Two New Guests at the Master Business Class
Two Wonderful People Are Going To Help Us Out… DEIDRE J. MANNA-BRATTEN Deidre J. Manna-Bratten is an enthusiastic brand licensing professional, helping brand owners and licensees understand how to navigate through the challenges and benefits of consumer product licensing. Before joining the Global Licensing Group as their International Project Manager, Deidre worked in the fashion industry for 8 years as a Sales and Marketing Executive. During this time, she had her first taste of licensing as a licensee of Warner Bros (Gossip Girl), creating an inspired-by full range apparel collection with Romeo & Juliet Couture. Deidre has worked with reputable entertainment companies, such as Mattel and Saban Brands, to create compelling products…
Ask Kris Anything Live Webinar
Next One Is Sunday… A quick update: You can still sign up for the six-month series of Ask Kris Anything. That’s right, one hour a month, you and a few others can ask New York Times bestselling writer Kristine Kathryn Rusch any question you want on a live webinar. Sunday, 11 am West Coast US time. This one coming is on Sunday, August 18th. Sign up on Teachable. Six Months of Ask Kris Anything. This will be vanishing soon for more sign-ups.
Last Call for August Workshops
They Will Vanish Monday Evening… September workshops will replace them. And yes, there is a new Pop-Up and the Pop-Up on Flash Fiction has one week left on the deadline to write a piece of flash fiction for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Best way to get those is in the bundles because we have a couple more really good ones planned over the next two weeks or so. But remember, to turn in a story, the deadlines come quickly. For #12 the story deadline is August 18 and for #13 (also a chance for Pulphouse) is August 25th. And now, for one more day only, the August Regular workshops… August Workshops…
New Pop-Up
Pop-Up #13… As You Write… How to do World Building, Create Characters, and Outline As You Write. All kinds of fun stuff in this one, plus the story prompt is writing another story for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine if you want. Remember, these things go away quickly. The Flash Fiction will go away in one week, or at least the deadline for the story will. This one is already in the bundle for the 11-20 and the bundle for 11-15 Pop-Ups. And you can still get the bundles for the first ten if you want. All are in there. Best way by far to buy these Pop-Ups. I’m kind of liking…
Trademark for Fiction Writers… Chapter Two
CHAPTER TWO… (Please read the introduction and first chapter to this book before reading this. You can find that at… Introduction and First Chapter.) If, after the introduction and first chapter, you are starting to question why you would ever need to do a trademark for anything in your fiction, let me simply say…”Good.” As I learned more and more about trademark, I started to understand that this area of the law is very similar to all the myths pushed by traditional book publishers. In other words, most of it is just flat wrong for fiction writers. But there are places and times it is right, and understanding that is…
August Workshops About to Go Away
In The Process of Getting September Workshops Ready… And as soon as I do, the August workshops will vanish. More than likely this weekend. So if interested in an August workshop, don’t delay. Yup, time is flashing past that quickly. August Workshops Including New Attitude in Fiction Workshop… Class #11… Aug 6th … Endings Class #12… Aug 6th … Attitude Class #13… Aug 6th … Time Travel Class #14… Aug 6th … Speed Class #15… Aug 6th … Teams in Fiction Class #16… Aug 7th … Depth in Writing Class #17… Aug 7th … Writing Westerns Class #18… Aug 7th … Character Development Class #19… Aug 7th… Information Flow Class #20… Aug 7th … Emotion Sign up…
Trademark for Fiction Writers… Chapter One
CHAPTER ONE… (Please read the introduction to this book before reading this. You can find that at… Introduction.) The hardest part of writing a book on Trademark for Fiction Writers is where to start. I finally figured out that I do need to start with the fact that I am not an attorney, and nothing in this book is legal advice. I’m just trying to help other fiction writers understand this concept of Trademark in Intellectual Property. To do anything in this area, consult a real IP attorney. But my hope is after this book, the attorney won’t have to waste a lot of your money explaining basics to you.…
Myth Lectures
The Sixth Lecture Is Up… It’s the first one in the Roadblocks bundle. The other four later this week in that bundle. So here, once again, is all the information about the myth lectures… Fiction Writing Myths Lecture Series… The first six lectures on the myths of fiction writing are now available on Teachable.com. There will be twenty lectures total, twenty different myths in four different lecture bundles. This first bundle of five lectures we are calling Creation. There will be three other bundles of five lectures each, totally twenty different lectures of nine or so videos each lecture. (They will appear as I get them recorded.) In other words,…
August Workshops Have Started
Almost No One Signed Up… Clearly the Time of Great Forgetting is still in full force. And since I have done a ton of things today, including working on a couple issues of Pulphouse, some cover stuff for Smith’s Monthly and short stories, and assignments and such, I’m going to be lazy and just put up the listing for the August workshops again. August Workshops Starting Up! Including New Attitude in Fiction Workshop… Class #11… Aug 6th … Endings Class #12… Aug 6th … Attitude Class #13… Aug 6th … Time Travel Class #14… Aug 6th … Speed Class #15… Aug 6th … Teams in Fiction Class #16… Aug 7th … Depth in Writing Class…
It Is August…
Time to Return From The Land of Great Forgetting… There are numbers of ways to return. For example, a couple writers from the same city just jumped onto the Great Challenge to write a short story per week and push each other. That’s a cool idea. Not only do you get finished stories, but with two writers pushing each other, you have even more chance of making it through and ending up with a large number of finished short stories and lifetime subscriptions. And yes, lots of room in both novel and short story challenges. About half of those in the novel challenge have dropped away and a third of…