Joanna Penn Blog
Joanna Penn Blog About the Master Business Class Joanna Penn was here at the coast last week along with forty or so other professional writers. It was wonderful meeting her for the first time. So if you want to know a few things Joanna took away from the Master Business Class last week (and see a picture of her and Kris and me), she did a great blog about a few of the things. Worth the read for writing thinking. http://www.thecreativepenn.com/2016/10/28/coast-masterclass-2016/ ——– You can support this ongoing blog at Patreon on a monthly basis. Not per post. Just click on the Patreon image. Thanks for your support.
Store Pictures
The New WMG Publishing Store Pop Culture Collectables #2 Professional writer J. Steven York stopped by the new store and took some photos. He has all of them on his Facebook page, but he generously gave me permission to show some of them here. He’s such a great photographer I couldn’t pass up the chance. Thanks, Steve! To start off with, the store is three very large rooms, over three thousand square feet. A large part of it is books, and yes, a large section is just WMG books. So impossible to capture everything in every nook and cranny. But here is a general tour. The first picture is looking back…
Cat Picture That Has Nothing to Do With Anything
Two of our three cats sitting in windows enjoying the fresh coastal air. Galley is the old orange guy, Sir Duke is the new kitten. This is for you, Kris. (grin)
29 Great Years
Twenty-nine years ago today, Algis Budrys instructed me to give another writer a lift from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Taos for a week-long workshop. That writer was Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Here is a picture of what we looked like in 1986. We have been together ever since. Here is what we look like hundreds of novels, hundreds and hundreds of short stories, and 29 years later. Happy Day, Kris. It’s been great fun, to say the least.
Full Year of Smith’s Monthly
I thought this looked kind of cool. Who knew I could actually get all of the first year out and on time? (#12 shipping later this month.) And I’m still going strong. Fun! It’s in grayscale because it’s an ad in Smith’s Monthly interior.
What About Those Numbers?
What About Those Numbers? Over at Author Earnings, Hugh Howey and Data Guy released the July sampling and talked about it. Worth the read, folks. http://authorearnings.com/july-2014-author-earnings-report/ The rest of this post is an expanded response to a question on my daily blog about what I thought about those numbers. It’s hard to argue with numbers like that, even though they are taken from only one bookstore. Yanking a sampling like that only once is an interesting thing, but having the numbers remain consistent over three samples spread six months apart is stunning and is giving the data more credibility. The idea that traditional publishing is the “only way” to publishing…
My Best Selling Books (That I Can Claim)
Or at least I think these are my bestselling books. I have just over 16 million of my books in print (that I can count) under all my names, but these five, I think, were the top five sellers that I can claim. A couple of them I can’t and don’t count exact numbers. I’m doing this because, to be honest, I got a couple of comments from people wondering how I could give such advice like I knew what I was talking about. One guy thought I was an accountant just working with writers. Not kidding. I say in my short bio (that needs reworking) that I have sold…
The New World of Publishing: Having Fun… Again
(Note: I wrote this in July 2013 and am posting it here again up front (without a word changed) because, to be honest, I’m getting a lot of certain types of questions from writers. This works as an answer to those questions. So here it is again. You might want to read it again, even if you remember it from July.) Having Fun Yeah, I know. A weird topic for a blog: Having Fun. Over the last week or so I had the fantastic pleasure of being in a large room for a week with thirty-five very-well-published professional writers, all excited about writing and publishing and having fun. That’s right. In…
Ghost Novel: The Day After
I just finished close to a 70,000 words on a novel I was hired to do by a New York publisher. Did it in ten days here and blogged about my days and how I did the words. The editor on the book reported that it arrived just fine. I can give ZERO hints about the content of the book, so please don’t ask. I only talked about the writing process and my day around the writing process. Someone local came up to me today and congratulated me on finishing the book and I said, “Congratulations on going to work today.” I do not think the person understood. (grin) Thanks…
Ghost Novel: Day 10
The last day. As I said in every post so far, I’m going to have one post per day here for the “ghost” novel writing process that I was hired by a New York publisher to do. I have been aiming for 10 days to finish this novel, which I said was the goal at the start. Looks like I’m going to hit it tonight. I can give ZERO hints about the content of the book, so please don’t ask. I am only talking about the writing process and my day around the writing process. I will add to this post at different times during the day right up until…