• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Smiths Monthly

    Putting Together Issue #50…

    … Of Smith’s Monthly Just did part of the introduction tonight and will have all the story introductions done tomorrow and the entire project turned into WMG for copyediting. I will get it back toward the end of the month for me to lay-out in InDesign. Then it will come out in electronic and paper in the middle of June. I did 44 issues without missing a month, then when Kris got sick and we had to do the sudden move down here to Vegas, I put the magazine on hiatus. Then, after a couple “I want to start…” and the world saying “Nope,” I finally started it again in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Talked to Southwest Writers Tonight

    Zoom Call With a Bunch of Writers… Fun group of between 50 and 70 at any given time and enjoyable to talk with. I talked about Writing into the Dark, similar to what I did on the big speech a few years back at the 20to50 Conference. Fun because it breaks down so many myths for writers.  Forgot to mention that there is a book and a class by the same name. I really suck at self promotion. (grin) But it was a fun hour-plus. I got a great email comment and question this afternoon about Smith’s Monthly. Since I have started it back up, the question was if I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Get A Pop-Up Class Very Cheaply…

    Dealing with Toxic People Pop-Up Class Valued at $150. You can get it and 9 writing and business books by top professional writers for exactly $15.00 Not kidding. Go to Storybundle.com/writing Kris has a book in the bundle about dealing with Hollywood and I have the Writing a Novel in Half a Month book I did as blogs here. And Loren Coleman’s book on Crowdfunding for Writers is worth far more than the total $15. Some amazing topics for writers. Don’t miss it. And seriously, 9 great writing and business books for $15 and toss in a $150 writing class as well. That’s a deal I am surprised anyone is…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Live Chat Was Fun

    Six Professional Writers with Great Advice… You can still watch it at these two locations: Here’s the YouTube Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdv5oYTzyvc Here’s the Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/310151126146218/posts/1080343399126983/ Worth listening to and watching. For $15 you can get the nine books and one Pop-Up on dealing with Toxic People (worth $150) here. www.storybundle.com/writing Don’t miss this one, folks. Some great books by some great authors. Now back to moving our offices around. Ahh, fun, but almost done.

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Doing a Live Chat

    Friday Morning at 2 PM Eastern Time… Eleven AM West Coast Time. (Yes, I am getting up early for it.) This chat will be with four or five other authors in the incredible Write Stuff Storybundle 2021. Kris put this together and it is amazing. This has nine books and a Pop-Up Class that you can get for $15.00 or so. Stunning stuff and great authors. So it will be fun to watch for thirty minutes or so, or watch it later if you can’t watch it live. Links are: Here’s the YouTube Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdv5oYTzyvc Here’s the Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/310151126146218/posts/1080343399126983/ Come listen to some of the authors talk about what…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing,  running

    Made Ten Days on the Exercise Streak

    5 Miles Per Day Minimum… And with starting any streak, the world said, “Not so fast.” First six days went as planned. I got to the gym each day and did a decent pace.  Then on the next day I ended up not going to the gym for various reasons and ended up later in the evening walking around our building. Thankfully, it has not gotten hot yet, but that will change in the next numbers of weeks and late-night walking outside won’t be an option. Last three nights I ended up cutting it so close, I was walking in the hallway outside our condo at 15 minutes until midnight…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Challenge Updates

    Publishing 70 Books Challenge On Target… Just under six months into the publish 70 books challenge in my 70th year and doing great so far. I have 27 books actually published and 10 more turned in for publication. And I hope by Monday to turn in three more. A new novel, a new issue of Smith’s Monthly, and a new issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. So before the halfway point I will have 40 books published or turned in and in line for publication. And if I just keep up with Smith’s Monthly through the middle of November, I will have 12 more turned in and published (six issues and…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Write Stuff Story Bundle

    Holy Smokes is This A Great Bundle!!! 9 writing books and a $150 Pop-up, all for $15.00. Kris did a stunning job rounding up these books. Storybundle.com/writing Every time I look at this bundle, I think “Wow, I want this one.” (Luckily, I get a copy. (grin)) So here is Kris’s blog about the bundle once more. Remember, these bundles are limited time offers. After that you could still get them all but instead of $15 it would cost around $200 total. Just saying. The 2021 Write Stuff Bundle  Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch When it comes to the publishing business, most writers believe that the only way to make…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    It Just Went Live…. The following is Kris’s blog that is on Storybundle.com. I read earlier about each book and got done and went “Wow, I want this!” So check out each book in the bundle and for $15 plus a little donation to a great charity, you will want it as well. Here is the blog that Kris wrote for this, copied her in whole cloth. The 2021 Write Stuff Bundle  Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch When it comes to the publishing business, most writers believe that the only way to make money is to do what the big publishers do. Writers put their books in bookstores and pay…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    Ends on Tuesday Evening… If you want any workshop or class or lecture or subscription on WMG Publishing Teachable at half price, simply put in the code IN-BETWEEN I am going to repeat a blog I did here last week about all the new workshops now available. Plus all the others are still there as well as the lifetime subscriptions. So here is the post about all the new workshops at the moment. There Are A Lot of New Workshops… So figured I would detail out some of them since we just announced the new Half-Price Sale. (See previous post, but the code is IN-BETWEEN.) First off, the regular May…