Crowdfunding Your Fiction
Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers… If you are a writer and have even given one thought to doing a Kickstarter campaign, you need this book. This book will become the bible for fiction Kickstarters. Done by Loren L. Coleman, who has done small campaigns and million dollar campaigns, he puts all the details together. This book will not only tell you how to run a successful campaign and make a bunch of money, but also will keep you from making some really silly blunders. He is launching this book as a Kickstarter. Duh. You can get the book for $2.00 electronic. No reason to not have it. Plus he…
Trying To Decide About #50
A Very Fun Problem… Now that I have relaunched Smith’s Monthly and have three issues out so far, I am starting to face a problem that when I started this crazy magazine seemed very far off. What am I going to do with Issue #50? Something special or nothing at all? That’s right, with the June 2021 issue, I will have published 50 issues of Smith’s Monthly. All with my own work completely in it. A magazine between 50,000 and 70,000 words per month. It will have held 50 novels, over 220 short stories, and a ton of other nonfiction stuff. As I said, a very fun problem. Part of…
The Fey Returns Kickstarter
Doing Great!! In fact, we are gaining on the 6th stretch reward. The Fey Novella Kickstarter. When we hit that, it will mean that readers get seven extra books counting the new Fey Novella, and five brand new Pop-Up classes for writers, each worth $150.00. In fact, next week Kris and I will start recording all those new Pop-Ups. And we are hoping to have to record more than five. And we are hoping to reach stretch rewards we haven’t put up yet. And if we go high enough, Kris has promised to write a second brand new Fey novella and give it to everyone. So please keep passing the…
More Reading To Buy
All Done Now… Finished just as I lost an hour, vanished into some silly idea called “Annoying Savings Time.” I’ve been reading about time travel to different timelines now for a week, so that was kind of creepy. (grin) I wanted ten stories per volume in the Cave Creek Anthologies of Past, Present, and Future. Ended up (since this is getting turned in tomorrow) with nine, nine, and eight stories per volume. That works great, actually. I was thinking I could write a few stories to fill the gaps, but now no time. Into the publishing chain they all go. Deadlines. But there will be more Cave Creek volumes in…
Reading To Buy…
Editing… A Very Different Mindset… Right now I am reading Cave Creek stories for three different anthologies. I am most of the way through all the stories and will be turning the anthologies in on Monday to WMG with my introductions. A lot of work and it has been a lot of reading as well. But honestly, I have loved it, because Cave Creek is a shared world I came up with and all these great writers are writing in that world. That, by itself, is a strange feeling. Cave Creek has some pretty set rules and I need different stories to be in the book inside these set rules.…
Ramping Back Up Exercise
Got So Crazy Busy, I Let It Slide… Also had some blood blisters that I kept making worse (wrong shoes, fixed that problem). So finally today I got back up to 4 miles, and will keep that and ramp up a little more to 5 miles plus a day starting Monday. Then in a few weeks after that ramp up to six miles a day minimum. (Starting a streak.) Also starting Monday cutting back to 1,200 to 1,500 calories, with a lot of protein to start dropping a few of the winter and injury pounds. Like a lot of us, I have gained a few pounds since the marathon in…
Right Now Only in The Fey Kickstarter Campaign… That’s right, The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign has already reached its fourth stretch goal, and three of those goals have a brand new Pop-Up writing class in it that every backer will get. So here are the three new Pop-Up classes that I will be posting as I get them recorded over the next few weeks. And if you are a backer of the campaign, you will get a code to get them for free. You can also buy them on Teachable for $150 at any point after I record and post them. Kris and I built these. Actually more…
The Return of The Fey
Kickstarter Campaign…. Off to a great start on its first day, far more than any of us expected, which is great fun. In the first five hours we not only funded (39 minutes) but we blew through the first three stretch goals and are approaching the fourth. Wow, just wow. Check it out at The Return of the Fey. The first four stretch rewards not only gets everyone great books to read, but when we hit the fourth, that will give writers three brand new Pop-Up Classes Kris and I worked out around epic fantasy. That will be a $450 value. And, of course, everyone at every award level gets…
The Fey Kickstarter Campaign
Is Live!! Folks, after almost twenty years, Kris is returning to The Fey and she needs your help. Watch her in the video and she explains it perfectly. She needs a deadline. Just with the idea of doing this campaign, she has spent a number of hours each day going back over the big seven books of The Fey, starting to put the entire world back in her head after twenty years. No small task, let me tell you. In the campaign there are some really cool things. Kris has already started a blog series that will go to her Patreon backers that will talk about all the ups and…
Another Short One Because I Will Be Back At Noon…
… To Announce the new Fey Kickstarter. That’s right. At noon Tuesday West Coast Time, we will launch a Kickstarter Campaign that basically announces Kris’s return to writing The Fey after 20 years. That’s right, it has been twenty years since the Fey ended with the Black King and Black Queen saga. Seven books total. Now Kris is ready to move forward with new stories and books in the Fey Universe. And as the biggest fan of The Fey, I can’t begin to tell you how happy this makes me. So watch for information here at noon tomorrow for the campaign to launch at noon. The Return of the Fey.…