• Challenge,  Misc

    A Nothing Much Day…

    Watched Far, Far Too Much Television… Only got about three miles of exercise. I managed to do some email, had a great lunch talking Kickstarters, and worked on recording some workshops. But just too much television. And for some reason, doing nothing is more tiring than doing a ton of things. So no blog of interest or length tonight, but certainly was an interesting day, to say the least.

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Quick Note On Author Tag Lines…

    This Is 2023… As I have been saying in my series of posts about decisions young authors have to make, we are in a transition time between Traditional paperback distribution and Indie electronic distribution. And the two different ways of doing business. One of the major changes is the author tag line. You know, that line you put above your name on a cover that no one can read, but it needs to be there for cover design. For a decade, I have put above my name USA Today Bestselling Writer. Not one reader of my books knows what that really means, and that list is gone now. I am…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Oh, my…

    All I Can Say… I was sent a couple days ago a court case about one author taking the work of another author. This has been a public case and I am going to make no comments on the case itself or let any comments through about the case. I do not know the facts beyond what I have read in the suit. Of course, there is an agent in the middle of the entire mess. And also named in the action. No comment there other than I stand by my solid belief that all agents are crooks and steal writer’s money. So why am I writing this… why am…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    That Was a Surprise…

    Tina Turner: The Musical This is a touring broadway company, and I knew it was about Tina’s life, and I knew a lot of what had happened up until she left Ike, which was intermission. The second half of her life and her struggles I did not know about. But above all that, the entire thing was amazing. And the woman playing Tina could sing. Wow! So a fantastic and fun night tonight. If this broadway touring show comes to your town, go see it. Be ready for some rough moments and scenes. But worth it.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    June Workshops Starting Up!

    Regular Workshops Starting… Each regular workshop is 6 weeks long. Again, it will take you about three hours per week on your own pace to do each of these if you do the assignments. These are the starting dates of upcoming regular workshops on Teachable.com Note: Adding Tags to Your Fiction is a RESURRECTED CLASSIC WORKSHOPS. It will only be available as a regular workshop for this one month. Class #53… June 6th … Writing into the Dark Class #54… June 6th … Adding Tags to Your Fiction Class #55… June 6th … Teams in Fiction Class #56… June 7th … Depth in Writing Class #58… June 7th… Advanced Depth…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Ninja Warrior

    Women’s Championship… Katie Bone, at the age of 16, won the Ninja Warrior’s Women Championship in one of the most amazing displays of power and ability I have ever seen. And she is a type 1 diabetic. I have watched film of her winning rock climbing contests, and at one point I turned to Kris and said, “If Katie gets to stage four, she will win this thing. She goes up a wall better than Spider-Man could.” Stage four is a sixty-foot tower they have to climb twice to win. I was right. She is an amazing example to all of us to not let life issues and health get…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Kris Has a Birthday!

    I Got Her Two Cakes… Why? Well, because for a decade or more, the only cake Kris got was some ugly thing I baked. When we lived in Lincoln City, OR, the idea of dairy-free to the locals meant they didn’t put milk on it, but covered it in butter. So we moved to Las Vegas where there are more major bakeries that do Vegan than we could visit in a day. (We managed six or seven one afternoon in only one area of town.) So today (Sunday, June 4th) I am taking Kris with a group of friends out to her favorite (and safe) restaurant for a fun dinner…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pen Names…

    Some More On Pen Names… A friend wrote me and pointed out that I was a little harsh on not needing pen names in the indie world in a recent post. He reminded me that there are many reasons to use pen names, something I know and tell people all the time. Reasons to use pen names in indie… You write erotica and other stuff. Keep the erotica under a pen name. You are a doctor or some such thing in real life and don’t want the fact that you write fiction out to your clients. You work in law enforcement or law and write mystery or crime or thriller.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Zero-Sum Game

    Publishing is NOT a Zero-Sum Game A zero-sum game comes out of game theory and basically means that when one person wins, another must lose. Writing and publishing does not work that way. There is not a finite number of readers who can read one book a year or a finite number of readers who read fifty books a year and everything in between. And readers come into genres, read for a while, and then go away, or new readers every year are grown and others die. A niche explodes, a niche dies. Nature process of reader’s tastes. No one book in the history of the world has reached every…

  • Challenge,  On Writing


    Wow Can Writers Make Excuses to Not Write… Of course, those who have taken the Killing the Critical Voice workshop we offer every month know that if something you have made up in your head is keeping you from writing, that is critical voice winning. Critical Voice has one job, and that is to stop you from writing. Creative Voice is always positive. Critical Voice is always negative. So for some reason lately, I have been hearing some amazing excuses to not write. Now granted, we all have health and family issues that stop the writing. Those are not excuses. Those are reality and we come back to writing when…