In-Person Craft Workshops 2025
TWO GREAT NEW IN-PERSON CRAFT CLASSES… Both taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. With the Anthology Workshop in just under two weeks, and the fact that we announced the next Anthology Workshop in August of 2026, we got a bunch of questions about the next in-person craft workshops taught by Kris. So Kris and I felt it was time to announce those as well so people can make travel plans and such. We already have one scheduled in January for Space Opera, taught by Kris and held at the Resorts World here in Las Vegas. That has one spot remaining. (Write me for details.) Now, for the last number of years,…
Workshop Sale Ends Friday Late…
REALLY, IT’S GOING TO END!! And afraid it will be a very long time until the next one. New classes available now. — Kris has decided to do one more writing challenge. We are calling it the Fall Writing Challenge and it will go from August 15th (day after the current one ends) until September 30th. — All five of the August Regular Workshop classes are now up and available as well. They are available in the sale until Friday late. Wow, it sure seems this sale has been going on forever, with first me taking my time creating the new bundles and then I got so busy with the…
Three Days Left in Workshop Sale!
YES, GOING TO FINALLY END THIS SALE… It seems it has been going on forever, with first me taking my time creating the new bundles and then I got so busy with the Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter, (Thank you everyone!!) I forgot to shut off the sale. This Great Bundle Sale Now Extends to Any Class on Teachable. Any class. For three more days. Ends late Thursday night. (And this time I won’t forget to shut it off. (grin)) AGAIN THE SALE IS FOR ANYTHING ON TEACHABLE. To get any class or bundle at half price, simply go to WMG Teachable, find the class or bundles you want, and hit…
Anthology Workshop Starts Two Weeks From Today All the writing is done for the six anthologies, both for the writers attending and the writers doing the Prepare Ahead classes. (Actually those attending got the Prepare Ahead classes for free.) Editors and those attending are now reading. The six anthologies that will be put together at the anthology class will be brand new volumes of Fiction River, our wonderful anthology series that we had to shut down because of the pandemic. They will be released through Kickstarter promotions over the next two years as we rebrand and relaunch Fiction River, all of the previous volumes, all fifty or sixty of them.…
Great Forgotten Workshop Sale
GREAT BUNDLE SALE STILL ON… I got so busy with the Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter, (Thank you everyone!!) I forgot to shut off the Great Bundle sale. I said the day before the Kickstarter that the Great Bundle Sale Extended to Any Class on Teachable instead of only bundles. Not just bundles, but any class. But it was supposed to be for only one dy… Well, seems like that day stretched into ten days. (grin) I got distracted for some reason. And a few writers noticed and took advantage of it still going on. The great forgotten workshop sale… sigh… So to be fair, we are going to extend the…
My Blog Streak!!
Started a Year After My Friend Died… In August of 2011, my best friend, Bill Trojan died of a massive heart attack on the last day of the World Science Fiction Convention. I was in charge of his estate and I spent 9 months getting that under control. (A full book of stories in those statements.) Then I tried to get back to writing. I had been blogging at times on my web site and also before that on the Star Trek writer web site. But I needed a focus and I was also doing a little teaching and was about ready to start up Smith’s Monthly Magazine. So on…
One Day Left in Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter!!!
That’s Right! Ending Thursday Evening at 7PM The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great. We have hit enough stretch rewards now that all backers will get ALL FIVE crazy Pulphouse anthologies , two issues of Fiction River, a six issue subscription, and also a chance to submit a story to Pulphouse in August, September, October, November, and December . (I will send out guidelines for the stories at the start of each month to backers through the updates.) Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month…
Just 3 Days Left…
That’s Right! Counting Down the Final Days!! The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great. We have hit enough stretch rewards now that all backers will get three crazy Pulphouse anthologies , two issues of Fiction River, a six issue subscription, and also a chance to submit a story in August, September, and October to Pulphouse. Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month per backer. And we are there. So please help us pass the word. More really cool stuff to get and more months to…
To Hit the Special Stretch Goal.. The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 Kickstarter campaign is going great. By hitting the third and fourth stretch rewards, all backers will get two crazy Pulphouse anthologies and also a chance to submit a story in both August and October to Pulphouse. Understand, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is never open to submissions. But sometimes, in these subscription drives, if we get high enough, we open submissions of one per month per backer. And we are there. So we have added in a Special Stretch reward. We are trying to hit 120 backers by late Sunday night… And we are only 3 backers away as…
Great Bundle Sale Extended to Any Class on Teachable… Not just bundles, but any class. BUT ONLY FOR TODAY… Ends Monday night late West Coast Time. To get any class or bundle at half price, simply go to WMG Teachable, find the class or bundles you want, and hit purchase. Then put in the code… GREATBUNDLE And hit apply and you will have it for 50% off. Extended for one day only to everything on Teachable, including the Lifetime subscriptions, including the Lifetime Everything Subscription. Ends Monday night late West Coast Time…