At the Run
Talked with Donny Osmond for a Short Moment… About 22 or more years ago, he and I started to write a novel together. It was set up by Tekno Books and was to be a thriller. I spent a couple days on it, writing about 15,000 words and an outline, I don’t think Donny spent more than thirty minutes on it, twice talking with me on the phone. I remember vaguely that he liked it and that it would be fun. New York killed it. 22 or 23 years ago. So I barely remembered details of it and he didn’t remember it at all, which I didn’t expect him to.…
Some Things Made Clear
I Hope… On Licensing Art… When Kris and I first came out of the Licensing Expo, it was clear to us that art was a critical component of any license. So we assumed that it would be the best for writers to start buying more rights for the art because the royalty free sites licenses did not allow for use of the art in many ways. In theory, that is correct, and in the Licensing Transition Class on Teachable, later this winter, we will be talking about art licenses, what to do, what not to do, that sort of thing, including looking at contracts for art licenses. But for now,…
We Made It!! Goal Hit!
WMG Holiday Spectacular Is A Go!! We hit our goal for the WMG Holiday Spectacular project. So now, all the backers of the project will get a story a day from November 28th to January 1st. 35 top stories from top professional short fiction writers. A gift that lasts an entire holiday season, every day. For 35 days. How much fun is that!! As Kris said, she spent years trying to figure out a way to make this work, and it has been a project that has been on the burner for over a year now at WMG Publishing. To see it make the goal in just six days, with…
Shared Worlds Update
The Nine Month Class is Officially a Go!!! We have enough writers signed up that I am now excited about doing the class even more than I was. Still room for more to sign-up, but we have enough now to really have fun. So take a look at the class, listen to my video a few posts back, and jump in. And I have been doing a bunch of research about Cave Creek over the last few days, just to double and triple check that I won’t be stepping on toes by inventing a brand new town and history in a made-up valley. There is a Cave Creek, Arizona, a…
Getting Close On Holiday Spectacular
Almost to Our Funding Goal… And we have a lot of backers so far, which is wonderful. In fact, of all of the campaigns we have done, except for the Diving Universe campaign, this has the most backers at this point. That makes us all happy, because we hope to keep doing this every year, make it a tradition going forward. We ended up this first year, as we are learning, putting the Pulphouse campaign and this new one too close together. We won’t do that again. On the Pulphouse campaign, almost everyone now, or by the next day, will have gotten emails with rewards and stretch goals. If you…
Shared Worlds
SHARED WORLDS: What Are They, How to Do Them, and Why… This is a one-of-a-kind class. Not a workshop, not a lecture, not a study along. For years now, Kris and I have tried to figure out how to teach shared worlds as a topic to writers to get the most benefit for writers. Both of us have written in so many shared worlds, we couldn’t begin to count. From the major shared worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars, to the more subtle shared worlds of say the WMG Holiday Spectacular that we are running through Kickstarter right now. And everything in between. There are thousands of reasons indie writers…
One Mentor Spot Left for 2020
Doing 2019 Still… I had five people take me up on me helping them by being a mentor in 2019. I am basically a cheerleader, someone they have to check in with each week, talk about the ups and downs. I answer questions when asked, give opinions on covers, read stories, and so on. In essence, I am there. And I am not really going away from those that I have been helping just because a year of time ended. A couple of the people started late, and one has pretty much vanished due to health issues. I hope that person will return later. So I figured I could handle…
WMG Winter Holiday Spectacular… We just launched it on Kickstarter. Every day from November 28th to January 1st you will get an original holiday story in your inbox. Automatically. Stories by some of the top writers in short fiction. And all edited by Hugo Award winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Here is Kris talking about it. (Might have to click twice.) vYou want to see something new and innovative for indie publishing, take a look at this. You want to see something really innovative that is only possible with indie publishing, take a look at this. And yes, we know it is close behind the Pulphouse Subscription Drive, but…
Sales Numbers
Some Interesting Comments… A number of posts back I talked about the difference between indie writers and traditional publishing writers. Not one person thought my sales numbers of over forty thousand for the traditional published author were too high. No one even questioned them. (They were far too high for 2019.) But wow did I get a lot of people objecting to around 50 copies a month average sales for indie. I understand that. I was doing a comparison on two books between the two types of publishing. And I used the word average, but so many writers don’t understand that term when it comes to sales. So let me…
October Workshops Starting
Plus the How to Write a Pulphouse Story October… If you signed up for that workshop through the Kickstarter and want to take it in October, write me at once. If you have workshop credit from the Kickstarter, you can use it against these October workshops if you want. We will have everything out later in the week as surveys get back in. The Regular October workshops are starting and for a few of these, this will be the last time they are regular workshops with homework. They are headed to classic status. However, if you are a lifetime subscriber, you can still send in the assignments on those. But…