NEW ONLINE WORKSHOP: How to Edit Your Own Work
New Online Workshop Starting in May… Kris and I get the most questions, all good questions, about the process of editing your own work. And honestly, there is no easy or completely right answer for everyone. But there are hundreds of ways, one of which will be right for you. Between writing into the dark and following Heinlein’s Rules, how do you make sure your work is what you want, clean enough for readers to not notice any problems? How can you edit without the deadly rewriting that kills voice and all originality? Those are just a couple of the questions we get in one form or another, including how to…
Story Eleven and Workshop Stuff Again
DAY ELEVEN… Pretty much did workshops all day including a couple of covers. I had to redo one cover, the “Blind Date” cover because the title vanished. Below is the new cover. I worked on the Strengths workshop and also Kris and I finalized a workshop we have talked about for a while but didn’t want to do. However, we get so many questions about the topic, we figured it was time. The full description of the new online workshop is above. It will be a good one. A ton of tricks, things long-term professionals do, and helpful hints. I got the writing around 2 a.m. and with two short…
Story Ten and a Bunch of Workshop Stuff
DAY TEN… Pretty much did workshops all day except I also had the wonderful pleasure of helping a friend get back into his house after being in the hospital for a month. Sort of made my day, actually, that he is home. But otherwise, it was workshops, most assignments since March is finishing up and April is getting started. Plus answered more questions about The Great Bundle workshop which has people intrigued, to say the least. (grin) Also, for those thinking of either trying to come to the Master Business Class or the Anthology Workshop, both Coast workshops, both are almost full. I did manage a few minutes to get…
Questions About The Great Bundle Workshop
…Got some great questions on The Great Bundle workshop next May. So figured I would share the answers here. — First off, there will be NO CRITIQUING in this workshop. None. Nothing like the Anthology workshop were professional editors go over your stories. In fact, only the curator for the bundle you turn the story in for will be reading it. — Can a story be rejected? No. But it can be moved to another bundle. We will have a pool of stories that are not committed as the week goes on. Basically, if a curator has too many stories or gets a story that flat doesn’t fit, they will…
Two More Stories in Two Days
Yesterday Was All The Great Bundle Workshop and May Online Workshops. But I still managed to finish a story yesterday and another tonight. Seven stories in seven days. Go figure. A good number of people jumped into The Great Bundle workshop in just the first day after we announced it. Wow, is that going to be a fun week. On Sunday or Monday and into next week I will have more chapters of the Magic Bakery book as well as write more short stories. I am getting a ton of novel ideas out of this month of short fiction. Started a number of things that were instantly novels over the last…
THE GREAT BUNDLE Workshop. Brand New Coast Workshop
THE GREAT BUNDLE workshop May 5th – May 12th, 2018 Announcing a new and innovative and fun writing workshop on the Oregon Coast. The Great Bundle workshop. So what is The Great Bundle? — A major writing workshop — A series of short story bundles curated by writers. — A promotion web site — A branding of a series of books. First off to the Workshop Structure –Limit of 50 writers. (Same size as the anthology and master class workshops) — Writers attending who want to be curators turn in bundle ideas ahead of time. — For the six weeks ahead of time, five bundle ideas will be sent out per…
Third Story Finished and April Workshops Starting
ANOTHER GOOD DAY… Got the short story challenge going strong. Finished a third short story tonight and finished up another chapter on the Magic Bakery book. A good solid day and a lot of fun. ———- The Day… Got up to WMG by 2 p.m. and worked on covers for a couple of my collections and a bunch of workshop stuff. Also took a long walk to get steps. Then home to cook dinner and do the assignments for the workshops. Then off to watch The Voice. Back here around 2 a.m. and I wrote the chapter of the Magic Bakery. Then around 3 a.m., I went for half-titles to get…
Second Story Finished
OFF TO A DECENT START… Got the short story challenge going strong. Finished a second short story tonight. Also today went to the writer’s lunch and worked a bunch on workshop stuff. A good solid day and a lot of fun. ———- The Day… Got up to WMG by 2 p.m. for the writer’s lunch. Then around 4 Kris and I went for a walk. I only managed four miles today, which is fine as I ramp this back up. I got back to my office around 5:30 and worked there until almost eight on workshop stuff. Store and then home to cook dinner. Did some e-mail and more workshop…
A Workshop Night
April Online Workshops… Everyone who is signed up should have gotten a letter from me tonight. If you are signed up and didn’t get the letter, write me. The April Online Workshops start on Tuesday and Wednesday and still lots of room to jump into any of them. It’s a good list this month. Any questions, feel free to write me. Information on each workshop under the Online Workshops tab at the top. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page. Class #31… Apr 4th … Writing Thrillers Class #32… Apr 4th … Point of View Class #33… Apr 4th…
Strengths Craft Two Workshop Now Available
If you have signed up for all six workshops and did not get the code from me for Craft Two tonight, write me please. Here is all the information on where the Strengths Workshops now stand. Ever wished major writers would help you go in the right direction? These strength workshops do just that in craft, business, and sales. DETAILS OF THE WORKSHOPS Regular Sales This regular publishing and writing sales course tests your basic understanding of what makes a book sell. Covers, blurbs, wide distribution, expectations, plus much more. This will not only test you, but help you understand what you need to start learning to succeed in the future.…