A Look Back
To Another Challenge I Finished… 70@70 Challenge. I wanted to publish 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. Basically from the middle of November, 2020 to the middle of November, 2021. And with the fantastic help of the crew at WMG Publishing Inc, I somehow managed it. Yeah, I know… I am that crazy. I considered a major book as any novel or novella or something I edited like a magazine or collection, or any major novel or book that had to be redone from scratch. It had to have my name big on the front cover. It had to be my book, in other words. I…
Blogging and Bill…
August 21st, 2011… My close friend, Bill Trojan, book dealer, died suddenly on the last day of the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno. I spent most of the next year working on his estate, which was why I ended up losing the vision in one eye. But I made a promise to Bill to honor what he had spent his life doing, and that was collecting. (Bill was a hoarder, but it is commonly known that you are not a hoarder when you collect books, comics, stamps, coins, art, and very high-priced pulp magazines, even when there is nothing more than a path in your three-bedroom home and in…
Visions of the Future StoryBundle
Great Books and Reading in This Bundle! I curated a new Storybundle called VISIONS OF THE FUTURE. Some really, really fantastic science fiction from a lot of writers. Since I sort of buried this the first time under talking about a ton of steps I did, here is my initial blog about the Storybundle. I am very excited about this one. Great writers, great stories. VISIONS OF THE FUTURE BLOG… I knew, without a doubt, I was going to really enjoy putting Visions of the Future together as a StoryBundle. I just love science fiction of all types, and any form of looking into the future, seeing visions of the future, is…
Half-Price Sale
Going On Now… All things on WMG Publishing Teachable are half price. Just over one week. Code to get a class or workshop or anything else on WMG Teachable at half price is: SummerHoliday Just hit the one you want, then put in the code and hit apply and the price will be half. I know this is the time of great forgetting, but a workshop or class just might help you get a little more done during this time. Also, you can get workshops, classic workshops, pop-ups, and lectures for the future. You can get three of each at a discounted price and then get half off that discounted…
Licensing Expo First Notes
Better Than I Had Expected… The size of the Expo was down from 2019, which was no surprise. Takes the larger companies months to plan an exhibit, and months before this, such as last fall and January, we were still in uncertainty as to events coming off the pandemic. But yet a lot of them still made it, in one form or another, a lot of mid-range and smaller companies as well. So 250 booths this year, where in 2019 there were around 400. But still amazing. WMG Publishing had me, Kris, and Allyson at the show. We did not have a booth and now never will. We figured out…
Two New Workshops and Sale!
A Summer Holiday Sale… I am putting up the July workshops, as well as a few others, and June workshops start on the 7th, so we figured we would give everyone a chance to get a workshop they want for the summer at half price. So the half-price sale will go from today, May 29th until Thursday June 9th. The code to get anything on WMG Teachable at half price is: SummerHoliday Two new regular workshops will be starting in July (They will be added to the Lifetime Workshops in a day or so when they are launched.) The two new workshops are MEDIA KIT WORKSHOP… A six week workshop…
Tomorrow It Starts…
Licensing Expo… Although about ten of us got to the WMG Suite tonight and sat around and talked, which was fun. Last post that Kris put up on my blog because Allyson and I couldn’t get to it from the suite was the room number. Suite in the East Tower, 21st floor. But you can’t get to it without a key letting you up the elevator and only four keys. So every thirty minutes, starting at 8 pm, someone will be at the bottom of the elevator to take you up. Vaccinated required. I will report tomorrow on the Expo. THREE DAYS LEFT ON THE KICKSTARTER!!! You don’t want to…
Too Much In One Day…
I Managed A Ton of Stuff Today… But unless I get going now, going to miss the night’s story. Worked on Smith’s Monthly layout and recorded a bunch of the lectures from Kris’s class this coming week for the Study Along class online, Exercised some while Kris was using my computer to record videos for the Study Along class online. Cooked dinner, and then worked on the books for the challenge and more on Smith’s Monthly. I finally came up with a name for the entire series of books that will hold all the stories. Challenge Accepted Each book will have 33 stories in it, plus an introduction. If I…
May Workshops Starting Up!
Four Collection Classes and Nine Regular Workshops… All starting Tuesday and Wednesday. The four collection classes are: — Space Opera Collection Class (new) — Portals Collection Class — Private Eyes Collection Class — Holiday Collection Class These all run 9 weeks long, you write five stories along the way, do your own cover and sales copy and publish the story in the 9th week. Great fun. Cost is $500 for the nine weeks and if you hit all nine assignments, you get a Pop-Up worth $150 of your choice. Sign up on WMG Teachable. REGULAR WORKSHOPS STARTING Class #41… May 3rd … Covers 101 Class #42… May 3rd … Making…
A Pithy Comment
A Good One This Week… I find a pithy comment of the week every week to add into the videos in the Motivational Monday class. This Monday is the 5th week of the second quarter. If you sign up for the entire year, you get all the ones from the first three months in the first quarter, plus the five so far this quarter. Plus all the rest coming in this year. But this week I wanted to share the quote from Ingrid Bergman out wider, which I thought applied to writing and publishing spot on the money. And from a direction most writers don’t come from. Basically, what I…