December Workshops Have Started
Almost Forgot… Things have been so crazy this month (for everyone I bet), I almost forgot to post here that all the December regular workshops have started. Yes, it is December!!! I am moving the Licensing 101 to Classic in the next month or two, but past that, nothing new yet. (The new workshop is the special workshop that you had to sign up for through the last Kickstarter.) List of December workshops below. However, I am in the process of posting the January workshops and then will update all the schedules in the next few days into March. Got some slots for some new workshops that will be announced…
How To Write a Holiday Crime Story Workshop…
All Letters to Those Signed Up Are Out… Thanks to all of you for the support of the WMG 2020 Holiday Spectacular. Really appreciated. In the letter are the instructions on how you can sign into either the December 1st workshop or the January 5th workshop. Your choice. If you can’t find the letter I sent you, look in the address you used for Kickstarter first. Then look in your spam filter. Then once you have exhausted all possible locations where my letter might be, then write me and I will make sure you are on the list from Josh first, and second, if you are I will send you…
Two New Classes… Two New Storybundles
All Kinds of Fun Stuff… I have three books in nifty StoryBundles right now. The first one is the Space Opera Storybundle and my collection, A Billion Earths is exclusive to the bundle, so you can get it along with some other really nifty books by great writers. The second book is an anthology I edited called A Twist of a Knife (best mysteries from Pulphouse Magazine.) It is in the Twist of a Knife Storybundle along with some other wonderful mystery books. I also curated this bundle and I also have my Cold Poker Gang novel Bad Beat in there. Three books in two Storybundles. How much fun is…
Last Day for Half Price Holiday Sale…
Ends Tonight (Tuesday)… Just use the code HolidaySale to get anything half price. Basically you hit “purchase” and then on the next page put the code in where it asks for it to get the workshop or class at half price. Here is all the information again as to why we are doing this. So folks, stay safe. Stay in and write and learn. That really is critical with this stupid pandemic. Now is not the time to get tired of it and get sloppy and end up sick or dead. Or kill someone around you. Nope, stay safe and careful. The end is in sight coming this next year…
Moving Forward Again…
The Election in the States is Over… So finally, after four long and lost days of far too much junk food and watching television, this election is finally over and we all can get started forward again. So a couple of the classes that we pretty much stopped this summer will be firing back up shortly. Let me list them here, while it is still possible to jump into them at half price for a few more days. The Decade Ahead… All four quarters… When Covid hit, we tried to do a duel course on this for a short time, one writing with Covid and one after Covid, but as…
Stay Safe!!
Covid is Spiking Everywhere… So I really hope that all of you reading this are not taking an chances, staying safe, wearing masks, watching distance and all that. Right now Covid is worse than it has been, and I see no sign of easing up. So focus on the writing, focus on the learning of publishing and writing. Tough to get Covid when sitting alone at your computer writing. We are trying to help once again to keep you learning and in and safe with the half-price sale on the workshops that will be doing until Tuesday night. If you have any questions on anything, write me. Here is the…
Too Many Bags of Chips…
And Too Much Stress… So other than hit my streak of doing a blog a day and reminding you all to look back over the last few posts for information about the half-price sale of all workshops and subscriptions, I am going to finish typing this and go back to the couch to watch even more. If you sent me an email today, I will answer it tomorrow (Wednesday). So don’t panic. So off I go for more stress. And remember, the sale will only last for a short time and if you have any questions about anything, just write me. Stay safe out there, everyone. Back to all regularly…
November Workshops Started
Including the Two Special Ones… And I am still reading the stories from the October special workshops, so give me a few more days on that. A lot of them are very good. So with the sale it is possible to sign up for November and December workshops. I started all the November workshops tonight because I am taking tomorrow off to watch the election. So the last two blogs have a lot of information about the half-price sale of workshops. And if you have any questions, write me. And if you live in the States and have not voted, go do so now. There are no excuses this time…
Workshop Things To Note…
Especially with the Half-Price Sale Going On… — There is a page that I did two months ago with the curriculum of workshops and lectures and pop-ups with suggested order and sorting to try to make sense of all the workshops we offer. I have not included the last two months of stuff yet, but will. You can find the link on the right side of this page in the sidebar. Workshop Curriculum link… — The special three-week workshops that are given with Kickstarter campaigns are not offered anywhere. They can only be gotten through the original Kickstarter. And right now we have a special workshop offered in our Holiday…
We are Still in Covid. I honestly last spring never would have predicted this. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale in May, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some. Sort of. But by July it was clear that most of us were still locked up, wearing masks, and doing our best to move forward in some way or another. So WMG Publishing decided to do another sale the first week of July, thinking that would…