• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Last Day At Superstars..

    Headed For the Airport in 6 Hours… My normal sleep and work schedule is so, so screwed up…But it was worth it, with all the great people here to talk writing with. I miss that, so hoping to come back next year here. I will be at Writers of the Future in Hollywood in April and then 20Books in November. That and a lot of writing this year is my plan. Had a great lunch talking thrillers, then a great meeting, then really fun watching the closing ceremonies. Then dinner with Kevin and Rebecca and Mark Leslie and Allyson. Perfect way to end the great week. So baring unforeseens, home…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Another Great Day at Superstars

    Very Busy Day Breakfast at 7am mountain time. Did a two hour presentation of Writing into the Dark at 9 am. Lunch with Allyson and Robert Jeschonek, which was great fun. Then a Kickstarter panel, then a Writers of the Future panel. Both were fun and seemed to go well. Then special dinner with seven writers who had paid to sit with me at a nifty restaurant up on a hill outside of Colorado Springs. Great people and a lot of questions and fun. Then back to the bar at the hotel to sit and talk and I told a bunch of stories that I hoped did not offend or…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    First Day Superstars…

    Even Though I Have Been Teaching for Two Days… Yesterday was  what they call the craft day and today day one… I think the Licensing Your IP talk I did went all right. Said a lot of stuff the newer writers had not thought about. And learned a bunch about estate planning for writers from an attorney who was a specialist in it who did a talk and thenI was on a panel with him as well the next hour. Really fun. Only got about four hours last night of sleep, so two short naps between stuff today keep me going. Great breakfast with Allyson and Mark, great talk later…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    7:30 AM… Mountain Time

    Had Breakfast with Todd McCaffery… Realize that is 6:30 my time and I normally go to bed at 3 am or after, so it was brutal. Tomorrow breakfast at 7:30 am again, this time with Allyson, then I am on a estate planning panel and then in the afternoon I do an hour-plus talk on licensing your IP. That should be fun. I think I hurt a few writer’s heads today in my editing talk for the modern world. But I had fun. (Grin) This evening a mind-bending dinner with Joanna Penn, Mark Leslie, and Kevin J. Anderson. Really fun learning with really wonderful people. After a book signing, it…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    At Superstars

    Today Almost All Travel… And I managed it just fine with help from Kris and Allyson and Kevin Anderson and then Mark Lesley helping me not trip on anything on the way back from dinner once I arrived. Kris got me to the Vegas airport and I flew first class to Denver, which helped with getting on the plane at my own pace. Then when I got off the plane in Denver, Allyson on the phone helped me find my next gate and get me to it in plenty of time. Signs are still tough to read. In Colorado Springs Kevin J, Anderson and Rebecca Modesto picked me up and…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

    Another Fun Running Post…

    Got Some Fantastic Pictures The professional photographer with Calico Racing, the great folks that put on this last weekend’s 5K took these pictures. The first one is Kris zooming past me… Yes Kris can zoom. Notice the enjoyment she is getting out of leaving me in the dust. Second picture me running… Third picture is of Kris running. I think this might be one of the best pictures of Kris ever taken. Can’t tell we really love staying in shape, can you?  

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Another Note on Copyright Valuation

    Head-Shaking But True… I talk copyright on this blog in any way and the letters and comments just dry up like they were hit by a bad desert wind on a hot summer day. Fun to watch, and I know these posts are just skipped by most. Makes them uncomfortable. But on the last valuation posts, I got a couple of private comments that went something like this… “How can my copyright be worth anything if I only sell a couple copies a month?” Or… “I am a new writer, my work has no value.” Well, in some ways, past performance and sales do help set value at that moment…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    More Copyright Valuation

    Main Way of Valuing Fiction… If you haven’t read the previous posts on this topic, might want to go back and do so. Or read them again. And if you don’t understand copyright, much of this will just go past you I’m afraid. So I mentioned one way of valuing copyright. I called it the “Cost Method” because you just add up all the costs of producing the book and that is the value. That method flat doesn’t work past putting a value on covers and a few other design elements. But it is the easy one to understand for most. Now to be clear right here… I am not…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    One Day Left in the Fantasies Collide Kickstarter!!

    Don’t Miss This One… Amazing Stuff in this one. I’m going to repeat much of what I said last night because only 1 Day Left. And we hope you will help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra at this moment (besides the award they backed). All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Eight fantasy novels or anthologies in electronic format. ($40+ Value) Seven writing classes focused on fantasy writing and topics. ($1,050 Value) Very possible to get all backers even more fun reading and workshops. And Pop-Up Classes that are in the stretch…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    2 Days Left!!

    In the FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign… I’m going to repeat much of what I said last night because only 2 Days Left. And we hope you will help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra at this moment (besides the award they backed). All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Seven fantasy novels or anthologies in electronic format. ($35 Value) Six writing classes focused on fantasy writing and topics. ($900 Value) Very possible to get all backers even more fun reading and workshops. And only two days left to get the very special writing…