• Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Past Crimes

    A Fantastic Storybundle… One week ago today a Storybundle at Storybundle.com/crime launched called Past Crimes. Now, I love crime stories, have published many over the decades, and I have a top-selling series of twisted mystery series with my Cold Poker Gang stories and novels, one of which is in this bundle. And I have had the luck of being able to curate a number of Storybundles. And I personally think this is the best one I have ever done, and also the best one I have been lucky enough to have a book in. And I sure don’t say that lightly. Being in the company of mystery writers like Lawrence…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Still A Mentor Spot Open…

    Been Three Years Since I Opened This Up… Since a number of the writers I was helping in this program are not writing me as often, I decided last week to open this back up again for three spots. I really enjoy working closely with writers over the years, but I don’t push myself on them. I am just there to help, answer questions, and point in a certain direction. I want each writer to be the writer they want to be. And I am a pretty good cheerleader along the way. And this is to help fiction writers. I suck at helping nonfiction writers. So back last week I…

  • Challenge,  motivation

    An Amazing Attitude

    Athlete on American Ninja Warrior… Kris and I both watch the show, not only for the amazing athletic feats, but the incredible stories. One story this year was a 16 year-old girl named Katie Bone. Now Katie Bone is a nationally ranked rock climber, and she has had type one diabetes since she was eleven. She wears insulin pumps on the back of her arms. The night she ran the Ninja first stage course, up until her, no one, not even major pros, had made it through the 5th obstacle and I was telling Kris I thought it was too tough, no one would make it. And then along came…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    Blog 3,650 In A Row…

    Without a Miss!!! That’s right, I have had a blog up here of one type or another every day for ten straight years, as of today, August 1st. No computer crash (three or four), no power outage (dozens and dozens), no sickness (one night in a hospital), and no moves (3 major moves) caused me to miss a day in ten straight years. That is flat pure luck. And a lot of help from Kris who nightly asks me if I have my blog done. Thank you! During the ten years blogging, I wrote eight or nine non-fiction writing books here as a chapter per blog post, plus started three…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshop Sale’s Last Few Hours

    I’m Writing This Sunday Afternoon… Workshop half-price sale of everything on WMG Teachable is about over. It is supposed to end late tonight, but I had two people write me who said they were traveling and could I hold it open until they got back to their computers Monday morning early. I said yes, so I am telling everyone. So instead of ending tonight late it will go through noon Monday. To get the half price on anything, simply hit purchase on what you want, then on the next page put in the code: JulyRegularSale Then hit apply and you should have it half off. See yesterday’s post for the…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshop Sale Ends Tomorrow (Sunday)

    Half Price for Anything On WMG Teachable Let, just for the kick of it, see if I can list all the major categories of classes and workshops to learn fiction writing and the publishing business on WMG Publishing Teachable. Lifetime Subscriptions (4 available… All workshops, All Pop-Ups, All Lectures, and All Study-Along) Regular workshops (12 offered in August) Classic Workshops (38 different ones on all sorts of topics) Pop-Up Classes (79 Available now, five new being added this next week or so) Lectures (A lot of them) Study Along Classes (3 offered, more to be announced shortly for 2023) Master Business Class (Includes a lot of other classes, plus two…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Hidden Gems In the Workshop Sale

    So Many To Pick From… So with Kris’s help, I figured I would put a few up here that you can get for half price that are great, great deals. And hidden for the most part. SERIES INTERVIEWS… I interviewed Kris about ten of her series first stories or books. Trust me, more about writing, publishing, and writing series in these 40 videos than you can imagine. This is a stunning deal at full price, but at half price, it is amazing. BUY THREE… You can get 3 regular workshop credits, 3 pop-up credits, 3 classic workshop credits, or three lecture credits to use at any time into the future.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    THE PAST CRIMES BUNDLE (My Introduction)

    It Came Together This Way The past often brings out the best in crime. In fact, for a vast majority of crime fiction (mystery), the crime has already happened in the past and solving what happened, or who did it, or why the crime happened is the fun of it all. I personally love past crimes of another category: cold cases. When the question of who done it or why in the normal crime stories doesn’t get answered in any satisfying way, the crime becomes a cold case. And the passing of time makes it harder and harder to solve that dormant case. Cold cases are my personal favorite past…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    More Workshop Curriculum

    More Workshops and Classes Sorted into Areas of Interest The many, many workshops and classes we have are amazing, and to be honest, I sometimes lose track of them, since I am the only one at WMG who keeps track of these. I often just get so excited about doing a new class I don’t do upkeep on older ones. Just my desire to keep learning. So broke this down into areas that might make sense to help each writer find what they need to help them move forward. Remember, this week there is a half-price sale going on for all of this. The code is: JulyRegularSale Just hit purchase…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Workshop Curriculum 8/1/2022

    Updating in Parts… I have not updated the curriculum for all the workshops in a very long time. So I am going to do that here at the same time as I do it on the curriculum page. I figured that since there is a sale going on this week, this would be the time to do this. Remember (last two posts), the sale runs through Sunday late and to get anything on Teachable at half price, including lifetime subscriptions, just hit purchase of the class you want and then use the code: JulyRegularSale Starting off with craft courses in the regular and classic workshops. I will follow in the…