• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Quick Updates

    Collaboration Class Still Open… Still have spots left if anyone wants to first learn all the ins and outs of collaboration, plus write a story with me for a special issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Find that on Teachable. I will close it when 15 are signed up. And 24 hours or so left on the Kickstarter. The only place you can get the How to Write a Cat Story Workshop. Plus discounts on other workshops and some great reading. Year of the Cat Kickstarter. Also, March workshops are now available on Teachable, including the new Licensing 101 Workshop and last month’s new workshop How to Write Romance Fiction. Plus…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Just Hit Third Stretch Goal!!

    Working On the Fourth… So all supporters now, for sure, get a lecture of their choice for supporting our Year of the Cat Kickstarter. That’s worth $50.00. And you can help us get to the next stretch goal in the next 65 hours and get not only more books, but a choice of Classic Workshop worth $150. And remember, I just moved about eight workshops to classic status a few months ago. So below is the update I just posted to the Kickstarter. I hope you will help us hit that next stretch goal. Thanks!! And the nifty video Gwyneth did about finding Ruby, the cat character in the third…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Three Days Left

    On Year of the Cat Kickstarter… And we are gaining on the third stretch goal, which will have a free lecture included, and I think there is time we could hit the next stretch goal as well with a free Classic Workshop. But we need help. Pass the word, grab a discounted workshop, don’t forget the Kickstarter only How to Write a Cat Story Workshop, or the nifty study of all 100 stories over a year class. You can get books, subscriptions to magazines, lectures, all kinds of discounted stuff and help us get this crazy and really fun project off the ground. We have already hit two stretch goals…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    March Workshops Available

    They Are Now Up and Live… Including the new workshop, Licensing 101. It has also been loaded into the Lifetime Workshop Subscription and also into the Licensing Transition workshop. That’s right, inside the $500 year-long workshop you get a $300 workshop as well. Cool, huh? You can sign up for them on Teachable. Class #21… Mar 3rd … Writing RomanceClass #22… March 3rd… LICENSING 101Class #24… March 3rd … Writing into the DarkClass #25… March 3rd … Writing Sales CopyClass #26… March 4th … Depth in WritingClass #27… March 4th … Writing Short StoriesClass #29… March 4th… Writing with EmotionClass #30… March 4th… Advanced Depth Also, see yesterday’s post for…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Collaboration Special Class

    You Want To Collaborate With Me?… I get questions all the times about what is needed to collaborate with another writer on a story. And how to do it. There are as many ways to collaborate on a story as there are writers, but the methods tend to break down into four major ways and working methods.  And I have used all four of the major methods in the almost 100 collaborations I have done over the decades. And so has Kris, and for the first time, we’re going to detail out those methods in this four week special workshop. And in this workshop we will give the first fifteen writers to sign up (and…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Last Week of Mentorship…

    After That I Will Not Offer It Again… I figured last fall I could take two more writers to work with, and that still stands. But I am going to cut off that offer after the Year of the Cat Kickstarter is finished. (Update: Only one left.) I am basically a cheerleader, a person to run ideas by, a person who will help you stay on track with your goals as the years go by. And I won’t go away after one year. You can sign up through the Kickstarter, or if you want to just go direct with either Paypal or credit card to WMG Publishing, just contact me.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Year of the Cat Covers

    Wow, Are These Cool!!! I wanted to show you these twelve covers. And we are headed toward the second stretch goal with just over a week left on the Year of the Cat Kickstarter campaign. (Thank you, everyone!!) Now, please help pass the word so we can get up to those stretch goals with lectures and workshops involved. And get these twelve anthologies, one per month. And also, on Teachable, every month, I will be doing a Year of the Cat Class for a full year, talking about each story in each anthology and why that story worked and the writing techniques the writer used to make it work. A…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  publishing

    Licensing 101 Workshop

    Coming Next Day Or So… Going to add a new six-week workshop to the list for March. It is called Licensing 101, basically what the name states, a six-week run-through of the basic thinking of licensing your IP. Those of you in the Licensing Transition Class will get this free with the Licensing Transition Class. So no worries there. It will add over 40 videos to the learning there. And, of course, those of you who have a Lifetime Workshop Subscription will get the workshop as well. And it will be available to sign up for normal workshop rate of $300. But if you are thinking of doing that, sign…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Anthology Workshop

    Decision Time for 2021… A week from Friday the 2020 Anthology workshop will be starting here in Las Vegas. The writers have been writing since the last week of November and now all of us are reading like crazy. The writers wrote for seven paying anthologies and one brand new major magazine. Plus I am always looking to buy for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine during this anthology workshop. But this workshop loses WMG money and we have been talking about cancelling the Anthology workshop for next year (2021), first to save the money and second to allow Fiction River to get caught up. Actually, this year there is only one Fiction…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Workshop Updates and Running

    Saturday Night Quick Updates… — New video on the Publishing Challenge and new video on the Novel Challenge are both up. Story prompt for the Great Challenge for short stories will be Sunday evening late, as normal. You can sign up for the challenges, even though you don’t intend to start just yet, or aren’t sure when you are starting. Starting any of the challenges is your choice as to when. — Last few days to sign up for the February regular workshops. March workshops will take their place in a day or so. — Licensing Transition Class has five February videos up, more soon. — Decade Ahead Class has…