Remember My Last Challenge?
Writing At Pulp Speed Five… Doing 10 novels in 100 days. Plus a book blogging about it. That challenge? Remember? Well, it started on September 9th and got off to a very rocky start, to say the least. (That is such a huge understatement it makes me giggle.) So what happened? Simple, actually. I ended up trying to do far, far too many things at once. — I switched my sleeping schedule five hours, from writing late and going to bed late to getting up early and writing during the day. That switch has worked, but weeks and weeks of time to get used to. — I increased my exercise,…
Exercise Continuing
Down 20 Pounds in Ten Weeks… Exactly as planned, which almost never happens with weight loss of any kind. Ran/walked another 5k this morning in another fun-run event, this time for a Children’s Hospital. Started at 8 am on the other side of the valley from here. (Meant getting up about the time I used to go to bed when living on the coast. Course was hilly, so my time ended up about the same as the last two. I need to drop more weight before the time will really improve. But I did walk 43 miles in steps last week. Average about 12,300 steps a day. Best week so…
November Workshops Up On Teachable
All Twelve Are There… And if you have a credit from the recent Kickstarter, just write me to get into the November workshops. Or you can use the credits at any time into the future. Sign up at Teachable.com And there are lifetime subscriptions available on Teachable as well if you decide to get serious and really try to take as many as possible. Class #49… Nov 6th … Depth #3: Research Class #50… Nov 6th … Author Voice Class #51… Nov 6th … Dialog Class #52… Nov 6th … Writing into the Dark Class #53… Nov 6th … Writing Fiction Sales Copy Class #54… Nov 6th … Writing and Selling Short Stories Class #55……
A Fun Interview
I Got Interviewed about Writing a Novel in Ten Days… That book is part of a great writing bundle at the moment, so Jamie Ferguson (who has a book in the bundle as well) interviewed me and it came out pretty nifty. Thanks, Jamie. She even put the covers of all twelve of my Thunder Mountain novels in there. I honestly, until that point, had never seen them all together or even realized there were twelve of them. I just write them, I don’t count them. (grin) But they look pretty darned cool. You can find the interview at: Posted by Blackbird Publishing on Thursday, October 11, 2018 Or if you are…
Intellectual Property
This is Called IP for Short… Patent, Copyright, Trademark, and Trade Secrets. All are forms of IP. Writers deal mostly in copyright. That is what we license, but few writers know anything about what they license. And this post will not be a long, dull screed on copyright, I promise. In fact, it will be fairly short. I want to deal with value of copyright is all. A simple topic, right? Nope. “Patents, trademarks and copyrights generally have associated costs and are usually capitalized as assets on the balance sheet.” Oh, oh… So how do you figure the value of that asset when a copyright will last the life of…
Last Call On October Workshops
I Will Be Switching Them Out… And if you have a credit from the recent Kickstarter, just write me and I’ll get you into an October workshop if you want. Or you can use the credits at any time into the future. This month might be one of the best months of workshop choices we have ever offered. Sign up at Teachable.com And there are lifetime subscriptions available on Teachable as well if you decide to get serious and really try to take as many as possible. Class #37… Oct 2nd … How to Study Writing Class #38… Oct 2nd … Endings Class #39… Oct 2nd … Point of View Class #40……
Getting To Some Writing
Yes, Still In the Challenge… But way behind because life has just jammed up over the last few weeks with far, far too many things that must be done. And exercise is one of those things. But I have not given up on my challenge just yet. Yesterday I got back into the book and tonight I’m going to give it writing time. So a short post because for tonight writing comes ahead of this blog. Go figure. So instead of something worthwhile, you get a picture of me standing in front of a sign before a 5k charity run a few days ago. And no, that is not my…
B&N In Trouble
The Sky Is Falling… Finally…And Again… Ever since the beginning of the ebook revolution, and then the collapse of the poorly run Borders, Chicken Little has been running around saying the sky is falling when it comes to Barnes&Noble. It wasn’t. For years B&N was fine, but clearly having issues and going the wrong way and not responding well at all to disruptive forces in publishing. (Huge understatement there.) But it was a sound business until one day this last year, it wasn’t. The bad management, too many losses, no direction, and too many CEOs finally caught up with it. Now some reports have B&N living on a $750 million…
New Writing Bundle
NanoWriMo Writing Bundle… Every year Kevin J. Anderson puts together a fantastic bundle of writing books through Storybundle.com. And this year, in my opinion, he outdid any other year. I have read or looked at most of the books in this group, and I know a lot of the authors, and folks, this bundle is a real deal. Craig Martelle from the 20to50 conferences has a book in here. Joanna Pen, Kevin McLaughline, Blaze Ward, Jamie j. Ferguson, Simon Haynes, and Andrea Pearson to name just a few. Plus Kris has a great book and Kevin and Rebecca teamed up to write one as well. And, of course, I got…
Sad News About David Willoughby
We Lost Another Great One in the Book Field… David Willoughby lost his battle with cancer. Now I did not know David that well at all. But I loved to see him coming toward me at a convention or a signing table. He was always cheerful and sometimes knew more about my books than I did. Actually most of the time. And this went on for decades. When he kept digging those books out of one of his bags for me to sign, it was always a joy. And he always felt bad that he had so many. I laughed at that and usually said it was because I wrote…