a dime off of that book, but nice that people are downloading…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Time Again

    Got Some Questions So Wanted This Up Front… (I wrote this post about four-and-a-half years ago, then brought it forward over a year later. Then again for 2017 start. Now it is the middle of 2018. Time for this one again just to remind some or at least let you know what some people talk about when they say “Pulp Speed.” I have updated it this for today, July 2018.) ——– Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Research and Study

    We Study In All Sorts of Ways… Normally I don’t say much about my reading or other activities except when I am detailing out a few days while writing a project in a challenge. Like the five day novel challenge. I do a little more detail on the short story challenges about the life around writing them. But not all of it by a long ways. But tonight I’ll tell you what I did for a few hours. I found myself studying a puzzle mystery form. Castle, the very first season when it was great, was a great puzzle mystery series pretending to be set in a police station. Not…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Secret To Being A Long Term Writer

    This Post Brought Forward and Updated Some… (I thought this would be a fun topic to bring up again. This is from a bunch of years back and was only part of a daily report post.) I got a question from a writer about what full time writers there were and if I would recommend some of them to study to see how full-time writers did it. Well, I am about the only long-term full-time writer who does this level of honest blogging about my life. But my way of doing things is not the only way by a long, long ways. I tell writers to find their own way.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    All July Workshops Started

    July Regular Workshops… This might be out best list for a month of workshops we have ever done with the addition of the Magic Bakery workshop and Information Flow. I am very, very pleased these workshops have come this far. And are still moving forward. You can find the workshops under Online Workshops to the right of this post. Sign up for July on Teachable.com. For credits or workshops beyond July, write me. Each regular workshop is 6 weeks long. Again, it will take you about three hours per week on your own pace to do each of these if you do the assignments. All workshops have now started, but still…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Copyright Scam

    On Facebook and Other Places… You know how really stupid writers are about copyright when some company can offer a way to make money off of the writers by sounding stupid and using terms wrong. The scam I have seen numbers of times now is that a company will offer to “Copyright Your Work” for you for a measly $99.00 plus fees. Not kidding. (I bet those of you who understand copyright just shook your heads.) And I got a hunch the scam artists on this one have a lot of takers. All writers too stupid to realize that the moment they wrote their story in some form, it was…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Lifetime Subscribers Offer

    Something Special For Lifetime Workshop Subscribers… After some discussion at WMG Publishing, we have decided to occasionally offer something special to the Online Workshop Lifetime Subscribers. Not all of the lifetime subscribers will be able to take us up on the offer, but we want to make the offer anyhow. So we want to offer a $750 Publishing Master Business Class to anyone who is a lifetime subscriber between now and September 1st. That’s right, $750 tuition on us. I have sent letters to all lifetime workshop subscribers giving them the details. If you become a lifetime workshop subscriber before then, the offer will stand for you as well. The…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Blog Number 2,166

    Every Day for Almost Six Years… I haven’t missed a day yet. Now ain’t that silly? On August 1st it will be six years if I don’t miss between now and then. That will be 2,190 days of never missing a blog. Some blogs had value, some were worthless like this one. Imagine if I had that same streak going writing a short story per day? Now that would be interesting. And some stories would have some value and others not-so-much. It’s been an interesting six years, that’s for sure. I am making note of this because today I started really tracking weight, walking distance, and running distance, as well…

  • Challenge,  News

    Store Has New Sign And Fun Stuff

    It’s Friday, So Some Fun Stuff… First off, one of my books from my Seeders Universe is in a nifty bundle that you can buy just about everywhere. But for a ton more information on this bundle called Sci-Fi-July Redux, go to… https://bundlerabbit.com/b/sci-fi-july-redux And I have one of my all-time favorite stories in a nifty short story bundle called The UFO Bundle. Kris has a great story in this one as well. But I love my little story because it just is flat out weird. Just look at the cover blurb. (grin) Get information at https://bundlerabbit.com/b/ufos Our South Pop Culture store has a new sign just put up today. You should…